uh yes, in your opinion or interpretation…
even if he is a supposed ‘divine ultimate supreme being’ he had to come from somewhere. (the same way that some doubt that the universe banged from out of no where)
where did god come from if not from our minds?
thank you to ben who pointed out that my statements were merely assumptions. heres the train of thought:
assuming that there is a god (not to say that there isnt), where did god come from? the ‘god’ im referring to, i shall attempt to clarify (although not a defination of god) but i am referring to god as a creator. once again, assuming that he has to come from somewhere (although not necessary that he has to come from somewhere). and also assuming that we have a creator and that the creator is god.
what is your take? if you are a theist, where did he come from?
if you’re an athiest, where do you think theists think he comes from?
that is, if he came from anywhere at all.
i hope i make some sense.
needless to say, scientifically, all this cannot be proven (except for scriptures? - which i am not familiar with, thus i am here to ask for your interpretation).
this is also a rather shallow assumption of causality(?) that everything has to have a cause (and of course this is not so.) but if there is a cause for god, what is it?