Now what…what….what is it about people and immigrants that flee, and run hundred and even thousands of miles for a better life. A better life? My father my mother, immigrants of mexico. They work and they work to put food on our plates. Do they know what their doing? Do they know or do they have to? Do they want or are they forced? Man they come to the u.s. with nothing and get crappy jobs and shit from people who don’t want them here but they keep on going. They want to give their sons and daughters a chance to have a dream and be happy. Damn it just live the “American dreamâ€. And its up to the future to me, to you, to the new humans being born every day to change the world for our future generations. To make a difference, to fucking get ride of those jobs that are parents where forced to do for our well being. )
So I went to class not knowing what to write about and this guy come in talking about how automatic tellers are bad for society. What!? How are they bad for society? Of course people will loose jobs, but people must move on. People…society must begin to evolve. Who are you trying to please?! Humans must evolve and go onto better things. Not necessarily higher paying jobs but jobs that will affect the future. That will make life better for us and our future generations. If people continue to get angry over losing there 5.15 dollar an hour jobs, that require absolutely no freaking brains, then we will not evolve. I see this all over or country all over my city. Why is it??? Why is it about America??? What is it about the world??? Are we in a world of duh??? Is this some kind of a dry spell??? When is our renaissance???