It does seem to be illogical to hold contradictory views. Still, if we’re only talking the fantasy of what you’d like to be true, I guess in some bizarro world you could have several be true.
Hi everyone.
Personally i cant find a single religion that fits with my vulcan style logic(ok not vulcan but close) i personally like Buddhism because it serves no god, but is the persuit of enlightenment. It’s more of a lifestyle than a relgion until you get up to the reincarnation part. I like Buddhism also on the basis that its not power seeking, like most god fearing religions it does not call for “re-education” of non believers, but it is a personal journey to happyness and nerovana(forgot how to spell that). Buddhism is also the closest thing i can see to truth, but that’s just my opinion. What i dont like is the detatchment part, we are part of this world, and to simple turn the “off” switch to suffering is ir-responsible in my eyes, because i belive we need to look out for each other, not just ourselves.
Buddhism lauds compassion as the highest virtue- indeed, we’re supposed to have compassion for all since everyone is dying. The attachment we’re supposed to avoid is the flame of wanting, and fearing, but we’re still supposed to love one another.
It would be great if we kept being reborn, as higher or lower beings depending upon how “well” we lived the previous life. I like the idea of continually improving my spirit over countless incarnations. I don’t believe it, but I’d like to.
in my world i can believe that any parts of a point of veiw are worthwhile without beleiving in an entire pov (religion) in my previous posts on this topic i will admit i was perhaps not being valid in a completely airtight manner (not even close!) but this is religion, not philosophy. we are talking about things that only have faith backing them not several inscrutable books by J.S. MILL or HUME behind them. you guys need to ease up on the logic when you discuss religion. there isnt much logic to be found.
km2-33 Jesus, the Prince of Peace said in Matt:10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I cam not to send peace, but a sword. The rest of this text is a major attempt at intimidation.
Actually, most if not all religions appear to be vengeful, violent and misogynistic.
km2-33 Jesus, the Prince of Peace said in Matt:10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I cam not to send peace, but a sword. The rest of this text is a major attempt at intimidation.
Actually, most if not all religions appear to be vengeful, violent and misogynistic.
That’s funny, I don’t read that passage as being intimidating. To me jesus is saying "I havent come so you can keep your current lifestyles but to tear sons from fathers, daughters from mothers… that is to separate those who will follow and those who will remain.
Making 180 degree changes and separating from your family is not “peaceful” and will create turmoil but “you can’t serve two masters”.
PS The sword is often a symbol of the “word” not necessarily a killing tool.
PS some translations replace the “sword” with “struggle for the soul”
I would like to believe in the Mother Goddess. I find her much more compassionate, supporting, nurturing and encouraging than other images of the divine.
Square C, I have a good friend who is Jewish who converted to Wicca:-) She is the most nonviolent person I have ever met. Personally, I am a reformed agnostic, now Deist because, believe it or not there appears to be similar patterns in our world, and in astronomy. I respect all those who value the earth, but I am a omnivore, mostly carnivore, and refust to give up my steaks
Come to think of it…Celtic Wicca would be pretty interesting if it were a total reality… afterall… before paganism and after shamanism, there was a great deal of goddess worship…
I think the point of all religions is to make human beings more humane. Following a religion for long, erecting temples, having the abode of God in some church, temple, mosque or gurudwara, rather than in your heart, is just one bloody nonsense after another. God speaks through the Prophets at a time when there is terror, corruptness, fear in the minds of the public and too much violence and violation of others’ right and feelings. So, listen to what the Prophet is saying, inculcate that in your daily routine of things and make your behaviour and actions more serene. But it doesn’t go like that. People start to build religions, holy-books and temples. The only temple you need to build is inside your heart, I think that’s all God asks for, anything else is just borshit. It’s just my opinion, you can disagree but don’t you dare criticise me.
And then there are people out there who await the second coming of Christ. Why might I ask? Are they still corrupt? Do they expect God to reward bad behaviour, that of crucifying Christ? Do they think God is stupid to have the second coming in Zion? Why? Has anything changed? If it has, then why would anyone expect a second coming? Doesn’t the expectation show that people are still the same? Then if there is corruptness, why would the second coming be in Zion, it won’t be, it would be anywhere else but not there. Anyways, it’s pointless to argue because the corrupt and greedy will always remain corrupt and greedy and not change their ways to make a better world. And these are the very people who await the second coming of Christ, otherwise, if they are good, why do they await it? Religious fanatics! And God is still good and persevering to keep sending messengers, to no avail. I’d say to God, withdraw all caring. This world doesn’t deserve anything. Least of all a God.
I admire all of the listed religions - to a large degree they all offer the same thing: peace to you and yours. I would rather there not be a god–if there is one I guess I would feel that I have been forsaken (forgotten).
[size=150]But if there is one, I guess I would prefer that anyONE religion would be true![/size]
My problem with religion is that, even if the religion does not want to, it causes divisions! There are over 500+ Christian denominations–many of which preach that theirs is the one and only true doctrine. Judaism has its sects, so does Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism. There are even several Islamic sects (this despite the Qur’an which is the only scripture still available in its original form).
Divisions are UNNECESSARY! Which rational group (that excludes racists groups) would prefer that Arabs did not exist, or that the Irish did not exist, or that Jews, or the Africans, or the Native Americans, and so on, and so on???
Although, I guess I will give you that the French… no just teasing…
Could you provide any details on your research? Also, do you remember the name of the author/book that traced nearly all religion to an early form of hinduism?
I have read some journals that delve into the subject of the “religion family tree.”