Who REALLY wants pot to stay illegal?

What point?

That is morally acceptable to legalize a social attitude of debauchery, hippism, and smoking pot??

That is not moral or acceptable at all; if people are going to waste their lives then somebody should make use of them.

The world could use another Hitler. Carry on Debaitor.

What an ironic name for someone who can’t even follow the conversation.

Or make an argument.

I’m guessing this guy is like 60. I can’t imagine our age who would use the word ‘hippism’ seriously.

Who said anything about disallowing conversation?

I just know, in advance, that hippies use any form of self-justification imaginable to justify their laziness and ineptness.

It reminds me of pedophile trying to justify his lust for small, young children. Sure I will “entertain a debate” but I am never going to take you seriously, ever.

We can go through ‘maneuvers’ of debate, regardless. You are going to tell me of all the “healthy” benefits of taking hits of acid and I am going to do everything within my power from insulting you on a personal level. The truth is that drug abuse is contemptible, even drug-abusers themselves know this fact. Their delusional self-justification for drug-abuse is bound by the affect (and cause) of drug-abuse.

Would you trust a drug-abuser telling how ‘good’ drugs are, when the very cause of his drug-abuse is rooted in escapism and scape-goating?

Would you trust a pedophile telling you the ‘virtues’ of “loving children”, when the very cause of his sex-abuse is rooted in dysfunction and inadequacy?

Regardless, these are topics of social conformity, not “individual choice”. So regardless of whether an individual has the choice, or wants the choice, to debase himself, that is all counter-intuitive to society at large and morality. Therefore I am in support of the most conservative, strictest, stifling government imaginable in the history of mankind.

And, not ironically, degenerates will be begging to come inside. Why? Because people without purpose are like cancer. And it shows. Self-debauchery is a crime and should become outlawed. It is anti-social in nature and against any good, strong, or dominant society.

lol. ya we should kill the gays too.

It’s clear you’ve never even heard of medical marijuana, nor listened to any of the political motivations behind the vote in Cali. You’re using rhetoric circa the Regan years. Science has come a long way. Look into it sometime.

2/10 argument, gramps. The parallels to sex offenders was my favorite part.

So I was right. You argue on behalf of the so-called “health benefits” of drug-abuse.

Where is the eye-roll emoticon?? Oh, here it is. :unamused:

Drugs are ‘illegal’ for specific reasons. First, you tell me those reasons. Then, after that, we can “discuss” any health benefits or damages.

Tell me why people illegalize crack-cocaine.

Massive amounts of income for the state.

Incorrect, state-governments would receive more (dependable) revenue from taxing drug import-exports and regulating the market with them.

There is another reason…

All drugs are illegal to make money or to limit social rebellion.

Drugs, worldwide, bring in billions, if not trillions of dollars a year. They are the most profitable industry there is, and it’s ONLY because they are illegal. It would be far less if legalized, and it would be on the books. Most of this money, after the organized crime gets their cut, goes to funding blacks ops projects because it’s the only way to get THAT MUCH money will keeping it off the books. Otherwise you need a 9/11 if you want to pull a Rumsfeld and just announce to the press: ‘Yeah we straight up lost 2.4 trillion dollars.’ ---- this is basic, admitted military strategy.

Cocaine is not something you can grow in North America. Numerous supreme court testimonies have established that the CIA was (and likely still is) bringing cocaine into the country to funnel it into inner city neighborhoods. Many crack dealers have been revealed to be CIA agents. I have even seen military documents discussing distributing the recipe for crack.

The growing and production of opium has gone up something like 3000% since we’ve gone into afghanistan because we’re there mostly for the opium. If you look into vietnam you’ll find a lot of opium connections as well.

This is all done to fill the private jail industry and to make money. Since the jail system in America is private (and thus one of the most lucrative industries in the country) you need laws in place to funnel people into those jails. That’s why you have the 3 strike rule which sends people medicating themselves with a plant to jail for life. It’s absurd in any other context other than making money, but the bottom line is you gotta keep those industries going.

It’s a well-established fact that in the case of of cannabis it’s illegal due to the bullying and lobbying of the paper and textile industry. It was perfectly legal in America. Hell, the declaration of independence is written on hemp. During WW2 the government even encouraged citizens to grow it. You could even pay your taxes with hemp. This was until it became a threat: it could be made into cheaper and better papers and fabrics. So a huge smear campaign began. You were obviously affected by that.

Cannabis remains illegal now mostly because of its healing properties. If legalized nationwide it will likely put a huge dent in, if not cripple the traditional pharmaceutical paradigm. There are people like Rick Simpson who are curing skin cancer with concentrated hemp oils. There are people who are using it for glaucoma, Lue Gerricks, cancer treatment anti-nausea, depression, rheumatoid arthritis. It’s now coming out in scientific journals that the body even has an entire endo-cannabinoid system, with specific neuro-transmitters for THC, CBD, etc. In other words the body is hard-wired to receive cannabis.

