No, seriously.
I fear the worse. Me and him are acquaintances offline. He is the only person I’ve met in person off of ILP.
I think that I might understand what is behind his prolonged absence but I respect him too much to speak publicly about his private affairs concerning his personal life. Let’s just say he might be going through some severe legal issues and leave it at that.
I suspected as much from a few of the KT exchanges that he had. Let’s hope there’s a way around it for him.
Yes, hopefully.
What he do now? I had told him to keep out of sight, keep his van well camouflaged and stealthed, and don’t do anything that can cause him notice by the cops.
If you follow these basic rules, 99% of problems with cops go away. He has the most noticeable sleeping van you can get, smokes constantly, and is a open neo-nazis with a spotty work record, not to mention a felony. Being invisible is a virtue. Dressing and behaving like the kind of person cops impulsively kowtow out of respect is a necessity for survival when homeless. Anything less, and the cops will be breathing down your neck.
I really hope he isn’t using the Sovereign Citizen lines in court… it doesn’t help at all in court cases, makes it worst.
He needs to announce what prison he is in, so I can mail some philosophy books off to his prison library.
And he needs to control his mouth this time in, so he doesn’t end up in solitary confinement for so long like last time.
A lot of prisons won’t accept used books, must be straight from online and sealed, up to the warden if he even gets them. Loophole is prison libraries will take new, cripse looking books , if they have space and demand. Im not sending any neo-nazis crap (didnt apparently help him after getting out of jail) but may mail his library some essential classics they are unlikely to have.
Cant do this unless I know where he is jailed.
Exactly how much do you know of his situation?
I know he was in jail for bring a sex offender, moved to Virginia thinking he could get away with NOT reporting his residence on a regular basis (Virginia does require this, but has a class system, not certain where he sits).
He was homeless, living in a van, working building porches in Virginia, which is seasonable labor. He started this rather late, so couldn’t of saved up much money. I know he nearly list that van using it to drive to a job interview, ran out of gas, but got high as fuck, using precious money on weed the night before thinking about getting revenge on cops.
Sounds about right? I don’t need the specifics, cause I know he has diluted reasoning, fell for the Sovereign Citizen movements (bailiffs have tasered at least two guys in and just outside a courtroom for this, that I know of with certainty, deeply unwuse defence), and mostly hands out with degenerates in Neo-Nazis meetups.
Do I need to know the specific actions, to know he should of knocked that shit off? Fuck no. He is careless about his life, attracted like a flies to a electric zapper, bad living and bad consequences.
I know he doesn’t believe in nihilism, but most of the philosophies he babbles about are nihilistic and antagonistic to the law, and he has a tendency to attract unwanted attention.
He should definitely practice discretion, conviction or not, this time around and stay the fuck under the radar, and just abide by the silly little rules he doesn’t care for. This boy has a tendency to get licked up, like my brother does. If he was my kin, I would of physically hunted him down and beat him had I gotten a whiff of actions leading to imprisonment. It sounds cruel, but it’s even more cruel to have no one willing to do that for you. You really got nothing to stop you at that point.
And none of this “you don’t fucking know the specifics” bullshit, Zoots isn’t exactly breaking the mold, I know a few dozen guys like him. Just knock that shit off already Zoots, whatever it is, knock it off. Get word out on what prison so we can mail you books too, and don’t piss off the guards thus time around… you don’t get extra credit points in life for getting tossed in solitary confinement on the basis of principle. Keep your fucking head down, and don’t convert to Gay or Islam. Last time you choose Neo-Nazis, didn’t work out for you. Try a wiser group to join this time around.
I just hope he didn’t ignore my advice on not to steal license plates. I told him not to steal license plates, and I hope for his sake he did not steal any license plates.
Zoot is probably exactly where Zoot should be.
You have to be repentant and accept responsibility for your actions before you can say that you are not a danger to society. Not continue to make excuses for criminal behaviour, continue criminal behaviour, and blame everyone else for your prosecution.
Pandering mandering. He already did his time for his crimes, and you probably don’t know anything about the story Tory (tory was one of those pandering to the British government during the American Revolution times.)
What did he do?
It doesn’t matter, what he did persay, just… I doubt it is anything death penalty worthy… so I do recommend we put together a book drive for his prison library if any of us finds out he has been sentenced… preferably not some philosophy book encouraging him to rebel… such a theme can only make things worst, but rather something that will take his mind off what is happening, and give him the ability to expand his learning and understandings.
Is he a rather useless dipshit? Yes, most certainly, crime or just taking a vacation away from the net, but he is our dipshit. If anyone finds out, just give the address of the prison library, we don’t need his name persay. Mail something straight off Amazon or from the publisher direct, they aren’t fond of used books due to contraband being hidden inside… it isn’t like there is a hugh demand for philosophy books in prison, if they are in the library… which will have a shitty selection, he will learn of them and read them.
