Mundo (cosas creadas).
“estuvo dos años preso, acusado de amotinar a todos los judíos del orbe y de profanar el templo”
Bola que representa el globo terráqueo y que sostienen en la mano la Virgen, Cristo o emperadores en algunas pinturas o esculturas.
Orbie, was Orb, and is now Meno_, after being Meno… anything prior to that is an unknown, for I do not know.
Does anyone know? Anyone, but Meno_?
Hungarian has now been linked to the Asian language family. Hungarians are also a diverse bunch of genetic admixture… like Indics are [nerd moment over] …though I think I know who Meno_ is.
Me know is a mystery to himself so how can You know, Mags J , ? I may very well be whomever I can be , or, wish to become, and I leave that to the gods to ascertain. That is, if, the delusion is separable from an illusion. Which I am sure that it is and even if it isn’t how can anyone be sure?
(..a chic geek -all thoughts are my own-)
Who is anyone, really? …a mass of walking/talking cells, but with feelings added… now that’s a sum and a half.
“a double form: as the mysterium tremendum (“mystery that repels”), in which the dreadful, fearful, and overwhelming aspect of the numinous appears, and as the mysterium fascinosum (“mystery that attracts”), by which humans are irresistibly drawn to the glory, beauty, adorable quality, and the blessing, redeeming, and salvation-bringing power …”
Ah. Tremendum. As in fear & trembling. As in the sublime.
And, ah, what a beautiful triad.
And. I forget the third thing. Oh yeah. It is no wonder the fiery whirlwind is like a double-edged sword, dividing soul from spirit, forging together again all the more strong with his own spirit.
Reminds me of…
Straightway Swept Away
To: my King
I came to You broken with fear and trembling
You stretched out Your hand and mastered my ascending
Plucked from the fire, chosen before the beginning
Resurrected by the finger of God, dancing
Done with spineless speculating, with pretending
Everything else in my life all foreshadowing
Found understanding in the shadow of Your wing
The mire Your incorruptible love transcending
In indelible ink, in Your own blood writing
To suffer death for friends, Son of God descending
The narrow path Your Word ever enlightening
Spongy mirror of my heart Your will reflecting
By You my soul walking, for Your return waiting
“Something so amazing, in a heart so dark and dim, when the walls fall down, and the light comes in” – Sara Groves, Something Changed
Meno_ of ILP introduced me to Otto’s Mysterium Tremendum (Kant calls this the sublime, but we’re changing it to tremendum) and Mysterium Fascinans (Kant calls this the beautiful, but we’re going to keep it as fascinans). Keeping the third one as Wonder. Cuz. Sometimes. You just have no clue if you should run or worship … 1/Otto.htm
Threw in a little Hegel, too. And me. Well. NOT ME… but me.