What's for breakfast?

Yesterday I broke my New years fasting regime and had a cake and late at the local garden centre.
As I have been on OMAD with low carb high fat since 1st January the butter-cream coated and filled carrot cake was more than my body could take and I went foggy headed and sweaty, and had to have a sit down on the compost bags until I felt better!! Last night I slept late finding sleep was illusive. I had a mild hangover this morning as if I had had a few drinks.

Today having finish a Easter gift of Ferrero Roche chocs I cannot want to get back to intermittent fasting on Monday.

My body seems to dislike sugar. This is a very good thing to be encouraged.

If you continue to avoid fat in favour of more carbs in a few years you will wake up and ask why are are prediabetic.


I don’t avoid fat.

My eating regimen is a TMAD paleo/keto combo, with some non-refined carbs throughout the week. [by its very definition, paleo/keto means pure unadulterated produce… so very eggs/meat n two veg, sometimes followed with bio wine and French cheese or an orange]

I did indulge a craving for (healthy) chocolate and crisps, a few weeks back… it was very underwhelming and I ended up throwing the crisps in the food-recycling bin, and the craving… gone.

A courgette n 3-egg pan-fry, n obligatory coffee.

A red onion n Camembert 3-egg/2-yolk omelette, n obligatory coffee.
[the onion caused me mischief tho]

Today’s brunch… pan-fried salmon n courgette with braised lettuce, seasoned with red chilli n
garlic… and obligatory coffee, of course.

Getting up… to go make a coffee, gf crispbreads n Camembert and an orange, breakfast.

The cat… his usual.

Reheated omelette… from yesterday, ain’t half bad… for today’s brunch at a very-late 3. I’ve been mostly sleeping, since Wednesday. :-s

Brunch… with the cat, whilst watching early-afternoon Men’s Rugby Sevens at the 2022 Commonwealth Games. He had his usual, and I… mine.

Check-out these eggs I bought last week… what were the odds of that happening? not very high, I can tell ya…

Breakfast is overrated and is for whimps.
I’ve not had a breakfast since Xmas.

Today I had my first, and only meal at 16:00.

In as much as that meal broke my fast I had two burgers and some homemade coleslaw type salad.
I shall eat in another 23 hours

…then call me a whimp! :stuck_out_tongue:

A mild chicken curry, with celery and celeriac thrown in near the end, and finally a coriander garnish… might have an orange for supper later, if I get hungry.

[size=85]Disclaimer: the Crisp n Dry rapeseed oil -in the prior photo- does not belong to me. #poison[/size]

4 scrambled eggs [minus 1 yolk] and a sweetened coffee…

…stirred a drop of Camembert into the eggs, for that creamy/silky texture.


750mg of Ramipril
350mg Allopurinol
vitamins: C, B complex, D, K2
Minerals: magnesium, zinc.
Chondroitin ,and Glucosamine

I pint of Indian Black tea made with full cream milk…

Why do you drop one of the yolks?

I think 3 yolks max. sufficient enough… the remainder of my daily fat intake, coming from a hearty dinner.

If I taste too much fat in food, I can’t eat it, it makes me nauseous… my internal inbuilt-gauge of optimal maximum saturation of a food-stuff… had it from birth.

My discernings annoyed the f out of some of my family members, come dinnertime… I told them don’t watch me eat then.

I thought you didn’t have a breakfast… might help ‘up’ the ketosis-effects though.

I got back into taking Vitamin D Baby Drops [don’t ask :laughing: ] last week, as part of my breakfast routine… even though my levels were fine. I found that the excess stores of it had upped my energy levels, quite sufficiently.

A coffee, with the remaining half of the mallard duck from yesterday’s dinner… so more a brunch than a breakfast.


Pan-fried chicken hearts… served with two fried eggs, and the usual coffee.

Tasty and filling.

Pan-fried garlic-and-chilli-infused [so removed after cooking/before eating] beef mince, topped with 3 fried eggs… served with the usual lightly-sweetened black coffee.

I am currently eating VLT [very low toxin] VLA [very low anti-nutrient] foods and hydrating like mad, after having spent 3 days last week eating the most delicious canapés at CPC22, so-as to allow my metabolism and immune-system to recover/bounce back… with some additional help from some detox-teas and anti-inflammatory nettle-teas 8-[

…the roast aubergine, tandoori chicken, and smoked-salmon & caviar blinis, were the best and most popular favourites amongst All attendees there, and I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever in having eaten them. :smiley:

That ^^^ again… it’ll keep me going till dinner.

…the usual 3 eggs, but back to a long-time-no-had Large coffee [sugar, no milk].