Who is responsible for "global warming"?

Let’s assume global warming is real, who is to blame? The funny thing is that if you talk to someone who believes in global warming, and you tell them you are skeptical about it they usually freak out and get mad at you. Like YOU are somehow to blame for the fact that global warming is happening. Your denial of the problem is somehow making the planet warmer.

I wonder, who is to blame for it? Is it you and me, the little plebs going about our lives, or is it the top people in government and the billionaire class with their multi-billion dollar industries and infrastucture, their multiple homes each, their private jets, their stock portfolios and massive businesses churning out who knows how much pollution and CO2 every day? But no, apparently it’s you and me who are to blame.

“But you use plastic bags when you go to the store!” And who makes those plastic bags? Did you ever wonder why it’s you, the consumer, who is supposed to be at fault and not the companies and the rich people who make all the plastic products and other goods and services that supposedly pollute the environment? Interesting how your individual skepticism or lack of concern for the whole issue rises to a level of being an extreme problem for which other people will get angry at you and act like you are to blame for the issue itself, yet those same people don’t seen to have that same animus toward the governments and corporations.

Same goes with other environmental issues, like polluting the oceans for example. Who is polluting the oceans with plastic and other garbage, you and me? Or is it McDonands, Walmart, every other huge company that uses and manufactures disposable plastic items? Like with CO2, if it is indeed a pollutant (which is nonsense, it is literally plant food and plants are litterally OUR food) then who is pumping out all the CO2 into the air, is it you and me going about our daily lives or is it the owners of huge corporations and manufacturing interests? Me breathing, or Boeing with its airplanes that in a single hour of flight put more CO2 into the air than I will in my entire lifetime by breathing? Speaking of which, what about the governments and companies that have been spraying chemtrails throughout the atmosphere since at least the 1990s? Wonder what that sort of deliberate weather modification tech has done to the composition and light refractive index of the atmosphere.

Making the problem about “climate change deniers” is a falsity and distraction away from the real issue. If you truly believe in global warming and climate change then you shouldn’t care what me or any other random pleb thinks about the issue, because we are not causing it. Look at the same people and groups who are getting you all riled up about it – media corporations, top government officials, virtue signaling billion-dollar corporations and much of the ‘elite’ class of society. Ever wonder why that group specifically are the ones always sounding the alarm and lecturing everyone about global warming, climate change and CO2 in the atmosphere while THEY are by far the number one cause of it? How often do they point the finger at themselves? Not very often.


…it ain’t the Consumer.

90% is a recurring climate phenomenon.
8% is industry.
2% Animal farts.


Now pollution is another matter altogether… of which the manufacturers and industrialists are responsible for, not the consumer.

…for instance, the entire planet being inundated with micro/nano-plastics, and so forth.

Thanks for contributing something non-retarded.

Yes, pollution is a fact that the throwaway mentality of the West seems to have perfected at some stage, and continue to do, even exporting their filth, despite knowing its widespread consequences. The pollution caused by so-called “third-world-countries” is often done because of lack of better options. Of course, other industrial nations do the same, but we seem to have perfected it, and even pollute our own rivers and beaches.

any time :wink:

Humans are permanently changing the landscape of the world, but not in a good way.
…nano particles, in all four regions of the globe… in land and sea and air… in mammals amphibians fish and reptiles, and god-knows what else.

We sure are leaving our mark, this century… :neutral_face:

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Also sorry for being a bit of a dick.

…unavoidable, I’m sure. :smirk:

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It’s funny how governments, corporations and industries are producing all the chemical pollution destroying this planet and killing countless species and biodiversity, but somehow it’s all our fault because we use the products they make.

Modern humans were deliberately turned into consumers. Look up Edward Bernays for example, or just go check out the PBS documentary The Century of the Self which explains how this happened. Funny how that documentary, made by a normie mainstream media, aged well and would nowadays be classified as “conspiracy misinformation” and probably associated with people like Alex Jones lol.

So we were all deliberately manipulated and turned into mindless over-consumers. This happened not that long ago, we are among the first generations living it out fully. Then those same corporations and governments mass produce endless chemicals and poisons in the silly proliferation of throwaway products meant to end up in landfills or in the oceans, and yet we normal people are the problem. Oh yes of course, it’s because of us, the litte plebs, it’s all our fault. Lol.

Global cooling went to global warming went to climate change went to climate instability. Yes there are problems with the climate, thanks to deliberate efforts by people with actually real power and scope of influence to be causing something like that. Either directly like spraying chemtrails or indirectly by using social engineering and mass mind control tactics to turn the average person into an obedient and addicted over-consoomer with no thought about what he is actually consooming or why.