What's for dinner?

The after…


Christmas Day dinner…

My presents… all two of them :slight_smile:

please don’t eat the cat

Countries around the world that ate/still eat cat meat.

Not had sweet-potato oven fries since the 12th, so considering having some
with chicken wings or another steak perhaps, of which the cat helps me eat some of…

I’ll definitely be making chocolate tomorrow though… hazelnut & orange moulded-shaped pieces. :stuck_out_tongue:

Steamed mussels dipped in horsey sauce and Kung Pao broccoli smothered in melted mozarella followed with chocolate topped mini eclairs

That sounds like something a pregnant woman would want for dinner, lol…
like ice-cream with pickles, or lumps of coal. :smiley:

It was quite the combo, delish!

i’m going to quit eating mammals for ethical reasons
I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy, but they’re definitely dirty.
But a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

Then by that logic, if a pig had a better personality, he’d cease to be a filthy animal?

I know what I’m, not eating for dinner.


Fucking nothing. I feel too depressed to eat.

I had a banana during lunch and a cup of tea later.
Now it is almost dark and I know I will go to see scary things online later. I will be alone.
Usually when I take time off, when I[m by myself for some days at a time, I feel happy. Something’s changed or changing, my stomach is churning.
I won’t call my boyfriend because he will make me even more depressed.
Maybe I will watch one of the videos from a veteran who is now a mind-body specialist. He doesn’t talk so scared.

yeah i mean we’d have to be talking about one charming motherfucking pig

like 10 times more charming than arnold from green acres?

Roasted chicken legs… taken from a whole Free-range chicken,
served with Organic carrot n courgette, and pan-residue gravy.

Eggplant Parmesan (covered in tons of mozzarella) and a chunk of almonds covered in dark chocolate.

The almonds and chocolate sound good… milk and cookies later?

Unfortunately, not likely since I’ve adopted a low carb lifestyle.

Oh I see… a good choice, I’d say. How are you finding it…?

That reminds me… I really should go make dinner… a quick chicken and vegetable stirfry.
with lots of emphasis on the chicken and the stirfry. : D

It’s very limiting especially when you love grain filled baked goods. Looking into spice alternatives to make the regular fare more interesting. Checking out Chef Paul Prudhomme’s Special Seasoning blends, love his seafood seasoning but I have yet to use it on seafood rather I enliven vegetables with it. He does offer a vegetable seasoning that I intend to try as well as others.