If you want to go down this road and argue this topic with me I will embarrass you in front of this whole forum.

Where’s your evidence for this?

And why don’t you give the reason? This isn’t a test. I’m not playing your stupid game.

The only way you are going to “embarrass” me is one of the following reasons:

  1. I let you win.
  2. All the judges are cannabis-smoking hippie drop-outs.
  3. Personal fiction trumps objective facts and reality.

Your argument essentially is that pot is illegal because the “bullies” made it that way. Yeah, I suppose you’re right. The “bullies” are the big-meanies who made it illegal and socially acceptable for people to drop-out in life, couch-serf, and end nowhere, wasting resources in the process. That is what pot-smoking “culture” is all about anyway: contributing nothing to nobody.

Stick with the “miraculous, healing effects” of pot, like Jesus was a miracle-healer, you know? That is a better argument.

  1. simple math
  2. cigarette and alcohol industry

Yes, you are.

You are playing because you don’t know the reasons why drugs are illegal, but wish you did.

In a nutshell, drugs are illegal because the masses are compulsive creatures, who become addicted like a fact. If debauchery were socially permissible then that exactly is what happens. People abuse more, not less, because they successfully justified it to themselves that their “pot culture” is morally acceptable.

Fuck that, I cannot tolerate that in any society I take part in. I will work to the bitter end to ensure lowlife, lazy people do not become the norm for MY culture.

If people want to waste their lives, then no, it is not their “right” to do so, at least, not in any society I ever want to, or plan to, live in.

Much of the reasons people abuse drugs is for an escape mechanism. These are people with no ‘purpose’ in life, and no clean conscience.

Drugs only get in the way of “purposefully lived” lives.

Even alcohol disgusts me, if you want to my honest opinion here.

Good thing most people don’t think like you. Mr. 1984 over here.

I actually think most people DO agree with me, but have been “bullied” by PC, liberal types for far too long, people like “old gobbo”.

These guys are the real bullies who push their radicalist agendas against any and everybody. I cannot stand this any longer.

Most Americans want good environments for their children to grow up in, which constitutes most societies, and does NOT include this promoted “drug culture”.

I do not want drugs, pot, smoking, or alcohol around my children, in a 200 mile radius.

lol alright gramps.

Let it be known I think you might be trolling. The stuff you’re saying is almost comically outdated.

What is comedic the way you bully people around for not buying into your “healing effects of pot” reasoning, and expect people to fall in line with your drug culture.

If I had my way, and could live in a society without these illegal, hedonistic thrills, I honestly think you would be the first person knocking on the door wanting to get inside.

Yeah Gobbo, why do you bully people into thinking it’s not okay to bully people for doing drugs? Do you think it’s okay to bully bullies? BULLIES HAVE FEELINGS TOO GOBBO. They should be allowed to bully those ignorant pot heads. come on. you big bully.

If Gobbo really wanted that he would be fighting with you not against you. Maybe it’s not only potheads who can slip up from time to time.

Science isn’t drug culture. Science has no bias.

That’s completely incorrect.

Medical Sciences uses drugs (cocaine) for medical purposes.

Note that drugs are still illegal and should be. People need prescriptions for these drugs to avoid abuse.

This is the way it should be.

And I am very confident that old gobbo would be the first one knocking on the doors of an elite, purpose driven society where nobody does drugs and routinely exercises. It would be perfect really. It would be the best place to raise children, because the children would be born and bred with advanced morals and principles. Almost no drugs or abuse of any kind would be tolerated.

Lazy, no good, depressed, hopeless people would NOT be allowed inside. But they would want inside, because of the exact reason. They are depressed because their lives are meaningless. That is why they abuse drugs. A purpose driven society would be the envy of all the disparaged youth. People abuse drugs out of weakness, not strength. So I never will promote weakness, like this thread presumes, making pot legal.

Pshh, not in a million years with me.

This topic really is not up for debate with me, actually. So yeah, I guess I am just giving my opinion. I am not open minded on this subject at all.

I know with absolute certainty that pot should remain illegal.

:violence-ak47: :obscene-smokingpimp: :teasing-smokingcrack: :obscene-smokingred:

The real “slip up” is doing drugs because you are depressed, you hate life, because your life has no meaning.

I know how it is with young teenagers. These boys have no direction in life. These are the types of young men who NEED direction and purpose.

They abuse drugs because it makes them feel “high”. There are better ways. These types need purpose GIVEN to them; they are desperate for a real job.

An important position in society.