Who is Satan

That’s just the Bible. Explain more. I know what thought pollution is, but explain what you mean by that in regards to the Bible if you’re so inclined.

The bible spawns all kinds of other ideologies.
Not because the bible says to spawn all kinds of other ideologies.
Maybe because the bible demands pure worship and conformity.
Maybe this demand for monism is what created the spawning of all kinds of different versions.

You have no argument from me. I heard the Bible is really good for toilet paper though!

Besides the bible there is its interpretation…theology…thousands of years of intellectual work on how best interpret the bibles teachings, which for us Christians, are mostly limited to the New Testament anyhow…so the Bible is not everything and, philosophically speaking, it’s not even most important, anyhow.
few videos on ‘Satan’ and evil, they are in Polish and there is no translation, if somebody speaks it…if not, bad luck.
youtube.com/watch?v=JfRf8tv … C5%82owski
youtube.com/watch?v=t9C4gD1 … l=wRealu24
if somebody is really interested I can recommend readings:Józef Maria Bocheński, Jacek Woroniecki, Anthony Kenny, Pope Benedict 16th…protestants have many great minds too: Luther himself, Jonathan Edwards as a Calvinist and one of the great Western minds…Protestants have an intellectual history that is more modern and relevant than the Catholic one, up until 1910s or there about, when religion in America collapsed and became a laughing stock so really,it should be you Yanks being able to say something about it but you religion is Freudian psycho-analysis and hippie spirituality as can be clearly seen on all your cases; either that or backward, pre-Medival Christian fanaticism.

Surprisingly accurate coming from you. :laughing:

Although bone lacking meat. O:)

My take now is that Satan is the difference between Man and God.
Jesus is some dude who, in a deeply depraved time among a deeply depraved, sick people, came forward to say there is a chance to clear this difference.

Unfortunately his students were useless tramps, who made it appear like Satan was standing between them and God like some kind of unjust obstruction that needed to be removed; they didn’t understand that the difference between them and God was in themselves, that Satan is the path that needs to be taken, or the jungle through which a path must be forged.


The did not understand gnosis.

Gnosis is bullshit.
Health is the only issue.

Therefore bloodsacrifice, to harness the wildness in the spirit that guarantees animal health.

Jesus was a lamb,
we are wolves, and worse.

We, humans.

Not advocating more slaughter than we already perform. Less. I want every beast that has to die for us to be consecrated to Zeus, or any of the real gods.

I want honor to return to our species. I want Sokrates undone.

That was all a bit bombastic.

Who is Satan?

FC walks to a tree, passes it, looks into nothingness beyond the tree, calls

FC: Satan!

a murmuring and a gap in time space. Some entity half appears, black appearance, black horns. Some red, some white.

Satan (presumably); mjuh

FC: So, eh -

Satan: yeah yeah yeah yeah. Yeah. You wanna know who I am. And yet you already know. Im going.

Shape withdraws back into gap in spacetime, leaves faint ripples.

Tree begins to laugh, shakes with laughter, loses cherries, which fall, some of them, on FC’s head.

FC proceeds to eat some cherries.

As he picks takes a cherry pit from his mouth and is about to cast it away, the pit bellows;

Pit: Im me!

FC is sort of in dubio, lightly places the pit at the trunk of the tree.

Tree: there’s already a tree here, yo. Not the best place to place a seed FC.

FC is now confused by having made this obvious sentimentalist error.

Snortling giggling is heard from out of nowhere.

A lackey with a sheepdog personality in service to humans. Anything Satan can do, we can do better.

Who is Satan?
Michael the Archangel vs Lucifer son of the morning
these are titles found in the St James version of the Bible
it is interesting that the title archangel associated with Michael only appears twice in the bible
So on the opposite end who is Lucifer son of the morning
Isaiah 14:12-15
Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isa 14:13 For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascent into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Isa 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Isa 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

This ideology that man can inherently rise to the level of deity is part and parcel of the thinking of a great portion of humanity it is even within many church ideologies and the whole new age movement


Do you speak from experience, from communications with Satan? I ask because this is such a specific statement and rather different from the norm.

My sense is different, except possibly the part about service to humans - this is definitely the impression that I get from him.

Has this come to pass? I wonder.

Let me note that Lucifer and Satan are not the same; Satan is the ancient Hebrew adversary, he who tests Jesus and so many others, he whose advice God Almighty heeds in the testing of Job - clearly not someone unambiguously despised by God, if we go by the Old Testament.

Our knowledge of Lucifer, a Latin name meaning Light Bearer, is different, it seems by most accounts to refer to Venus in her role as the Morning Star, where her role as Evening Star is that of Hesperus. To Venus is also attributed the Pentagram, on account of her path around the Sun as beheld from Earth - her retrograde points form a pentad. The number five is in occultism often attributed to Venus.

This as preliminary to my response to this point;

It is indeed, and I think this is attributable to Lucifer, or self styled Luciferians, rather than to Satan - the latter seeming to me far more modest, in that sense corresponding to what monad says; Satan, in his modern form, seems only to clarify that we aren’t the possession of any God, that whatever God behaves as a slave-driver is not worthy of us, that slavery, even to a god, is unholy.

This show had an okay-ish first half hour but even in the first episode degenerated into predictable 21st century Hollywood styled blend of blandness and narcissism.