This is a religious forum, to discuss religious issues . If you are an atheist then why are you here?
If I were you I would,nt waste my time talking to religious numbskulls. Because thats what they would be if you are right and there is no god.
Why are satanists here? For attention. They go on about the truth of this and the truth of that , but really all I see is adults still behaving like children , they want attention, otherwise they would be off doing their thing.
But no, they join a religious forum to try and make buddies . They must draw attention to themselves by being outrageous. The more outrageous they are the more they seem to think they represent something benificial.
Ask yourselves this “would,nt I be better off doing something else with my time rather than write posts to a religious forum when I dont believe what any religion says, or believe in a god”?
I am here to help encourage, they are here for attention. Silly people!
Ask yourselves this “would,nt I be better off doing something else with my time rather than write posts to a religious forum when I dont believe what any religion says, or believe in a god”?
Based on the continuous tendency for religious people to kill and generally oppress others I can think of no better activity, as an atheist, than to visit the home for the insane. It’s charity work baby!
So you enjoy wasting you time with mentally disturbed people do you alderian?. If I was in your shoes ,as an atheist or whatever , I would,nt give a hoot about them. Id be off out doing other things.
So what if religious people are in some way connected to killings across the world.
Why are you not doing the same kind of charity work for serial killers then if you are such a caring soul, since they have a tendancy to kill others? why are you not visiting the ku klux klan or bnp chat forum, they like to oppress, why not go along and try to help them?
…and since the world is made up of those who are religious, those who are not religious and those who just dont know, but generally lean to one side or another, your not going to get an unbiased response according that logic. Though I do suppose you might get those few unreligious folk who dont care one way or another and dont lean to any one side. Goodluck in finding folk like that.
Either way, I believe he [Mohandas] is 100% correct. There have even been Popes who have broken the rules of Christianity, in doing so they too cease to be religious for those instances; they cannot have God on their side when committing or commanding actions that go against their religion.
The religion remains pure reguardless of the faults of men. It is only men whom give their religion a bad name through their actions, even though their religion forbid it.
Men are men, we make many many mistakes. I’ll bet even Jesus himself sinned in one way or another in his youth. God only knows.
Please, for the sake of all that is godly or for the sake of all that is secular, please, the word is “wouldn’t.”
And whether you’re “religious” or not, it is only human to be grasped by concerns/questions about spirituality. Atheists have grappled with the question of god and found their faith in the negative (concerning god’s existence). But obviously the atheists that are here are indeed “grasped” by the question, or in other words, they believe it to be of utmost importance to share their perspectives. As an agnostic, I can neither prove nor disprove god’s existence, but either way, as a spiritual being, I’m interested in the ongoing discussion.
W.C., --I appreciated the Gandhi quotation, and I empathize with your point.
You make the mistake of imagining that I have no real life experience.
But To be honest , from the things you say, I imagine that it is you who would not have had the blessings to experience what I have . And Im only talking about the ordinary experiences of life.
I know this partly because of how you view me, and because of the limited way you express yourself.
You say if I knew any better I would see why you find all this funny. No Alderian, I already know why you find this funny, you reveal yourself. And I know what you are trying to say.
Just that I disagree. If you want to do something positive, then try and change my mind if you think I am wrong . But of course that would take wit, and a certain sharpness of mind, Do you have these qualities alderian? they must be in there somewhere ?.
Give up on this tiresome nonsense, I,ve heard it all before.
Nobody asked you to come and read what I write and then attack me. You chose to do that youself. As I have said before , I am here to encourage and assist those I can. And not everyone is against me. Remember that!
You dont like the things I say then leave it. Leave it. Otherwise , instead of trying to bring peoples reputation down by resorting to childish tactics ,
{“oh im going to leave if iron dog does,nt”}
try to educate them if you really think you can make a difference, or learn from others. After all this is a religious/philosophical forum.
The idea is discussion and or the giving of what one knows to be true based on reality.
I am talking about religious/spiritual issues, what are you here to talk about ? Let me ask you pxc, what is your reason for being here?
It’s funny because in real life I actually do work with people that have mental problems. So, when you asked if I enjoyed hanging out with insane people the answer was yes.
on the contrary. if you were me you wouldn’t see it that way.
i come here to discuss things with people who have different views from myself in an attempt to learn something.
i don’t expect to be converted, nor is that what i want but it’s good to understand other people; what they believe and what inspires them.
if everyone here had the same beliefs why would we congregate why would we talk?
my first post on this forum asked a question about religion that i had been pondering. it was the type of question that only religious folks could answer. what’s wrong with an athiest being curious about religion. wanting to understand other human beings?
if you can’t see that i’m surprised you are here yourself.
Well, technically if it’s a religious sub-forum of a philosophy forum. So one should expect the atheist count to be high because we are living post-hume. I do think it would be silly for me to run around to different christan, or muslim, or buddist or whatever websites. But this at least has the feel of basicly non-religious home turf.