I don’t generally equate feminism with wicca. But whatever.
In your opinion.
nice to see that you love her so dearly.
once again nice to see you care. So she has had a lot of boyfriends, let her try and find what suits her. and if she is depressed, Islam or any religion isn’t going to help that, religion tends to make depression deeper.
so have you talked to Satan to confirm this?
advice you should follow yourself.
I don’t get the TV thing, I don’t think she ever said she watched TV for 5 hours a day did she?
If you really think this life is prison, your religion is worse than I thought before. seriously. but I’m not going to attack you, or your beliefs right now. I’m going to restate my statement above and attack all beliefs.
Oh dear well lets all be Wiccan hmmm how much you wanna bet there is a Luciferian church at the United Nations called Lucis Trust changed from Lucifer Trust… Oh yeah I’m crazy… becareful i’m a nut… LoL
Hmm reminds me of Nietzche who talked about the madman running through the streets looking for God saying “I seek God”
Hmm Ignorant am I? yeah i’m sure your life is hunky dorry, look God controls everything. Stop saying oooh Wicca is soo good… oh Cyrux doesn’t know what he is talking about… don’t make me laugh a lung out… I know a fair bit about Wicca.
Where did I say “Wicca is soo good”? Wicca is absurd. It posits human characteristics on a God(ess) that they have no evidence of in the first place. But hey, ALL religions are illogical to begin with, so lets not put all the books in Wicca’s bookbag.
As for you…
I’m not disputing with a schizophrenic.
Aww thanks i always wanted to be schizophrenic well since you hate all religion then your the one who is ignorant. Hmm maybe you don’t need religion… cuz your smart right? Like those people who believe in evolution are sooo smart… But i’m glad we agree on Wicca, so when i say Wicca is bad i’m ignorant cuz i don’t list all the reasons why its wrong… i sum it up but you just go… oh its illogical… kudos… i’ve learned alot.
Goodwill in something you think is evil, how is that possible?
now where did i get this information that you’ll claim is false? lucistrust.org
Really Crux our we your mom do some research.
wicca is a harmless moderate religion. but like all religions is frought with problems.
it’s not even about believing in evolution, it’s realizing that stories in the bible are just that stories, it’s realizing that god doesn’t touch peoples lives, people are just let themselves think he is.
but none of that matters to you, to you islam is objective undeniable truth.
For the record, none “beleives” in evolution. It is not a faith to be given creedance or decalred as heresy. It is, to our best knowledge, scientific fact.
It’s an important subtlety…just because dogmatic ignorance may keep someone (ahem) from “beleiveing” in scientific evidence, that in no way changes or reduces it’s validity.
You know what? it’s a great thing that this guy’s sister gets around. I say more power to her, because that’s what freedom is all about. Is she hot, by the way? What wlould you have her do instead? see, One good thing about wicca is that it has none of the traditional BS about women’s place in society like certain religions i can name. Men and women are different…that’s all…both equally necessary in the grand scheme of civilization.
Another thing, if beleivers suffer in this life, then why do they beleive? that’s a pretty big leap of faith to beleive that you will be rewarded later. Frankly, I find such justification of suffering to be a powerful political tool for whoever happens to rule the suffering people.
Um, I believe in evolution. Unless you, yourself, are an evolutionary scientist who has been exposed to all the evidence directly, I don't see how you could say it's something you're aware of as a scientific fact. I'm basically taking it on authority, because I don't do science.
As to your first comment, though, no doubt videogames (and D&D) are responsible for a lot of wicca's current popularity. :smiley:
Thinking Young, why are you getting so pissed off about people making fun of your idiot religion? The whole point of becoming Wiccan is so you can walk around wearing a pentacle and either explain how it’s for protection or yell at christians who call you a satanist and then demand they remove thier stupid crosses.
And I’m not saying wicca is any more idiotic than any other idiot religion.
That's how I see it too. Surely calling God a male or female is some sort of anthropomorphism. If that's understood though, the terminology can still be useful.
After reading a few of your posts, I cam to this conclusion. The only intelligent sounding things in your posts come at the end of them, not written by you.
Seriously, if you’re going to bash somone, you have to have more flair than that. A stream-of-conciousness rant, or in your case a city-gutter-with-a-dead-pigeon-in-it of conciousness rant doesn’t do the trick.
When did wiccan become synonymous with Satan? Oh yeah, when extreme christians began to fear any outside influence on their beliefs, therefore labeling them "satanic’ as some kind of fear mechanism.
And why is it a prison for believers? Sounds like a self built prison to me. You want a christian paradise? Here join these people http://christianexodus.org/ Who wants to place bets these people will be eaten by internal church conflicts. Ive never seen a group of people, even fundamentalist, worship the same. Pffft.
As a side note, Im not Wiccan, never will be and dont really believe it. Is their a slight chance im wrong? Possibly, I dont claim to hold the mysteries of the universe in the palm of my hand. Like someone here.
when cyruxmafia made the connection to satan because there are some wiccans who follow the church of lucifer now called the lucistrust, see
oh dude (or dudette?)you don’t know what your opening now. He’s not a christian and your sure to hear him rant you for a post telling you that he is Islam.
post up some of the Islam stuff next post, and watch how he denies that Islam says that stuff. His reply to this will be either “I’m not christian”
or “HA HA AH, you think I’m christian?”
I stand corrected, hes Islam. I still fully anticipate a rant.
Well, maybe he should create his own exodus. South Carolina is taken, so what are other open options? Perhaps Iceland, you dont hear much about them these days.
In the end i dont care what religion you follow, not one religion can say it doesnt have blood on it’s hands. Which to me is preposterous when people assume that if you follow their ‘true’ religion all will peaceful in the world.