What's for breakfast?

Fruits, coffee, Roman history.

Buttered, five seed toast topped with cottage cheese.

Half of a large orange… will have the other half tomorrow morning, and a L Americano Costa coffee… which I Deliveroo’d in, to the residence I’m currently residing in, in Manchester.

‘They’ are right… Northerners are much more friendlier and open than us Southerners… I’m really enjoying, and soaking up, the naturally-electric atmosphere and friendly smiles from strangers. : )

Today, I omelleted my eggs, as opposed to my usual scrambled eggs/watercress ensemble… an omelette of julienned green capsicum and celery and chopped watercress, and a sweetened black coffee… and not forgetting my daily dose of vitamin D baby drops.

Missing Manchester already… going back at the end of the month to see a friend, the same friend I hung out with on Wednesday afternoon/the day I left, before boarding the 16:30 coach home. I’m taking him on an hour-long canal ferry ride… he hasn’t got a choice. :evilfun: lol

…a nutritious celery/courgette/watercress 3-egg omelette and a sweetened black coffee, for brunch earlier - powering-up for this evening’s workout.

Hazelnut coffee and an avocado covered in salt and garlic powder.


Eagerly-awakening to another day for breakfast, deux jours après mon anniversaire… eggs n coffee, and a flick-through n read of 3 complimentary magazines I picked up at the large Sainsbury’s at the top of the High Street.

Apparently… if you speak more than one language, it staves off dementia… I think exercising the brain with various mental feats, would also aid in that effort.

Good morning World… eggs n cwafee, as per…
with a lil sun salutations morning stretch thrown in… while the coffee brews.

Scrambled eggs and a black tea… up early today.

A boiled egg and a large mug of black tea, then my Organic veg/produce delivery box came and I made my first cup of ‘tea with milk’ in over a decade, with the carton of Organic milk that I had ordered.

First try wasn’t a charm… my tea came out too weak and milky, so I’mma gonna make another (smaller) cup of tea and let it brew for longer before I add the milk, as adding the milk decreases the brewing effect.

The second cuppa turned out decent, but not perfect… I noted that the tea took a little while to digest, so not too bad for someone who hasn’t had milk in over a decade.

Brunch earlier, was a tri-capsicum and low-fat cheddar-cheese 3-egg/2-yolk omelette, and a cup of sweetened coffee.

Dinner will be set to cook in the multi-cooker, shortly.

A (usual) healthy start to the morning… British eggs n Italian coffee, German crisp-bread n French cheeses, daily Vitamin D drops… and an orange for later.

Not fertilised eggs… a coffee, only… followed by an orange an hour later.

2 cups of morning coffee; and a courgette/celery/lettuce/garlic sauté, with some added Brie for texture and taste.

Now that would make an excellent side dish for a main meal… served with some roasted meat or other…

I wish it was more sleep. How will I survive this semester? Will I even survive this day? Tomorrow’s gonna hurt. I’ll adjust.

Semper Something Something Coffee

A 2-egg courgette omelette and black coffee avec le sucre…

…a workout before dinner, after a couple of months lay-off. :-k

Coffee , and mango banana shake .daily bread and butter
It’s raining here after near 100 Fahrenheit for a week so a non descript break fast is anticlimactic.

Kedgeree… but minus the rice and with salmon instead of smoked-haddock, and scrambled eggs instead of boiled… oh, and a coffee.

The cat breakfasted too of course, but with catty food… though he sometimes wants to share my chicken and red meat dinners.

A courgette n salmon sauté topped with 3 runny-yolked eggs, and the usual coffee.

…after a short hiatus, I’m back on the weights tomorrow.