White countries need White Shariah

I’d file 50 shades of grey with Harry Potter somewhere, because to me it’s just some kind of children’s/juvenile fantasy, not something to be taken seriously.
What need would a man have who already had everything under his control/power? Those who do not have it want it, so I can say it is the disempowered man who wants to dominate others, because it is his need. He gains something; the man who already has it doesn’t gain anything he doesn’t already have ( he has no such need anymore).

It could be considered a kind of decadence I suppose. Only after you secure the basics can you venture off into eccentric stuff. Many powerful characters become quirky and adopt strange habits that are often uncharacteristic to their degree of power. Think of godfather figure, for example, who spoke softly but carried a big stick as well.


You’re not that far off. The average woman is a kind of a child/juvenile. A woman is a half-child, half-adult. Most women aren’t much more emotionally mature than this:


Yeah yeah I get it, I know that you, Pandora, in specific, aren’t like that. But most are.

Just like the little girl is programmed by her daddy into wanting to vote for Trump, women are programmed by their daddy, daddy state, into adopting certain political positions too.

They don’t know exactly why these positions are good, what their long-term consequences are, even what their short-term consequences are, and what possible side-effects they can have, but they want to vote.

Imagine how catastrophic it would be if such people had any sort of political power. Wait, you don’t have to imagine anything, because they do.

They were first fed what to think, told they have freedom of expression, then they use their freedom to regurgitate nonsense they were told, which is often self-destructive. The whole thing is is just insane.

Then if they don’t have it their way, they throw these childish tantrums, exactly like the little girl in the video. It baffles me how anybody can seriously advocate that women should have any place in politics whatsoever.

Anyways my point about 50 Shades of Grey is that it without a doubt indicates what women in general they desire sexually, which is to be dominated by a fit man of a high social status.

Whereas the masculine sexual fantasy is something more akin to what the pictures I provided in this thread illustrate.

For example, off the top of my head my fantasy would be to sit on a throne like the king in my sig while a woman in lingerie or leather slowly and sexily crawls to me on all fours and tells me she is mine to use however I please.

Goddamn I’m laughing so hard at that video. It’s all cute and funny and shits and giggles until you actually give these girls/women rights.

Then it becomes scary as the very survival of the group is threatened by their immaturity and idiocy.

Imagine if that little girl could vote and if opposing her opinions (or rather, the opinions she parrots) could be considered “hate speech”. It’s kind of what we have now.

Stop peeking! :evilfun: :laughing:

If adult people read that stuff, and they do, then calling it childish or them childish doesn’t change that they do read that stuff.
If you call it only a game, only some quirky fantasy, whatever you try to minimise it as a present norm, doesn’t change the amount of readership and what they like to read.

If a man wants a stable family then he will have to dominate his wife. He needs to be the leader or she will be flakey and bring the family apart.
You are right, men have needs.
Being dominant and having a family also feels good to the healthy man. It promotes his well-being within a family and it secures offspring in which he can also invest, mimetically and with resources.

Being dominant in a relationship is not very good for the woman herself, if her goal is having a stable family and having a man who invests in her offspring.
But, many women can afford to follow the created fashion trend of being more dominant even if they were not inclined to it themselves in a more neutral social environment because they get support from the government. The government which under the current leadership wants women to not have children and rather be incorporated into the corporate system. Because why promote your own people having offspring of their own if you don’t see them as your people but just some economic unit to be replaced by just any other unit available.

That being said, there is a reason why women are always trying to take the lead away from the man.
It’s her way of making sure that she doesn’t follow a loser but a worthy leader.

This thread is a disgrace to Europeans. If you had any respect for our people you would take it down. Does Europe have so few noble traditions that you must seek out Islam for inspiration? If you wish to counter the ill effects of feminism, why not do it by putting something worthy in its place? Why resort to such reactive tactics?

You think the best thing to do for women is whatever makes them happy, even if it is a contribution to degeneracy?

