Has anyone seen the film “What the #*%! do we know!?”
if you have not then i suggest you rush out and see it immediately

it was so very awful. contingent arguments blithely presented as irrefutible fact. The water that responds to emotional input is a total sham. Not only did the photographer give the water samples emotional messages, he also froze some into ice crystals, and took others from an obscenely polluted river. Don’t believe me? Check out what the movie’s official web site says about it.

“Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.”

Very different project than what the movie described, where he gave the different water samples different emotional messages and then photographed them through a ‘special lens’. (I guess they assumed we’d get bogged down if they used the word 'microscope.)

Granted, there were some legit ideas expressed, but they were nearly buried in an avalanche of unsound reasoning. What really steams me about this movie is how many people walked out of the theatre understandably thinking they had just been exposed to profound truths, rather than some truly nifty phenomena and a worldview that just might be compatible with said phenomena.

Please don’t take this as a condemnation of the worldview presented. I’d be tickled pink if it turned out that something akin to the filmmakers’ vision were the reality that I exist in. The problem is that an overreaching, imprecise presentation such as this ultimately serves to discredit your theory and in some cases the broader field in which it developed.

I’ve said enough to either make my point or alienate those I wish most to reach, so I shall say no more until I hear back from others.

Yours in frustration,

has anybody ever heard of the experiment where in some basement of some college, which some federal official guys watching, they brought a psychic to see if he could move some kind of particle.

it was encased in layers of lead and whatnot and it was supposed to just sit perfectly still. and then the psychic willed it to move and it did, more than any scientist thought it possibly could at random.

whats the deal with the credibilty of this experiment? if nobody has heard of it i guess it was a scam… how can there be so incredibly many scams?

speaking of which, i think if anybody is interested in paranormal, hard to believe stuff that ends up being believable (whether true or not who cares), theres a book called “The Field” which was enthralling, but it ended up making my friends think i was crazy. what they need is an instruction manual so i can close their throats for a second or something.

This experiment is not adaquately controlled. He should take distilled water, fill many ice cube trays, and expose half to anger and half to love. Observe the difference, perhaps with a blind test (have an observer unfamiliar with the experiement to record observations from the microscope). As it is you can draw no meaningful conclusions, because polluted water has impurities that affect crystalization.