In the upcoming Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith, tons of fans are eagerly anticipating the death of the disgusting Jar Jar Binks. Too many people whole-heartedly desire to see him get messed up by the Empire or Anakin or even Palpatine.
Sadly, it is my belief that we will not see this fool wiped out. In the novel adaptation, he is mentioned once, and that is during a scene in the Senate when Palpatine declares himself Emperor. We can only imagine however, the gruesome deaths that Jar Jar as well as thousands of other aliens are put through during the gap between Episode III and Episode IV. As Tarkin adequately supplied in “A New Hope,” “…the last remnants of the Senate have been swept away.”
However, as any movie screenplay is prone to change, so does this one. The novel is based on an earlier screenplay which according to the trailer obviously has some dialogue changes. We can only hope that a decision was made by Lucas to insert a death scene for Jar Jar…
I read a news clipping, ooh, a long time ago, that life-size Jar-Jar manquins were taken off the toy shelves, because the youthful whippersnappers owning them were using them as sex-toys…
There may be a whole generation of people with a Jar-Jar fetish on the way…
Only over-zealous Baptists would think something as ludicrous as Jar-Jar Binks being a Satanic figure. I wonder what they think of George Lucas…the founder of hell maybe?