Why do schools restrict fighting to defend yourself?

I was recently written up for defending myself on the bus. The behaviour reform sheet said that I was violating “bus safety, violence. and unacceptable language” all for a few punches I threw at 6th grader (who started it!). The description was totally one sided because it said that I was the one throwing the majority of punches when the other kid threw the majority of the punches!! I ask all of you, why do schools not give you the right to defend yourself without getting a serious offence as a “troubled kid” when you are defending your life? P.S. Also I never used offensive language anytime on that bus ride!!! :imp:

Did she win?

Fundamentalism. Here is the place to criticise!

First off, it was a guy and nobody won, it was a few punches thrown, not an all out brawl.

I sit corrected.

Absolutely briliant.

The schools preach nonviolent conflict resolution. If they let you defend yourself, then violence would be solving a problem wihich doesn’t fit that little proportion they’ve developed.

This is a stupid philosophy, because nonviolent conflict resolution only works with nonviolent people. Remeber, these are the same poeple that won’t let plays and parties have a chirstmas theme, ebcause others may be offended.

Testosterone/logicalreasoning and public education…just try and find them in one place. When i’m not standing in a school, that is

I recently went through the same thing but I think it because school is evil and there is nothing more that I would like to do than beat up the little kid who started it and his little buddies that tried to help him beat me up even though I gave him a black eye and he did nothing to me oh well.

yoi should be more coherent and use proper punctuation if you’re trying to be sarcastic.

schools keep you smart enough to learn something, but stupid enough not to be aware they teach you worthless crap, and not to revolt

It probably has a lot to do with the fact that we live in a ridiculously litigious age. Violence has to be prevented to avoid lawsuits. Plus is easier to punish a reasonable person, because doing so will most likely have the effect of stopping the unwanted behavior. If you are a teacher and you see two kids fighting you might target the more reasonable one for punishment because you know that it will be effective. You can actually get somewhere by addressing the kid with the more developed character.

welcome to the grand experiement’s failure… and you thought communism had its problems??? it will only get worse, the only defense you have in schools is to get beat down and shuffled along with no apaology… they will only give two shits if a rich-school “columbine” type of situtation occurs zero-tolerance is their way of dishing out
zero-responsibilty for their f’d-up manaagment skills… their policies make no sense because the institutions of our government don’t make sense… they will discard you from the system to cover their own asses… period… in the coroporate work-world it will only get worse