why does wealth taint our view of people?

seriously. I think this is something everyone notices but never really examines. what is it about wealth that gives people pre-conceived notions? an example would be: my friend passionately hates Bill Gates. she concludes that because he is rich, he must be a snob.

now i admit not everyone struggles with judging people because of their money, but what about when someone does this to you? :confused:

I never understood what could be good or bad about money. Money is merly a tool an objective thing. A means to an end.

Money makes possiblity, and possibility changes people.

Think of your world with nearly limitless possibility. Thant instead of catching your 8am class, you could hire the best tutor and learn in your pajamas.

Think that you could fly to Tokyo for dinner, to New Orleans on your day off.

(Even though most people with serious money use it mainly to make more money)

So money isnt just a thing.

I myself am slightly jealous of those born in wealthy families.

Iā€™m not, because i think money would be much more appreciated if its earned rather then inherited. And also note 80+% of millionairs are self-made. Money gives a man more freedom and manuverablity in the world. Not to mention degrees of power. And money and power of itself are niether bad nor good it all depends on there use.

As to the orginal question of wealth and our pre-concieved notions of people based upon it is flat out wrong. Wealth is one measure of success in life. The only preconcieved notion one might form of a wealthy person is that he either earned or inherited financial success. Can one make a judgment of a person based on that? No. Pre-concieved notions based upon it are flat out stupid as any and all prejudice is.

So 80% are self made, could you cite this fact or is it opinion? People always look down at people who have money and donā€™t have money. The Germans looked down at the Jews for example.

Its a fact on American Self-made millionairs but I donā€™t have the sources to cite however Iā€™ve come accross this statistic many times from diffrenet sources that Iā€™m sure of. One I remember being on msn.com article on self-made millionairs.

I think it is unfair that people are born with money. Money is something that your work for that is why we are paid to do jobs to give us insentive to work, the harder we work the more money we get but some people are just born with it.
Wr judge people because it is in our human natue we judge everyone and estimate what they are like from our past experiences, so people think that youths are trouble makers and rich people are snobby and poor people are common and stupid. Usually these generilisations are true but there is always the odd exception.

Everyone has preconceptions about everything under the sun. It is the correct application of said preconceptions that counts.

For instance, it is a mistake to believe money to be a good thing.

Similarly it is an error to believe money to be a bad thing.

Riches or poverty are not states that truly belong to men. God places you on the stage of life in this or that post and it is your job to play the part to the best of your ability.

The man who thinks heā€™s better than you because he has wealth while you live in penury is mistaken. For himself he is in a bad way.

The man who is poverty-stricken and believes himself to be worse off than the rich man is similarly living in error. For himself he too is in a bad way.

I think itā€™s more to do with class and status, than to do with money and itā€™s freedom/security.

I think its unfair some people are born with one arm, blind, and every other birth defect one can imagine. Thats existence for you unless you live in some idealistic perfect utopia which is not reality. And I do not think your statment is just, that its unfair people are born with money. I think its unfair people are born without the opportunity to earn money or to have an acceptable standard of living as the west so wonderfully enjoys. What if you were born into money would you think its ā€œfairā€ that people discriminate against you based upon your birth status?

Actualy I agree and I apologise for making such a statement.

it may be true that wealth can taint our view of people but first it must be understood whether or not the people we view have been tainted by money

itā€™s an unfortunate example of the chicken and the egg debate

I think wealth taints our view of people because being logical and hardworking ourself, we KNOW, that these wealthy people are walking away with money that is way more than their share. First that wrong is there, and then when these people get a guilty conscience once in a bluemoon or occasionally, they give money to charity, and that is another wrong believe it or not. Why? Because first their extra wealth DID NOT COME from charity and second, why did it come at all? So in a way they sin twice in my eyes and that is I believe the primary reason why very rich people are seldom happy people. What they should do is they should just make the money go back instead of giving to charity. That way, letā€™s say itā€™s a company, so their employees get a double bonus that year or an unexpected raise or the prices go down. Why the hell should the money go to charity? They think that by doing that they are doing something good? NO! Theyā€™re doing two WRONGS by squeezing money from someoneā€™s pocket and then putting in someone elseā€™s! Believe it or not even God would agree with me on this. I like to see things in perspective. Just because someone helps charity does not mean he is automatically right! And the funny thing is, that if they make an appropriate amount of the money go back where it belongs, then they would not sin at all and the everyone would be happy, but they wonā€™t do that.

I think I will agree on TheUndergroundManā€™s ideaā€™s on money being a tool for a means to an end. Although people can have have some preconceived ideaā€™s about how a rich personā€™s character is. For instance they can percieve that rich people are busy, or they may only want to talk about business more than anything else.

However it would not be a good idea to identify rich people completely in this manner. People are complex creatures. Guessing on how a person may act because of what they own is a rather lazy way in getting to know someone.

It would be best to get to know a person individually. So this way, you can be closely aware of how this person behaves.

I suspect people judge others by their status because its easier to do so. It allows no thinking on their part. A lot of people do this, they place other peopleā€™s characters in neat little boxes.

On an island without currency, money becomes as worthless as sand. When considering such a circumstance, a richness of thought seems to overwhelm the imagination. What replaces the influence of currency - is it a more articulate linguistic ability, or a greater sensitivity to our fellow beings? Perhaps both.