Something along the lines of being homeless and forgetting to register a parking ticket, and the other cops holding a grudge on him and not forgiving him for his previous crimes even though he was already punished for it.
His prior crime was masterbating in his car, and a 14 girl walked by and reported it to her mom. Zoot isn’t really a hebephile who was intentionally finding 14 year old girls to masterbate to, but at the same time, he was so in the moment that he kept masterbating even when she was still looking at him. Honestly, I blame both parties, she shouldn’t be starting at men masterbating if it bothers her, best thing is just to run away.
He is still to blame even if she got excited, fully approved and bobbleheaded him. They were minors. You can jerk off in front of miners, but not minors. Miners will show you their dark hole.
Had he registered his van as a Class B Motor Home, and maintained a P.O. Box, and kept away from residential neighborhoods, nobody would bother. Best are cargo vans, registered as Class B, with work gear all inside, saying your in construction and whip out your quarterly local tax returns, proving you pay taxes. If your out in a industrial area, construction site… they won’t care.
Just practice Stealth Camping, and make your vehicle stealth if your going to stay in it. Means walk outside, from every angle, making sure nobody can possibly suspect it’s used as a residence… and ghost inside. No pot smoking smells, no cigarettes, no stinky laundry orders, no van rocking, inside can’t be seen, and when it is, it’s just a van… like any other. The Class B licence authorizes it as a legal residence… so you can shrug off any law banning you from sleeping in your vehicle.
Never keep beer inside, if they see it, and breathalize you, even if you haven’t driven it in a week, you will get busted on a DUI.
Simple rules for stealth van living. You gotta abide by them. You slip up, police will start knocking and harassing you, parked outside for hours till you poke your head up. They all too often have nothing else to do.
This is a example of a stealthvan:
Cant tell from the outside what it is from the inside. Doesn’t have to be wood, can use granite, or marble tiles, fancy everything… just so long as nobody glances twice at it, and when police check, your Class B Registered, have a clean Van, paid up on taxes (have that shit posted on a door if you gotta), and employed. You hit some hard times, but are well begaved, polite, gainfully employeed and turning over a new leaf.
99% of cops and judges dont want to mess with such people. Its the scared homeowner who thinks a hobo took up living infront of their house is. There is a plumber doing this here, in his marked commercial van… no where to go. He works in the community, is very clean and well behaved, so next to no one notices him, save guts like me who notices his van in different spots at night, and that he is always at the gym.
Just how life is, cops got too much shit to worry about than a vandweller if you play by all the unofficial rules of NOT STICKING OUT or being a nuisance. Anything that scares a homeowner or establushed businessman is a nuisance, till you earn enough to rent or own your own plot to sleep on.
New York City us fully oegal to sleep in your van, lots of jobs. So what if you gotta register constantly for your perv charges, and Class B is expensive as fuck… you got one of the cheapest rooms in the city, making absurdly high amounts of money in comparison to those paying rent. Janitors work 13.00-16.00 a hour. Lots of factory jobs at 20.00 a hour.Just get there prior to winter, with arctic survival gear, winter on the atlantic can be a bitch.
Masterbating? Is that a word? It seems like a strange world if people jail other people for masterbating in front of minors. On the other hand, it seems like a very fortunate world if you can have an Internet connection as a homeless person.
Is he a rather useless dipshit? Yes, most certainly, crime or just taking a vacation away from the net, but he is our dipshit. If anyone finds out, just give the address of the prison library, we don’t need his name persay. Mail something straight off Amazon or from the publisher direct, they aren’t fond of used books due to contraband being hidden inside… it isn’t like there is a hugh demand for philosophy books in prison, if they are in the library… which will have a shitty selection, he will learn of them and read them.
That’s very generous of you. I am currently awaiting court summons for not willing to pay my alleged debt to my academy, so if and when I get jailed, and this is a possibility since I am neither willing to pay them anything nor am I willing to show up on court, I will be counting on you.
I actually did nothing wrong. I owe them absolutely nothing. Not even according to contract (though one has to note that the contract is a bit vague, so everything is possible.) In fact, it is them who owe me money. But they have the legal power to sue me and I have none. So yes, this is some sad times.
What I will need in prison is notebooks so I can write . . . I do not know whether they accept notebooks or not, but I’ve heard a lot of stories about people writing books in prison, so seems like a possibility to me.
I would be focused on learning mnemonics as much as possible if I was you. This way you can memorize concepts in length.
I sure your prison library would accept notebooks, but doubt I can get them to hand them over to you, you would have to give someone a jail address and name, put it here online, while in jail. Only way we can get them to you direct. Cash isn’t happening, given a lot of prisons take any cash sent to pay off your booking fee first. I had to deny my sister $20 bucks due to her booking fee (and that she was lying through her teeth, saying it cost money to see a nurse, which the money was for).
