Why UAP's are not man made

At present, we do not have a government for and by the people, we have a government for and by authoritarians and elitists.

K: the problem with this is quite simple, who are these “Authoritarians and elitists?”
I want names… who exactly are these people?
not some general, “oh the people in the trilateral commission”…

no, I want specific name, places, dates… the famous list required
by all journalist…''who, what, when, where, how and why?"
any explanation without these, is completely useless…


Virtually all democrats and republicans in the US, virtually all liberals and conservatives in Canada, Labour and Tories in the UK.

Time after time the duopolies lie to and mislead the people for power and profit, on everything from UFOs, to the economy, to foreign policy, to public health.
Every several generations the people refigure this out, then join, vote for, donate to and arm 3rd parties and independents in droves, forcing the duopolies to make some fundamental changes, at least for a while, if they don’t want to be replaced, sometimes one or both of them are replaced.
We’re already in the midst of a realignment that’s been going on since the late 10s, which saw the collapse of so called ‘center-left’ parties in Europe (see Pasokification), the rise of the populist right in Brazil, the US and Northern Europe and the populist left in Southern Europe (see Podemos in Spain, the 5 Star Party in Italy and SYRIZA in Greece).
It may take decades for this realignment to fully play itself out.

K: so virtually everyone in America is a “Authoritarians and elitists?”
as well as in Canada and pretty much everyone in England…

you didn’t really leave anybody out…


Well half the time the people don’t really know who or what they’re voting for, as the duopoly grows ever more treacherous, but sooner or later they have a moment of clarity, a come-to-Jesus.

So is Mr Elizondo in his presser preparing yet another scapegoat for more authoritarian terrorism or is he merely not very bright? He basically said nothing - a lot of nothing - as such political people do - all talk - “give us more money and authority and we’ll see what we see - but be certain - there is something very scary that you need to focus on (not on us)”.

Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the US have had an international intelligence agreement since about 1941. The exact people involved are bureaucrats maneuvering long term strategies since that time. The political leaders of those countries get their information from such agencies - notably secretive and certainly not open with their leaders (as very well demonstrated in the recent US coup).

So Gloominary can’t give you their names - most of the people in those countries have never heard of them - most don’t even know the Five Eyes exist at all. They are assigned by their administrators and become a part of the combined hidden intelligence apparatus.

And now they are pushing to include China (as if that was at all rational).

It’s complicated. Obviously Obsrvr dismissed me outright as a quack. That’s not something you should immediately do.

Obsrvr, (and you’re going to dismiss me again…)

I have a cosmic position. ET’s are friends with me.

You know why? Because I’m the first being to teach about the “pleasurable exclusive access problem”

Let me explain this to you very simply (sorry asexuals)

Let’s say we all have sex with the same being in all our eyes… ok, no exclusive access there… right?

Doesn’t work that way… because of all the people YOU didn’t get to fuck with YOUR body!

So here are are. I’m working this problem for all existence. Aliens have NO problem revealing themselves to me. There are many species of them on earth.

I’m a soothing spirit in general to higher intelligences and they trust me.

You are not making sense on any level here.
Even insanity can be coherent.

When it comes to technology, yes, anything seems possible.

After all, imagine someone who lived 1,000 years ago somehow being around today…and being given a smart phone. In fact this is a technology that for most of us who are around today may as well be a miracle…or magic.

So maybe there is an intelligent civilization “out there” on a planet orbiting Alpha Centauri that has been around for thousands – millions? – of years before ours got started. They somehow figured out a way to traverse those 28,500,000,000,000 miles in the space equivalent of the express lane.

Or had that infamous asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago impacted Earth 67 million years ago instead who knows how much further along the human species itself would be today.

Fun to speculate about of course. But as each of us get closer and closer to what may well be oblivion, “aliens” is but one of countless other mind-boggling mysteries we will go to the grave ultimately ignorant of.

All assuming of course that even this is not just an inherent manifestation of the only possible reality in a wholly determined universe. Or is not but one more component of a sim world.

Or the Matrix?

Sculptor, I know things you don’t know. I know that hurts your ego. I’ll keep teaching if you want to listen.

I’ve seen nirvana. The extinguishing. You go to a realm where your body and senses die, but you are in bliss.

It’s actually not light, it’s black, it’s darkness. But not like the destroying existence hell. Where you’re this ball of suffering … it’s not a ball at all, you go everywhere.

It’s joy and bliss, comfort and peace.

Here’s an old school friend you might like.

theguardian.com/uk/the-nort … mon-parkes

When I see his rantings I only wish I had not given him Erick Von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods when we were 13 at school.
There was not a whisper about all this nonsense until years later. But I think I sowed a seed.

