What Nihilism Is And Isn't: Dispelling Misconceptions

This post:

It’s just you whining about human failings. It’s not nihilism. You don’t need to even have to be a nihilist to make that kind of post.

:-k And if it doesn’t concern you, then why do you keep flooding the site with threads about people’s beliefs? Seems like a waste of time for someone who does not care about it.

Resent their own nature? And what is human nature objectivist? Born followers? Last time I checked it is only nihilists that make a fuss over the human herd mentality.

Evil objectivists? No, certainly arrogant and ignorant objectivists to be sure that can’t wrap their head around that ancient Greek word hubris. Last time I checked it is the objectivists that whine, bitch, moan, and complain that the rest of the world can’t conform to their perfect ideal perception. Look at your forum for instance, talk about a daily dramatic soap opera.

Having plans, goals, and agendas is great but you objectivists aren’t happy until everybody conforms to them without having any of their own independently or separately. You objectivists revolve around a slave authoritarian command structure.

The KT forum is a sad lot after all in that they can’t accurately portray what nihilism actually is and anything they think is ‘evil’ like peasant philosophers commonly refer to it as nihilist.

Ad hominem and distraction galore, why should I bother with you again?

That’s contradicting your posted chart.
And quit telling fibs about KTS you attention-clown.

Difference between being and essence.

I’ll say what I want when I want to. You have no power here and I can smell your impotence a mile away. :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:


There are lots of things found in humans and it’s a broad category itself.
One thing which distinguishes them from other animals is the looking for meaning, even a need for it.

And what do we do if we can’t have something or can’t get it?
We tell ourselves and others that we didn’t want it in the first place.
Or how it’s silly, stupid, bad, to even want those things.
And so on, and so on.

Okay, then keep on telling fibs about KTS.

What a child…

So nihilists have ‘fictitious beliefs’ . Why complain about fictitious beliefs?


Phyllo hit the nail on the head…

If you’re a nihilist, then why post about nihilism …

Accurate reference, morality???

Those are extremely purpose laden!!

What a nihilist actually is, and this trick is as old as people, someone who wants no accountability …

The nihilist only concerns themselves with being and denies there being an overall objective essence.

The nihilist understands the mental constructs for what they really are but all other philosophies make these fictitious constructs as being ‘reality’. Huge difference.

Too broad? Well, try taking a crack at defining it. Yes, human beings have a desire for meaning and purpose but it revolves around creating one for ourselves. Unfortunately for objectivists they have yet to define what objective purpose or meaning for all is although this doesn’t stop them from foolishly trying to do so.

:laughing: You’re not even close to having a serious dialogue here.

Why write about nihilism? Because I can and enjoy doing so. I like watching the desperate failed ideologies or perceptions of others when I introduce nihilism everywhere so there’s certainly a pleasure component somewhere there.

No, I deny the existence of morality and ethics as deceptive fabrications.

Ah accountability, a favorite rhetorical inclination by authoritarians that can’t imagine or fathom people not being ruled by others.

Fibs? What is this elementary school? Who exactly is acting like a petulent child here again? Need I say more? :laughing:

No. Most people are fine with adopting ideals.
It’s actually a luxury for someone to be able and find his own meaning. Requires a lot of energy and spare time.

No shit.
It’s Biggster rhetoric all over again.
Fighting those objectivists.

A luxury? Too much time and energy? So, we reach full circle and come back to the herd mentality speaking of lofty pie in sky ideals where you’re apparently making up excuses for the majority. How does it feel being a part of the herd?

Speaking of pie, you got some on your face. hands you a handkerchief

You replaced the words ‘meaning’ and ‘purpose’ and put in the word ‘essence’. You also replaced the words ‘infinite’ and ‘all encompassing’ with the word ‘overall’.

Is that really explaining anything? I would say - no.

Is it really a huge difference?

As soon as you think, you form mental constructs and you only think about those constructs. How fictitious are those constructs?

Riddle me this : Is a cat real or is it a mental construct?