If no one replys then no one is an islam in this board.
All are christians. But do reply. For my mind is telling me it is prince Ali and Jasmine.
I believe the most beautiful person in the Islam realm, is the founder Mohammad and his wives. For a true wise person is usally a beatiful person. And the founder are usually the ones.
I wonder if anything would happen if someone were to post a picture of the muslim prophet. One thing’s for sure: it’d be a quick and easy way of finding out if we’ve got any devout muslims here!
y is every1 always baggin on islam?
if ur jus gonna bag keep ur mouth shut cuz u r jus wasting time…
like its not even constructive…
people bag on jesus too…
but i dont agree with that either…
too many ways of wasting time…
its crazy…
time is too real and valuable
anything too real in this country is hardly understood.
– wat i think. . i may be completely wrong due to blindness/errogence…
Actually 72 virgin wives. You missed 2. wives, so carelessly.
Ibn Kathir (died 1373 CE ) in his Koranic commentary (Tafsir) of Surah Al-Rahman (55), verse 72:
“The Prophet Muhammad was heard saying: ‘The smallest reward for the people of paradise is an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine, and ruby, as wide as the distance from Al-Jabiyyah [a Damascus suburb] to Sana’a [Yemen]’.”
Most people don’t know jack-shit about Islam here.
It’s very similar to Jewish religion.
It’s all the same Abrahamic “praise the supposed origin of all that exists” idea which got so many people so crazy.
Before anyone has the right to tell me flat out what/who “God” is, they should at least have enough ESP to read what’s on a piece of paper inside of a cardboard box. If not, they are either scitzo, or whatever spirit possessed them is the most half-assed godform ever.
Slavery is still practiced in many middle eastern countries, although not openly.
Many poor Asian women were b(r)ought to these countries to work as servants but actually treated as slaves. The owners take the passports of these servants and control them. The infamous camel jockeys are child slaves.
lol wouldnt u agree for that to be paradise?
i mean anything u want eh?
wat wud u want…
do u want there to be an acted out perfect romance movie in heavan…
guess u cud do it??
n even if u were in… christian paradise… or w.e
wudnt it still b muslim paradise??
i mean heaven is heaven
wouldnt u b able to ask god for women
b.c women is included in everything…
“the most erogent of those who are erogent are those who trip on the same stone twice”
What can we do without our body, even if there were women in the heaven?
Isn’t only the souls are supposed to enter the heaven?
How can you have sex without your body?
Is there a male soul and female soul?
Is there anything like soul sex?
Male & female are different structures of the same species. This also applies to non-material beings. [Or, a different kind of material then we can see].
No more material fluid exchange, but other sorts of interchange and interaction are definitely possible.
If we are to assume that there is a heaven, let’s not be too fast towards the idea of it being something like the holodeck of startreck.
Heavens are probably like cities, built by spirits outside of our usual timespace. They are societies, with laws, work and play. Crime and justice.