Is it just me? Is it just a guy thing?
This is really more of a Mundane Babble type of thing.
I guess.
So your going to keep the information to yourself huh?
Oh and how is this “mundane”?
I think sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. But I will admit I have not really kept track.
It’s not even mundane.
I keep a little notebook next to the toilet to keep track of my bowel movements. Im not kidding its very helpful.
Are you having trouble remembering them?
I don’t really remember mine, but I try to live in the moment, anyway.
I sit down, then squeeze the turd till it’s at the very edge, then I pee, then when the pee stops the turd usually falls into the water. I do both in the same sitting, but not at exactly the same time.
I cannot remember ever having pooped without simultaneously peeing.
It all depends upon wether the feces is being pushed out by you forcing it or if they are evacuating your body without help. If you push then you would put pressure on your bladder too and so some urine will probably come out. No its not just a male thing.
What always amazes me is how when we pee we dont poop a little. I am very conscious about that every time I relieve myself.
So true…how annoying would that be.
And for the record, I’m pretty sure every time I defecate, there is a little urination involved as well.
The body processes liquids much quicker than solids: hence the constant need to pee not poo - one should deficate once or twice a day: any more or less than that would indicate a nutritional imbalance…
The real deal is when you poop, piss and puke simultaneously. The Trifecta, baby.
I don’t want to be boring, but who in the hell is interested in such a…question?
Erm, people who excrete might be, Fab!
like Faust said, Magsj, it’s not even mundane…it’s disgusting. :-&
This has only happened to me a handful of times. It is certainly a remarkable experience.
The good thing is, usually if you’re shitting and you puke. the puke gets all over you, so you get to take a shower and then you’re all nice and fresh.
Has anyone in here ever been drunk, attempted to fart in the shower, and accidentally shit a little?
If it’s liquid enough to go down the drain that’s good. But it usually isn’t.