Who can challenge God?

What kind of a person is he, that is to challenge God, the meaning of existence, and question his authority?

What kind of characteristics does he possess, that normal people don’t, or should I say, those who does not challenge God?

A man’s who’se concept of god is not sacret.

I can only speak for myself, I can challenge any god or religious idea or religion, when I know that I am morally and ethically correct when I perceive a wrongness and if that wrongness is causing harm to others then it is my duty and moral obligation to stand and question. If I do not challenge then it is a betrayal to all that has gone before me and will come after me. Also it is cowardly to me, to not stand when you are in the right or believe you are right.

Well… as an atheist i can say the following:

  1. I don’t like talking to myself and pretendding i’m addressing “my god”.

  2. I’m not easily influenced by authority unless i’m given hard facts and coherent theories.

  3. I’m a rational and analytic person i always think twice before saying or doing something.

  4. I quickly notice patterns and inconsistancies within a claim and i do my best to point them out.

  5. I personaly dislike the idea of a god which demands to be worshiped or else he’ll throw me in hell for all eternity.

The fact of the matter is even if he is not responsable for my actions he is responsable for the way he supposedly created me. Thus if he were to ask eternal devotion from me he might have aswell created a slave and not give me the power of free choise, because i’m my own master; i’m not somebody’s “lamb”.

I agree with Carpathian too, add his to my list. That is, if you don’t mind Carpathian, that was very well put.

meh, I don’t see the problem with this (being agnostic) We all talk to ourselves and some of us address ourselves as god.

I’m not easily convinced by any authority and the facts have to be backed up by common sense.

yeah, me too. But if someone else wants to pray to an invisible pink unicorn and isn’t harming others? so be it. If they are like scientology, mormonism, and Jehovah’s witnesses where they actively seek out new recruits? i don’t agree with that at all. Especially since those groups use double speak to garner support.

good. Just don’t do so with the same intent as the above groups.

Well god’s name is jealous. (exodus 34:14)

it’s funny that the christian talk about “free will” but when you are a christian you are expected explicitly to follow god’s will and when you don’t ask for his forgiveness.

But as an atheist (your position) you can no more disprove the concept of god, then you can the concept of love. Yes you can “feel” in love, but what does that MEAN? can you smell it? touch it? taste it?

Perhaps it is just my way of looking at things, but why would one wish to challenge God? Whatever your definition, that which is, is beyond any human construct. One may challenge the human concepts, but how would one challenge that which is?

Give me the name of 1 organized religion which has never been harmfull to others.

name me 1 atheist organization that has never harmed another.

I can’t give you the name of 1 atheist organization (exept Atheists of America… lol ) because we don;t form social groups.
And when we do its only a response to oppresion from religious people.

Which by the way is one of the 4 basic human rights; Resistance to oppresion.

It’s fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It’s fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.

What about the pol pot? The creator of that group was strictly atheist and forced opression from religion. Stalin… Atheist and forced opression from religion. Those are merely a few that used atheism as a base for the terrible.

As for at least 1 religion that never harmed another?

The Jain.

Why do people always bring Stalin forth ? i’m sick of hearing how communism didn’t work in Russia; enough is enough. Atheism didn’t kill those people… poverty killed those people.

“The Jain.” ok… are you a member ?

No of course not, I’m a member of no organization.

Why bring up stalin? Because communism based upon purely atheistic principles. And communism didn’t fail in Russia it’s alive and well. Russia is still not our ally. Russia also still heavily controls what the population can express, and has only government controlled media distribution.

Communism is not as alive in Russia as it is in other countries, like Nigeria and Cuba, and china, etc.

If atheism as a philosophy merely represents the lack of belief in god, then it couldn’t be used as a base correct? Atheism is far more than that.

I dare say atheism is as dangerous as any religion, in the wrong hands.

lol… ok… how do you use atheism to control the masses ?
“There is no god… but please vote for me anyway ?” :smiley:

Name me 1, just one “atheistic principle” exept the lack of belief in god. Just 1 !.

Don’t worry thats exactly what you americans will have and pretty soon too…

Dan, this kind of question is almost anti-philosophy.


I would never challenge God. I’m sure he could kick my ass at anything. Maybe not crossword puzzles. Maybe Bible crossword puzzles he could.

Yeah. Definitely Bible crossword.

Not regular, or the Sunday Times, though.


Yeah, he probably would.

An atheistic society cannot work. Leaders of men, not the workers, should, ideally, be atheist.


what kind of motorcycle is that? Is that the cosplay for Akira anime?



We have a man , that will never challenge god, while we have a woman who will challenge God. What does that mean?