Why is this?

From a website - “Professional persons, including lawyers, dentists, military personnel, and physicians, seem to have higher-than-average suicide rates. By medical specialty, the rate is highest among psychiatrists.
Suicide is less common among practicing members of most religious groups.”
merck.com/mrkshared/mmanual/ … 0/190a.jsp

In other words, Mick, coincidence might be as good a reason as any. I tend to think suicide is a rather personal thing, and can come about due to infinite reasons - occupation being rather suspect among them.

But a psychiatrist on TV himself admitted their profession has the highest suicide rate… Straight from the horses mouth… :wink:

I thought it was dentists that had the highest rate.

You really think everything people say on TV is the gosepl truth?

This post won’t be very helpful but here goes:

Why is it that the more ignorant a person is, the happier they are?

Can I offer that perhaps the reason why suicides among religious people are lower is because it’s the worst sin in the bible? (it is right?)

Old Gobbo quote -Can I offer that perhaps the reason why suicides among religious people are lower is because it’s the worst sin in the bible? (it is right?)

Nice try mate but no :wink:
Suicide simply isn’t mentioned in the bible one way or another, so we don’t know if its a sin or not.
Certainly the catholic church labels it a sin but who cares what they think?
Anyway even if it was a sin its forgiveable just like all other sins except one. (Jesus said the one unforgiveable sin is to badmouth the holy spirit)

I wasn’t saying psychiatrists do not have the highest suicide rate - that may very well be the case - I was just pointing out the data is ultimately inconsistent and inconclusive. You asked why, remember? To which I said, ‘coincidence might be as good a reason as any’. That was the point as it relates to the data.

For all the silly opinionated posts you make regarding religion, it is refreshing to find a gem like this. I’ve questioned that many times as a youngster (born into faith, opted out at about 12), and was never given quoted proof. I have only read about 1/4 of the bible (lets face it, at face value, it is a bloody boring read), and figured there must be something hiding in there somewhere, but if you say it isn’t so, I will take your word on it.

On the topic of the thread, think about it for a second. What does their job entail? They listen to peoples problems for a living, and usually, those people are pretty damn messed up. Mannerisms of any sort have ways of permeating from one human to another, from time to time. I would say that sounds reason enough to explain that, if it is even true or not

NoHotdog quote - I have only read about 1/4 of the bible…

Me too :slight_smile:
The longwinded historical bits bore me out of my skull and I skip over them :slight_smile:
Hey go check out the “Sparkling Water” topic of mine in the Religion Forum…

Nice try mate but no :wink:
“Thou shalt not kill” doesn’t have a special exception for one’s self…
To my knowledge Jews and Christians throughout history have always understood that suicide is wrong.

Too bad, that’s the stuff your cult leader, I mean pastor, doesn’t want you to read…

That’s their personal opinion only.
Like I said, the bible never says its a sin, and it doesn’t say its not a sin :slight_smile:

actually it is thou shall not murder. big difference.


I was prompted to do some research a few years ago into exactly what the Bible says about suicide after a group of West Indian “Christians” handed out “Suicide Is a Sin” leaflets to passersby in the city centre.
I took one of their leaflets home and was appalled to see it said “if you kill yourself you will go to hell”.
I thought “Nah they can’t be right”, and after researching the Bible i saw they were very wrong!
I phoned them up and asked them to give me any specific verses to back up their claim, but they couldn’t!
The guy said “Er… let me ask a few of my colleagues and phone you back later…”
When he called back he admitted there are no specific verses, and all he could come up with was “The Bible says thou shalt not kill, and that also means thou shalt not kill yourself”.
Obviously that was just their interpretation, their guess…
I searched the Bible high and low for myself, and like i said, it never condemns suicide one way or another, not even Jesus mentioned it.
Certainly some people got a bit fed up at times but then don’t we all :slight_smile:
"Josiah came to a broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord ,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep.
All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” (1 Kings 19:3-7)
I think a moral of that is:- “Cheer up, put the kettle on, do yourself a sandwich, plonk yourself in front of the TV with your feet up and soldier on if you can…”
“The night is nearly over,day is almost here” (Rom 13:12)
Suicide kills the body that’s for sure, but not the soul. And even though the body’s a miracle, its only made of atoms and molecules that count for zilch spiritually just as Jesus said:-
“The spirit within gives life,the flesh alone is worthless” (John 6:63 )
Anyway if suicide really was a sin (which its not), no big deal, Jesus said ALL sins are forgiven (except blasphemy against the holy spirit).

There are seven suicides in the Bible.
1 - Abimelech, in Judges 9:54. A woman dropped a millstone upon him. Recognizing that he was mortally wounded, he commanded his armour-bearer to slay him. Even though he did not die at his own hands, he did die at his own word.

2 - Samson in Judges 16:28 killed himself. He prayed and God gave him strength to pull down the support columns of the temple. This caused the death of many of the leading Philistines but it also caused his own death.

3 - Saul is another. Seeing that death would be slow in coming and that the Philistines might capture him while he still had some life and torture him, he commands his armour-bearer to finish him off with a sword. The armour-bearer refused. Whereupon Saul falls upon his own sword.

4 - Saul’s armourbearer then kills himself too.

5 - Ahithrophel in 2 Samuel 17:23 hanged himself.

6 - Zimri in 1 Kings 16 barricaded himself in the palace and burned it down with himself inside.

7 - And of course, Judas killed himself…

21 grams…

Have you ever looked at what they have to read. Do and you will see why.

Mick, after reading your last post I can see you have serious problems. Go and think about what you have said.

Okay, elaborate :slight_smile:
Don’t just throw a punch then jump out the ring, stick around to slug it out :wink:
Right Rocky?

And neither of them were psychiatrists.

Whether they were religious people, it is questionable. What you could do, Mick, is to study the seven cases from a psychological or religious point of view and back up your propaganda by highlighting how each of these suicide cases comes as a consequence to denying God and the divine outlines.

Your entire post sounds more like a rant than an arguement.

If you can’t then what, kill yourself. lol What it actually means is a good nights sleep solves a lot of todays problems.

It’s been awhile since I have argued the bible. If I remember correctly you have to ask forgiveness for you to have it and if you kill yourself you would be unalbe to do so. You make it sound like I can kill, rape and anything else I choose to do, and so what, I will be forgiven? I do not think telling people that killing themselves is ok.

I also think I read somehwere about the body being a temple, which would make suicide a sin.

You guys must have thought I was kidding when I said, “Have you ever looked at what they have to read. Do and you will see why.” It’s the type of thinking that they make them use that is so harmful to themselves.