k…you meet someone today they ignore you the next day…
you try to make the class fun, friendly, … but you are taken as a fool…
… when you are being bully…you remember Jesus…
You aren’t loving them the right way.
yeah mabe your just acting like an emmbarasing idiot or somehting…
Is it love or lust? Lust does not mean sexual. Do you love everyone or do you lust for their love? Or perhaps just want their love.
you guyz are so silly…
When I mean love, I mean forgiving. I always try to offer my friendship only because they are alone, and alone for 3 months in the semester.
As a classmate, or a co-worker, or a teammate; it is a natural duty to know them, to make them unafraid to speak and make them honestly expressing themselves as like a friend honestly expressing themselves to their friends. HAving the courage to participate.
Why do I say this, when you have a new class, no one knows each other; therefore, people remains quiet. When the teacher teach something, some will not understand something and refuse to ask question because they are scared in a someway. It is a way to promote happiness. Yet, I feel doing this alone will not work without the cooperation of the other individual.
Fear is natural Dan, especially in a severe social setting like school. My god, I would not go back in time just because of that pressure alone. School peer pressure is worse than any adult peer pressure. Just relax and do what you do Dan, you can’t reach everybody so just deal with those that you can. Don’t sweat the ones you don’t get. Someone else will help them.
you are good to try, that says alot.
if the whole world can listen to my truth, and practice it.
How much the world will be happy then.
Humans are jealous creatures, and if you have something they do not, they will lash out.
I can tell that you would be my kind of friend. Just BE and things will come around. I wish there were more sensitive people like you. I am so tired of cynicism, jealousy, and greed. If everyone could just be more childlike it would be so lovely. Really lovely.
True. Cierto.
So does that means when christian God," Thou shall not have no other gods before me" means there are other Gods, for that is why he said he was a jealous God?
It is not only fear.
People/Humans have a social structure, this structure is their lifeblood and livlyhood so to speak. You can be as nice to someone as you want but prejudice and fear of what others may think controlles a vast majority of people also sterotypes and what his/her parants have taught the child is right and wrong. And what society says about it.
For example:
In highschool…Any highschool in America. I am going to talk about goths and punk because they are the most often steriotyped and easiest to target. But make a wonderful example to point.
If you come into school everyday dressed in black:
People (not all but the vast majority) will automatically asume you are possibly 2 things.
- A satanist.
- Trouble
Now with this in mind anyone you talk to in this stereotyping catagory will automaticaly have a harsh response. Especialy the Jock group and preps.
Then you have the Churchgoers who will asume the same.
This is do to there upbringing,society and all of the above. People also tend to relate Black with Darkness or evil, when in fact White is the color representing Satan and evil. For he is the angle of light. But unconciously it is imbued in mosts personality and they jump on it with out recognizing what they are doing (Automatic response).
No matter how friendly you are to people they will turn on you because of simply what you are wearing. The only way to stop is to fit in which brings me to the social orders. By doing this “Change” you are giving in to the wants of society and helping to feed the problem then when someone else new comes in you have the same response as everyone else because you changed so people would stop hateing you and you are afraid that to take up for someone else will cause those memories and experiances to be repeated.
A Jock for example who in his freshman year was a Goth but stoped being such because of the above and is now in his senior year and on the football team. What does he have to loose by standing up for and befriending this newcomer?
Girls,Scholorship,friends or those who are his friend because of his social stature,Aproval of parents/teacher/Family. Hot girlfriend may dump him.
Things that noone wants to loose and in fact may not but does not want to risk it. Hence you have the reason people do not want to be your friend. (I am guessing you are in highschool) You said classmates hence the examples. Not that you wear black, Wealth status has to do with it also, Although 90% of goth and punk persons usualy have very wealthy families.
Your attitude and oppinions on certain subjects can also cause People to steriotype you.
Humans are very shallow and selfish creatures (At least 99.7% of the ones I have met anyway).
Stay the way you are, Do not try to fit in be what you want to be and always be true to yourself.
The only persons oppinion of you that counts is your own.
Wow… such low-quality-love.
The beings I relate with best – have an inborn understanding of how easy and vital it is to form unions with others.
The human idea of ego becoming superior instead of DNA becoming superior to others, leads to aggressive defeats which bring virtually nothing new to the actual value of the individual.
Humans pleasing eachother – has become a vast foundationalism of soceity. This is why so many unhealthy junk-foods exist and so much TV is watched each day. All of these things are fantasies, and the act of one human pleasing the other. The real meaning of their survival instincts was lost long ago, and instead these instincts all became exploitable desires.
All human weaknesses have been exploited by humans. All human fantasies have been encouraged by other human fantasies. Utilitarianism is self-sacrifice towards the common-selfishness of the mob.
Once desires have been seporated from their original purpose, they loose meaning. Imagine if you did not need to eat, but you were still hungery? [Example of meaningless desire]
This is the problem. Humans are very “out-of-date”/“low-grade”. Unless they genetically enhance themselves drastically [about 20 years from now], they will sink deep into degenorate atavism.