why are the the tops of my finger bright red?

and what are those white things in my fingernails? i’d like to find out what all these thigns are cause i have no clue.

Did you, perhaps, paint your nails?

The white things in your fingernails are where the nail is damaged. Years ago, it used to be attributed to a calcium deficiency, but that is widely regarded as nonsense now. However, sometimes a zinc defiency can cause nail weakening, leading to the damage that looks like white spots.

So can a bad manicure!

The technical name for the base of the nail is the Matrix. Perhaps you’re The One…

Apparently emotinal stress also causes the appearence of these white things too…!! How…I dunno…!

First: I don’t think that the tops of our fingers are bright red, they’re the same colour.

Second: For the white in the nails do you mean the white moons at the base of it or the white spots above it?

Third: Go ask a doctor what they are all about why would you ask philosophers here? Or better still do some research on google and find out for yourself, put in the word search, nails or white in nails, something like that.

He’s talking about the half circle at the base of the nail, where are these “white spots” you’re referring to?

Your fingers might be red from more blood going to them from having them low in relation to your body.

nothing to do wiht position on your body and everything to do with the amount of capilaries close to the surface of the skin at your fingertips.