What Nihilism Is And Isn't: Dispelling Misconceptions

I wanted to create this thread in exploring philosophical nihilism articulating what it is and isn’t as there are a lot of popular misconceptions as to what it means. Many allude it as a dangerous philosophy that’s responsible for all the world’s ills and still yet others allude it as some kind of philosophical boogeyman describing it as ‘evil’.

Just take a look at the members of this internet forum here:


They allude that everything that is ‘evil’,’ wrong’, and terrible with this world is reduced to nihilism where their cure is one of a philosophical positivist dogmatic objectivism. At the same time they want to assert a kind of positivist moral value system to dispel this perceived existential threat of nihilism. Their philosophy almost seems messianic, doesn’t it?

Let’s take a look at some basic definitions of nihilism to start this thread in the exploration of what it is.



It is my hope as a philosophical nihilist myself to dispel myths and common misconceptions of nihilism in this thread ongoingly overtime.

I am a nihilist since I do not think that there is any objective meaning to life or the universe beyond the fact that they both exist [ obviously ] But an absence
of meaning does not automatically make nihilism negative. It actually makes it neutral because without meaning one cannot determine whether that meaning
would be positive or negative / good or bad. When the term meaning of life is invoked the assumption is that it can only be positive or good. This is fallacious because it could in theory be equally negative or bad. But humans rarely consider this because that is not how they want to interpret it. Although if there was
such a thing as an objective meaning to life or the universe it would transcend human interpretation since the latter could only be subjective and nothing else

I am a nihilist and more specifically an existential nihilist but I am also a positive nihilist. That is one who does not think there is any objective meaning to life
or the universe but has meaning to their own life [ mine is knowledge acquisition ] Now I have had it pointed out to me that because of this I cannot define my
self as a nihilist but I disagree for language is prescriptive not descriptive. Existential positive nihilism is the most accurate definition of my position regardless
of what the dictionary definition is. For that is how I choose to describe myself. They are the only types of nihilism I identify with. The rest do not apply to me
[ metaphysical / epistemological / compositional / moral / political ]

The Big Lebowski

I suspect, that we may be living in virtual reality land. There are too many weird coincidences for there not to be a designer.

Therefore, I am a virtualist.

In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was God. The word = programming language.

Why do foods that help us, inherently taste good?

If one actually believed in Nihilism, they would kill themselves as there
is no point in living because living and dying have the same meaning…none…
and no way to have meaning, so death is the only option for a true Nihilist.


Amid the lack of certainty, put faith in what is wiser to believe.

That would be a positive nihilist … believing that there is something positive about annihilating. :sunglasses:

The real nihilist merely vegetates and withers. :neutral_face:


Let us first define what is meaning.

Meaning is a connection to something else.

The meaning of Cheetos is the atom…cheetos are made of atoms.

Nihilists are born followers who resent their nature and so become whiners and complain about those evil objectivists.
And who is such an ‘objectivist’? Anybody who has a plan, who has goals. Doesn’t matter what kind of plan or what kind of goal.
They would love to follow, anybody really but they also need loads of attention and when they don’t get that, they whine.

Maybe not every nihilist but there is a pattern.

I don’t define what kind of nihilist I am specifically in that I’m the kind of nihilist where I am a hybrid of many things. I’m an existential nihilist and so much more. This so called distinction of positive nihilism versus negative nihilism to me is just another moral or quality valuation that I feel has no room within philosophical nihilism. I suppose in that regard I draw a significant difference from other nihilists.

An excellent example of nihilism in popular culture that in reality hasn’t the slightest clue or inkling in knowing what actual nihilism is. Classic popular culture example.

Ethos? :laughing:

People who believe allegedly in morality or ethics can’t even follow and practice their own fictitious scripted beliefs without falling into contradictive hypocrisies. They can’t even follow their own beliefs thoroughly or in high regard. They also are always falling very short of their own moral or ethical ideals. So no, people’s so called beliefs in morality or ethics doesn’t concern me.

Moral and ethical theorists can’t even illustrate what human nature is where they always fail doing so in total error.

Designer? Sorry dear, this world and universe is completely lacking an intervening god or prime mover.

Cliche and stereotypical, as a nihilist I have no intentions of killing myself and am quite intent on enjoying life to the fullest, so what does that tell you?

We individually and subjectively make our own preferential points to exist as we see fit.

If a nihilistic person decides to kill themselves that is their own prerogative only.

“Meaning”, in the sense of “purpose” or “the meaning of life” is the object of a question that humans ask. To say that there is no inherent meaning “to life”, for instance, is nothing radical. To say that meaning is impossible is not only radical, it’s nonsense.

So, count me in as a nihilist, but if you are only a nihilist and nothing else, someone is kidding someone. Nihilism is a flavor in a philosophical stew, but if it’s tyhe whole stew, you’re just not doing any real philosophy.

That’s your cue, Iambiguous.

I look forward to reading your description of “actual” nihilism.

Hopefully, there will be more than just the cutting and pasting of pictures and wikipedia pages.

Nihilists believe we can create meaning for ourselves but when it concerns an all encompassing objective purpose or meaning for everybody we flat out deny that such a thing can even exist.

It is assinine for a finite species like humanity to ever possibly conceive that it can ever know an infinite objective purpose to everything.

Hmm, and here I was thinking that I was doing just fine answering questions or comments on my own.

Nice attempt at distraction and making excuses followed by ad hominems however. You conveniently didn’t reply back to my post either.

And what is wiser?