Why do some people become bald at an early age?

emotions? -fear. i really an ashamed to admit it but i’ll try to get over all my undesireable traits. though i hinted this in my explanation…

A friend of mine said that every football team in Europe has got at least one player who is either bald, or hairless. It must be for good luck, he argued.

Remember Laurent Blanc and Fabien Barthez during France '98? Blanc would kiss Barthez’s baldness before each game for luck, and they won the tournament thanks in no small part to the skills of Zidane, a man famous for having the largest single bald patch in European football…

Drift wrote:

Dont you think its possible that, since we live in a realm of time, cause can be accumulated without effect taking place. Then finally you get either multiple effects of all the causes occuring at once, or either you get one giant effect from the amalgamation of the causes. I have written more on karma, its a lot to explain.

Guys, stick to the emotional reactions. I have a project going on here.

When I was a wee rapscallion in short pants I’d see a balding guy and think, “what a foolish thing to do, he looks foolish, poor guy.” Now when I see a balding guy I think he hasn’t a care in the world as long as he doesn’t care at all about what wee rapscallions in short pants might think. This is harder than it sounds, because all men have a loud and annoying wee rapscallion in short pants and propeller beany living within them; telling you what to do and how to think, calling most of the shots, even after you’ve grown up and learnt betterwise.

I think that the emotion of fear and finding someone sort of silly tell a lot about what baldness might be.


I am sorry that I have not respond to this, forgive me , so I shall reply in this tombstone, so it can rest in peace.

I found the idea of being bald, comes by people sin. The more the sin the more they want to be beautiful, selfishness, no caring for others. Was found in the bible ; old testament. I am not sure which book was it.

But I know I have read it from there, spoken by a prophet. :wink:

The reason I did not reply was I was not mature enough to be in the mundane babble. Not that I have, I do not need to go to the philosophy forum anymore. :wink:

as a future bald man of america, I can say,
I shall not be alone in my future baldness.

I have a picture of picard (aka Patrick Stewart) on
my wall to give me hope.


I’m getting bald early because of my genes. Same reasons some girls grow breats in the fifth grade while others in high school.

unless i see the actual scripture,i’ll just assume it’s a missinterpritation.

our hair falling out comes from ageing,which comes from imperfection,which comes from the original sin. that’s my beat on things.

There’s a lot of thought that it’s a developed signal that tells others that the bald person is mature and trusted.

If that’s the case then baldness isn’t a flaw, but a “perfect” thing.

I’ve had shouldre length hair since I was about 16, and later this week I will finally be admitting that I’m going bald by shaving my head. I’ve been avoiding it, hiding it, and even dodging situations where I might be exposed. I’ve decided I’ve clogged enough drains for one life time, and i’ve ruined more than one swifter. Alas, the wind wins, it’s been trying to expose my secret for years with it’s teasing gusts, and taunting blows. This time next week I will offically be a bald man.

Do you still feel like a nice person?