Not bad.

Here’s the deal. I care tons about the American project in its ideal form.

I’m also spearheading a new plan for all existence.

It needs to be done with PERFECT precision, otherwise beings might be eternally damned.

I’ll sit and have a cigarette with you and a drink with you and talk to you like a normal person.

I have some things going on that are extraordinary.

Everything I teach about darkness nirvana is just a facet. I just want you to know.

I’m literally making a new plan for us.

I’m going to say this to you very powerfully.

My heart has its consent violated if any being in all of existence is having their consent violated!

It’s that simple.

I do not want my consent violated.


Am I arrogant? No. I’m the new plan.

So do we all get to call you Jesus. Or is “boss” okay?

Damned by whom?

Have you not heard of cancer? You might want to get that right first your majesty

Extrodiarily arrogant.

Gee Thanks boss

Gee Thanks boss

You said it Boss.


I don’t believe in bosses. Just friends. That might be scarier to you than a boss.

Let’s just talk friends here. If I murdered your mother you might go to war with me. Why? Because your mother is your friend.

You might even try to recruit the whole spirit world for the job of hating me.

Does that make you a boss? No.

It just means you have friends.

People tend to think about UFOs binarily, either we can or can’t identify them.
Elizondo has partly identified them for himself and whoever believes him.
He says they’re intelligent craft, usually cigar shaped, capable of outmaneuvering, flying circles around our craft and defying the laws of physics, at least as we know them.
What he claims to not know is, what they are exactly, how they work, who or what’s piloting them, if anything, altho he figures they’re too sophisticated to be manmade, and where they’re from.

They could be extraterrestrial, but they could also hail from another universe within the multiverse.
They could be 4th or 5th dimensional beings, presuming additional dimensions exist. They could be made of the dark matter-energy thought to exist all around and within us.
If so, these dark matter-energy beings may’ve figured how to (temporarily) interact with the matter-energy we’re made of.

Alternatively, they could be terrestrials from antarctica, inside the earth or underwater, or even from right here, the earth’s surface just as we are, but they’ve decided to cloak themselves and their technology.
Or they may be terrestrials who long ago decided to live in satellites they created orbiting the earth and other planet(oids) in our star system rather than on earth.
Perhaps they’re aterrestrials, beings that somehow evolved in outerspace or our upper atmosphere without the need of terra firma.

Perhaps they’re even preternatural or supernatural beings, the possibilities are limitless.
Perhaps they’re the avatars the programmers of this matrix have selected to interact with it as.
Or, are they from our collective unconscious?
Are we manifesting these things into (our) reality?
Are we ourselves mere figments of Ishvara’s imagination?

Or, is this all just an elaborate hoax being perpetrated on us by government?
Imagine what the ruling class could do if they were able to appear as an extraterrestrial or deity, perhaps they could get us to permanently enslave or cull ourselves.
The only thing I’m sure of is, strange things are happening on planet earth, whether they’re being perpetrated by government, or something else.

Perhaps UFOs are macrons, that is, stuff large enough for us to see, like rocks, trees and dirt, but that behave more like the microns of the quantum world; they can exist in 2 spacetimes at once, teleport, shapeshift and so on.
They may be craft, vehicles, whether piloted, or on autopilot, now surviving and reproducing themselves independently of the life forms that created them, or they themselves may be life forms that happen to appear similar in some respects to our craft.
These life forms may be made of matter-energy with properties similar to the properties of quantum matter-energy.
This matter-energy may be abundant in pockets of our cosmos, or the matter-energy we’re made of may be capable of transforming into it under certain conditions and vice versa.

Or perhaps UFOs are an example of acausality/spontaneity, the cosmos’s capacity to just do stuff from time to time indeterministically without rhyme or reason.

Ok so that answers that he is very ignorant of physics. So maybe the options are -

  • He is a political operative
  • He is just stupid
  • He is ignorant of physics
  • Some combination

If you believe the 5th dimension type of theories then it is clear that you are ignorant of physics - most people are - it isn’t a sin - such ignorance has been promoted for decades. But it leaves you not being able to discern when someone else is spouting nonsense. So as I have said before - because those in the media, the politicians, and ideologues lie so so so much - in order to see the truth of anything - you have to put the jigsaw puzzle together yourself and that isn’t easy - most people never bother - which is why they willingly lie so much.

So let’s look at that puzzle -

For a couple of examples -
COVID-19 -
The initial story pressed by Dr Fauci (the US highest payed bureaucrat expert) was that it is impossible - not a shred of evidence - that the virus was made in or escaped from the Wuhan lab. That is what we “know” and “it exactly conforms to the evolutionary process of developing from animal to human.” That was his exact expert testimony. Yet at the same time he was saying that “we don’t really know enough about it”. “We (the CCP and W.H.O) are investigating - so maskup, lockdown, and stay isolated”.

