Who REALLY wants pot to stay illegal?

…thanks for the tip…i think california might be the place for me- i was watching the hills and i remember thinking how everyone on the show is having so much fun and it doesnt look like earthquakes are bothering them at all lol…so now california is definitely becoming more and more of an option for me.

Do you argue against the legal drugs to treat depression?

You say no good can come of marijuana…

Do you argue your perspective on Carl Sagan’s marijuana uses overrules his?

I will agree the vast majority of people will become slothen and lazy when experimenting with pot, but the vast majority of people are complacent lazy wastes anyways. Saying pot causes it is like saying TV does. They both facilitate laziness, but neither cause it.

Marijuana use brings with it a sense of novelty, and newness. This can be extremely helpful in trying to better understand something you are already keenly knowledgeable on. I cant really explain the feeling of knowing something, but also seeing it as new again, but marijuana does this. It can help provide a new sense of curiosity to something you thought you figured out long ago. I think this is very important because as we grow older we begin package ideas and conceptions up and mark them complete.

I used a^2 +b^2=c^2 all though highschool. Took the formula for granted and used all through highschool/college without really understanding it. It wasnt till a day I partook in some marijuana did I fully take the time to understand why exactly this formula worked. The uniform nature of circles and how It makes a function of their area require a constant did not occur to me sober. It is extremely elementary and basic, but when going through school the first time you dont take the time to ponder the equations. Instead you just remember the formulas and move along. And in life in general, most just memorize the forumlas and move along, not really trying for a deep understanding on many subject. Marijuana to me is something that stops me from just trying to memorize the formulas and pushes me to understand the root of the concepts leading to an overall better understanding. Has something to do with egoloss

:laughing: :laughing: You forgot all the landslides that have occured yearly in those hills, when it rains, those mountains pour,down on hapless homes, and lets not forget the overabundant wildfires. Heck I figure one way or another my parents in Arizona may end up with beach front property or at least a straight easy shot to some :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My stance has been the same throughout this thread.

No drug/medicine is “good” for you except to treat a disease. It is clear and obvious that pot-smokers abuse marijuana and “excuse” themselves with self justification. They know it’s “bad” but don’t want to publicly admit it. It would be like a Christian admitting doubt in God. It completely destroys the argument. Pot smokers are in denial.

Drugs always, always negatively affect the user, when not used to treat a specific (temporary) disease.

I wouldn’t mind somebody using medical marijuana to relieve a depression for say, 2 months, and then NEVER using it again before or after. This is not the case however. People are disingenuous, habitual liars. For example, people in this thread, abuse marijuana and call it a “lifestyle” choice of theirs while denying the purpose of drugs/medicine.

It is like being an alcoholic and having alcoholics attempt to justify their drug abuse. It sickens and disgusts me.

I drink caffine. I KNOW it is a drug. I KNOW it is not “good” for me. I KNOW its medical purposes and why it becomes consumed routinely by people.

Some drugs are more or less ‘powerful’ than others, depending on the users and (drug) culture. Nicotine (cigarettes), alcohol, and caffeine is accepted by Westerners.

[size=15]However, that does not make drugs “good” or “beneficial”.[/size]

My bottom-line is also overly simple so everybody can understand: it is BEST to become Puritan, to not use/abuse any drugs for any purpose.

To do so admits a flaw in your health and well-being. To use a drug admits you are WEAK, a WEAKLING, of the body or mind.

I just love the plant. I think it’s like, from the earth and shit, even though most of what I smoke has never seen the sunlight or been anywhere near the ground. But still, yeah, the earth and all that.