I would also recommend just… going to jail, if that is what your conviction says. Your just adding time to a future conviction, and having to waste years on hiding. If I recall, the general consensus was you were Eastern European. Different laws, but a prison is a prison, I’m guessing rules aren’t too different.
I have no issue sending philosophy books direct if your in a prison, and the warden or rules allow it. Just if your a killer (think yours was copyright infringemen, but just saying in such a hypothetical case) I would send some, but some are going to be on the subject of Ethics and Self Reform in such a case. I’m not sending sonething on the philisophy of rebelling against authority or prison escape, or your favorite edition of “Nietzsche Says”… that be irresponsible as fuck and only further harm the prisoner… be it when he goofs up, or worst, succeeds and gets shot or recaptured.
Prison really us a good time to take the ethics of least pain, keep your head down and shut the fuck up. You dont get a certificate of badassness to show to employers later on for strutting in the cafeteria or yard, or for telling guards to go fuck themselves, earning yourseof time in solitary, but you can often earn early release for good behavior. Once your out, read whatever, write whatever, say whatever… just when your in, shut the fuck up and mind your own business.
Jack London’s “The Star Rover” is a nice read before going in. Count of Monte Cristo, Boethius’ “Consolation of Philosophy”… keep your mind active while in. Don’t suck anyone’s dick, or be taken willingly, unless you were into that shit on the outside.
Just make sure you keep yourself well practiced in thinking, paying attention to the functions and impulses of your mind, and leave a better man, making more with less. Once your out, work on legal ways of suppressing your record, finding work, staying clear of problems. If your lucky enough to be offered training in s trade, take the most challenging and sophisticated, not the easiest… my crack head of a brother got a $30,000 Fiber Optic Cable certificate from just being a crack head. You be surprise to discover some of the programs floating out there, I’m half the mind of robbing a liqour store and intentionally getting caught just so I can get some of these opportunities.
Copyright infringement? They dropped that case. But then they started another one because I refused to send them the confirmation that I am unemployed (which according to contract and our initial agreement I no longer have to do; but they nonetheless insist that I should.) I am now supposedly indebted to them (not much, just a monthly wage, but I am not willing to pay them, nor am I in a position to do so.)
I am actually of the opinion that they do not want to sue me. Not yet at least. They did send me a postmail informing me they will sue me. But I think that’s just a formality. I am still enrolled (though I am no longer studying.) They will probably wait till the end of the year. There is an interest rate as well, so they are probably counting on the fact that I will change my mind at some point, and simply give them the money.
I tried to negotiate with them, but to no avail. They are robots.
I do not care about comfort. I care about principles. So my decision is to not pay them anything, even if that means going to jail. I am happy to accept all of the negative consequences.
Paying them is the easiest solution.
To pay them is to support and to assist them in what they are doing, and what they are doing is they are scamming people. I do not want to do this. I also do not want to be asking for money from people so that I can give it to these corporate monsters. It is interesting that people would glaldy lend me money – partly because I never ask for anything – but what would make me sad is that they would lend it to me simply because they do not want to see me in prison. If I asked for money to use it for some higher purpose, I am pretty sure they would be reluctant about lending it to me.
I also have noone willing to support my decision. I do not want to pay them and I want to face all of the negative consequences for such a decision. By refusing to support my decision, or at least to respect it, they are making it difficult for me, as they are actively intruding in my private life which is that of judgment. They desperately want me to override my own judgement with their own so that I can achieve something that is “good for me” even though that very act demands that I give up on my autonomy.
Defiance is very unpopular these days. It’s almost as if people are offended by it because it exposes them for spineless cowards that they are.
One of the things I am told is that I will regret my decision. I will regret it once I realize that the pain is too much to bear. I will be “rudely awakened” – that’s what they say. I retort by saying that’s no argument against my decision. If this ends up happening, then what it would signify is betrayal on my part. You see, I do not deny that this is one of the possible outcomes. What I deny is that such an outcome is a reason to give up on my decision.
I have never been in jail. I have been prosecuted, but I’ve never been jailed. So I do not really know what it is like to be there. I have no idea whether I will be able to endure it or not. I can only hope and make the best effort that I can. But at the end of the day, it’s not me but reality that makes the final call. I may end up screaming like a little girl, regretting every little word I wrote in this post, I do not deny this. However, I insist that in such a state of mind, which is a corrupted state of mind, every word that is spoken must not to be taken seriously for the simple reason that it is not a product of a clear mind, of reason, but of instinct and of fear, of my betrayal, of my incapacity to stay true to myself.
I do not have a tendency to pick up fights. But I do have a tendency to defy commands. I do not like to be told what to do. Unless I want to be told what to do. But I rarely feel like that. Because of this, I will probably be considered uncooperative. I have nothing against prison labor per se, but if it is against my will, and considering the fact how much is going in my life at the moment, prison labor will probably be more often than not against my will, so I won’t do it, and that would risk SHU.
We’ll see what’s going to happen.