There is an example from European history, why don’t you follow that? Or are you a muslim?

When Europeans come looking for their own, why don’t you provide them a display of virtue rather than further depths of degeneracy to revel in?

And your defense of dictatorship in other threads is a further betrayal of Europe. Are you completely unaware that the regime which reveals the European spirit is aristocracy and not dictatorship?

Autsider, the psychology you describe is portrayed by both sexes, both can be brainwashed. Only when men are brainwashed they also back it up by force (nationalism is one example, playing on hero complex). As far as domination by sexes, each one should have its own sphere of domination, woman at home and social sphere, and men at public relations and politics.
As for your throne fantasy, just remember control comes with a lot of responsibity and can be very stressful on one. If you think it’s just about having your every wish met, you’re wrong. It really boils down to taking responsibility for your own actions (and your subordinates), and owning your mistakes, because these will be your mistakes, and that’s something I think which could be even more productive if extended and applied beyond the bedroom sphere.

Next chapter…

Sounds to me like something I could file under “White Sharia”.
After all, it’s White Sharia and not Muslim Sharia.
The Way of White not the way of muslims.

Also, the translation I use here (Oxford World Classics), says -

  • nothing about the “equal” contained in the quote you posted.

I didn’t look into the latin but judging from the other chapters and other translations I don’t think that they are thinking about man and woman even remotely in terms of what moderns consider equal or equality.

the implication towards equal is in the word “alike”.

You would like to imply that.
They talk in that chapter about the exchange of gifts, the exchange of weapons between the man and the family of the woman.
The woman is to be reminded that she is not detached from the warrior world of the man.

You know, like you, who would claim that she has nothing to do with the wars that men fight. That she is not tied to some team.
If the enemy wins, no big deal, you were an innocent damsel who just happened to be on the wrong team at the wrong time.
And this betrayal, is part of what is to be avoided by reminding the woman that she is part of the struggle of team patriarchy A versus team patriarchy B.

I’ll take flogging and exile for 500 please.

Reminds me of an (ok) movie Die Wanderhure (the whore, 2010). There was another movie along the same lines, a pretty good one, too, but I forgot the name of it, about a woman trying to survive in Middle Ages on her own. Basically, prostitution was a way to go for most women on their own back then.

Men always make themselves the enemy, like you, who would claim that wars are glorious and just rather than temperance and cooperation as a means to an end rather than the selfish, selfserving bullshit of war and folks of your ilk can war on to become dust. I’ll be the woman and sweep that dust away. Dumb men don’t deserve the support of smart women.

I wonder if Islam allows a husband to pimp his own wife out in times of economic hardship, and use her body as a source of income. I wouldn’t be surprised if Islam gave the man that right.

More like pimp her out then claim adultery to get her stoned to death…on to next wife. They’d make more pimping their daughters which wouldn’t surprise me either, the younger the better, big bucks. Only 20-30 million women and children slaves reported, unfortunately much goes unreported.

Yes, the part you quoted follows. And? Sharia is part of muslim law. Tacking the word “white” on the end does not change the fact that it is an erosion of European tradition by bringing in and favouring what is foreign. Nor does that quote say anything about tying the woman up and putting a gag in her mouth or putting her in a burka which is again a muslim addition.

If there is a difference in your translation, what of it? I did not use the quote as a support for equality among the sexes. I do not have my copy with me but I remembered that the passage was quoted on Knowthyself http://knowthyself.forumotion.net/t1983-tacitus#61440

The movie was Flesh and Blood, 1985 (it was bugging me)

What did you intend to show with that quote?
Did you intend to strengthen European patriarchy or subvert it?

We don’t want Muslims (brown people) flowing into the West.
We want to reduce the numbers of those who are already here.

We do not have a problem with them because they control their women.
That’s liberal thinking.
That’s not the problem.
That’s the core of the White Sharia meme.
It’s an attack on liberalism.