Why Not?

How come each and everyone of you has not made an attempt to take over the world? Do we all not see our view of the universe as the most correct? Even if that means, a world of tolerance… or the other extreme? I dont think anyone can say that their actions in any situation were wrong… except when refering to an event that happened in the past, and that being the case you current no longer believe it to be the correct way to act.

I would love to make an attempt. Just give me the chance!

That being said. Would/should you?

To attempt a take-over of the world would be futile mainly because the majority of the world population is stupid and follows a different ideal that just barely gets by.

Taking over the world is against my beliefs. Therefore taking over the world to implace my beliefs is contradictory.

IMO “MOOOOOO” that’s why.

Sage stupidity is no excuse, would it be easier to take over smart people?

I would think they would have differant thoughts and stop you just because they are smart enough.

Its the dumb ones that should be easy, i just think you misunderestimate

I’ve tried to take over the world but got stopped at my neighbors house by a redneck with a shotgun

World domination by you? I believe that MAD has made that impossible. Not to mention that the world is pretty much owned by the Bourgeoisie anyway.

What if we annhilated eachother. Gather the population on one stretch of land and each one kills the closest person to them. Imagine that.

i sure wish they would do that when i’m away…

What do you mean ‘NOT’, I am dominating the world. Now go and buy something from one of my stores to make yourself happy slave !

I don’t want to ‘dominate’ the whole mankind, it’s hard enough dominating myself.
And I’m not perfect neither, i’d just do a bunch of wrong decisions, i fear (apart from the fact that dominating the world never would be a right decision - in my opinion :slight_smile: )

personally, i think me (or even some of you) ruling the world would be great! I hate being ruled over by people not much better then the average, and usually with their own agendas.

I guess im just lazy. if one of you wants to go into politics, PM me, and ill start working for your campaign though.


No I don’t want it. I would make me greedy and that is the worst thing of all.


“What are we going to do tomorrow night, Brain?”
“Same thing we do every night, Pinky…Try to take over the world!”

This is going to sounds really wimpy, but by understanding the world and comprehending it, I take posession of it – and better rule myself.

my real name,
mostly harmless