Similarly an expert is presented to testify that what we know is that these fuzzy UFOs are certainly NOT man-made - they are very scary - that is what we “know” - but we know nothing else - so we need more money and an international investigation and surveillance organization to protect our people. Fear = power.

So out of an “abundance of caution concerning COVID” we need national mask mandates and economic lockdowns (for the peasants). Mr Trump finds that the disease control supplies were depleted and never restored. And after a time - "we need tremendous amounts of national tax money to be sent to private corporations and those leaders who locked down and stifled their economies (although no need to control how that money is actually spent). Permanent damage accomplished and freedoms lost. Fear = power for the corrupt.

More than a year later - after all the damage that can be gained from the fear and lies - ALL evidence - ALL - points to the inescapable fact that COVID actually did get created in and escaped from that Wuhan lab - no evidence at all - none - after very deeply searching - indicates that COVID could have evolved naturally. The “conspiracy theorists” proven right (as very often happens).

The US “insurrection” of Jan 6 -
The initial story spread by MSM and social censorship media was that US patriots had tried to overthrow the government killing 6 people before they were stopped. The showed video of people storming the Capital - one carrying a Confederacy flag. They show video of people breaking a window to get in. And blame squarely on Mr Trump for telling these rioters to do it. There is no question that Mr Trump initiated an attempt to overthrow the US government - impeachment began. “We need to monitor ALL of those patriots and Trumpers so we can cast them out of our society, military, and government” - “this what we know! And we need an investigation and lockdown of the US Capital - from the peasants.

Repeating -
Similarly an expert is presented to testify that what we know is that these fuzzy UFOs are certainly NOT man-made - they are very scary - that is what we “know” - but we know nothing else - so we need more money and an international investigation and surveillance organization to protect our people. Fear = power.

After the impeachment effort - after marshal law set in place to “protect the Capital” - after $millions was spent - after hundreds of peasants arrested - actual evidence is examined showing that in fact it was an organized false flag coup - not by Mr Trump - but by the US socialists - antifa and BLM being their arms. The Capital defenses had been minimized by Ms Pelosi. The videos reveal that the Capital police were actually shuttling people in from out in the crowd - pointing the way to the offices - no weapons were on anyone except the police - and other details revealing that it was simply a reality tele event - BLM and antifa members participating -a false flag event put on by the socialist side of their government. Permanent damage accomplished and freedoms lost. Fear = power for the socialists.

Those are only two out of many examples merely in the US. There are many more that all produce the same result (Russian Hoax, 9/11, Ukraine Hoax, Climate Hoax —)

So put together the jigsaw puzzle -

  • Foster fear and suspicion of a plausible enemy
  • Covertly reduce the defenses
  • Get a zealot to launch an attack on the nation
  • Make limited effort to prevent damage
  • If not enough damage - create more
  • Place misleading evidence of guilt
  • Hide or destroy all covert evidence
  • Announce to the public the certain knowledge of their enemy
  • Flame their passions against the named
  • Instigate lockdowns and removal of freedoms = Power
  • Install greater surveillance = Power
  • Launch an attack on the named
  • Get the peasants to help out with spotting decedents
  • Raise taxes on the peasants = Power
  • Announce the hero who saved the peasants
  • Launch an investigation = Power

Patterned recognized - jigsaw puzzle solved.

All of those steps were taken in all of the mentioned events - named “False Flag” centuries ago.
Now - the new puzzle - UFO Hoax

First piece of the puzzle -

  • Foster fear and suspicion of a plausible enemy.

Currently under way by the bureaucratic expert - “What we know” - “but we need more”.

Your not going to be able to see them reduce the defenses other than to know that they have reduced military defense spending - again (as the global socialists in the US have always done). So the next piece to watch for is -

  • Get a zealot to launch an attack on the nation

Then ensure plenty of frightening damage - people killed.

Then -

  • Place misleading evidence of guilt

And so on.

They” have been observed - and not just by me. You observe “them” by their pattern - their strategy - their behavior - it is always the same - it is what they are.

How could James predict years in advance that something (concerning globalization) was going to happen that no one expected - named “The Reluctant Prophet”. He saw their pattern and strategy? He stated that he “can see them”. Now anyone who bothers to look can see them.

The pattern will continue until they get what they want -
The same pattern - the same purpose - Global ultra-power and domination

You are so vain. :laughing:
You are simply not important enought to hate.

I can’t be friends with a Messiah.
Messiah’s are just very naughty boys who think that are special
You are not special.