Assuming humans are mortal we would suspect that the universe probably existed before humans existed, and will continue to exist for however long. If the universe itself didn’t exist at one time and might not exist in the future we could say that the universe is mortal itself.
‘Nothing’ is impossible, or, there always has to be something, even when human beings aren’t around and/or there is no universe.
That ‘something’ is the Truth.
If the universe is mortal then it is true that it will end. The Truth will then be that there is no universe. There does not need to be a universe for there to be Truth, or, the Truth is that the universe does not exist when and if it ends.
Truth has no opposite. It is all things considered. The Truth, with or without the universe and the human mortal perspective, is always the Truth. If it ever changed it would then be the Truth that it changed. Everything at all times is the Truth with or without perspective and change.
Human beings exist and make statements like “truth has no opposite,” or “truth is all things considered,” or “truth exists without the universe.” These statements do not concern the Truth. If the statements were contrary to themselves it wouldn’t affect the Truth. It would then be the Truth that something else was said.
We think and speak inside the Truth.
Correct and False/Incorrect are parts of the Truth. Something can be Incorrect and/or False and it would be the Truth that it was Incorrect and/or False.
Truth is timeless. The Truth is no different now then when I just said that.
Anything that can occur in a universe and after it will be True.
The degree of order or disorder percieved in a universe is only change and does not indicate any error. An error is a temporary irregularity and is percieved as an amount of disorder within a predictable event or series of events. When something is ‘wrong’ it doesn’t mean that it isn’t the Truth, it only means that the expected order, or regularity of the experience, did not occur.
Propositions are either Correct or Incorrect, but in either case true. Correct and Incorrect are was of familiarizing oneself to regularity. Truth is percieved as repetition and evidence of familiar experience.
1+1=3 is the Truth but irregular.
1+1=2 is no evidence of the Truth.
Both are the Truth.
Truth cannot be percieved or experienced. Truth exists with or without human presence, with or without an existing universe.
The propostions “truth can be percieved and experienced” and “truth does not exist without a universe and/or human presence” are true because they exist. All propositions are the Truth.
There is 'Truth.
Subjective Truth does not exist. Truth is not a subject. A subject is an experienced part of regularity occuring within the Truth as a perception and experience. Thoughts and propositions are realized during experience of regularity and repetition, and are therefore true to the degree that they exist, even if they are experieced as Incorrect.
Subjective experience exists but is not the Truth. It is the Truth that subjective experience exists and can be Incorrect. Experience does not originate Truth. Every experience is the Truth.
An individual perspective is not unique and is not isolated. Experience occurs through a passage of time where many things are percieved as Incorrect, though never can two distinct experiences, or two individuals, percieve the Truth that exists as the totality of all possible experiences, Correct and Incorrect. Truth is not unique or original and is not the property of an individual perspective.
A person can possess a part of the Truth, such as: “John has blue shoes,” or “Mary likes sitcoms,” or “Ed thinks this is right,” or “Jim can’t prove that this is wrong,” etc., etc.
Agreement and disagreement do not concern the Truth. It is the Truth that Carlos thinks Roberto is wrong and Roberto thinks Carlos is wrong. The Truth is not concerned with who is right or wrong.
All propositions are true in that they are made. A proposition cannot be false or 'not true." Correct and Incorrect are a matter of regularity and repetition.
Every subjective experience is a perception of regularity and is therefore true to the degree that the subject thinks it is Correct.
A subject can be both wrong and the Truth.
There is no false experience.
All opinions, beliefs, and convictions are equal forms of knowledge. Knowledge is the presence to the experience of repetition and the perspective of a regular part of the Truth as familiar. No subject can have an original experience as no part of the Truth exists for solely one perspective, and therefore there can be no argument. The experience of subjective perception, the 'thought,'is always the Truth even if it might be Incorrect.
Everyone is wrong and right since argument requires proposition and propositions do not concern the Truth. The conlict in communication which occurs between two subjects is not derived from a possession of the Truth but rather the conflicting experiences of regularity in the repetition of parts. Subjective argument is the comparison of personal knowledge between two perspectives.
All perspectives are true but cannot be conflicting as the conflict involves the opposition between two comparing experiences of regularity.
John thinks that 1+1=2 at T1.
Jim thinks that 1+1 does not equal 2 at T1.
John and Jim are both right because at T1 they are experiencing a regularity. Who is Incorrect is irrelevent as both experiences are regular.
If, at T2, Jim changes his mind, this does not make him Correct. It makes him familiar with a new experience of regularity as now he finds himself in agreement with John, who is neither Correct or Incorrect, but percieving an agreement with him.
‘Subjection’ is the experience of surety. To be sure is to be familiar with a course of regular repetitive events.
Events are neither Correct or Incorrect but True as they exist both with and without perception, with or without a universe. A subject within the universe cannot be right or wrong, but only familiar. All events happen and are all subjects. No subject is more true than another in that Truth is the totality of all events.
There is no subjective Truth.
The Truth is the subjection.