Women, Fat and Food:

Is it wise to take arthritis medicine for headaches?

The first time I ever took it was in high school because my menstrual cramps were as bad as actual labor. I have tried other stuff for headaches & they all suck in comparison, except the rare kind I borrow on the very rare occasion that I get a headache when I am not home…but I never bother to write it down, because headaches don’t happen often enough to present the occasion where I might want to buy alternative(s) that have worked. Any further questions, your honor? Sorry, not tryin to be snarky. Are you a cop or writing a book? Must be a slow crime/idea day. lol


That’s music to my ears.

Inflammation creates pain, not getting older… I have confirmation of that from those in the medical profession.

Toxins create inflammation, inflammation creates pain… resolve the inflammation, resolve the pain.

I would suggest staying away from all processed foods, as… not all ingredients are equal in quality, when quantity is involved.


Vaccines, processed toxic food, air pollution, leached-synthetics in the water… all are to blame, not the mind… because they all suppress and attack the nervous system.

Where did human resilience go? :icon-rolleyes:

Conditioned responses, my ars*… it’s caution, to ensure that no further injury of the affected area, occurs.

Yes obviously “getting older” doesn’t equate to anything, pain or inflammation or otherwise.

Vaccines cause targeted tissue damage, especially neurological damage and immune damage. That is for most/all vaccines. And yes there are studies on this, although ignored by the mainstream/government simp “scientists” and fake media clowns.

Where did resilience go? Ask those who took over the medical system with their corporations and trusts and non-profits and think tanks and all their billions of dollars of influence. Rockefeller-created allopathic medicine, “big pharma” and all that comes from it.

Meanwhile we have a corresponding rise in diseases, unhealth, mental issues, cancers, suicides, addictions, autism, and deaths.

But Noooooooo nothing to see here! Go back to your regularly scheduled fantasy program where the government and huge corporations and billionaires “love you”.

The body’s ability to deal with toxins diminishes with age.

I eat none of it. But ordinary vegetables have many inflamagens. Nature has designed them to avoid being eaten.

You never miss an opportunity to make a complete fucking arse of yourself.

Says the class act retard clownshow of all retard clownshows.


I’ve heard that many people have decided -since after the mRNA vaccine introduction… though I’d purport that its been used in various populations, prior to that- to abstain from all injectables… because of the worrying lack of transparency of them, and an integrity-less big pharma.

…and the average person sees nothing wrong in all that… that’s the worst part in all of this, in them encouraging big pharma not to have to change their practices and processes and non-transparency.

I think they love each other so much because they are the same person.

What of those practically born with allergies and intolerances… nothing to do with post-natal vaccinations, I suppose.

Yes, but also… vinegar, Hellman’s Mayonnaise, relishes etc., are all processed goods… the origin of the ingredients, unknown.

Why can you admit that vegetables are toxic, but not vaccines?

Why, thank you… ; )

Most of what they said, seemed sound… apart from where I pointed out my thoughts on ‘conditioned responses’-: “Conditioned responses, my ars*… it’s caution, to ensure that no further injury of the affected area, occurs.”

SInce they present with problems before the vaccinations.

Pre-natal, qualifies at up to 2 months after birth, so from 0-2 mths… let’s not forget any injections that the mother might have, before and up-to the birth.

I Knew you’d say that/go there…

Your go…

Please describe the metabolic pathways by which you think vaccinations cause allergies.

Now give me basic statistic if you think these minor inconveniences are better or worse than going back to a time when children were dying of a dozen endemic diseases which vaccinations have all but made extinct.

…you want me to [keep] repeat(ing) myself?

…it’s not about the vaccines, but the toxins in em. Once you’ve [finally and once-and-for-all] understood that, we can move on with the argument, to more relevant discussion.

Stop arguing with me from a place of irrelevance to the argument [Ignoratio elenchi], thanks.

It seems to me you are just repeating ANTIVAX bollocks.
Please cite the science which shows how vaccines (or “what’s in 'em”), can cause allergies.
Otherwise stop spreading bullshit disinformation.

I was fully vaxxed pre-covid, but gotta say the covid vaccines’ adverse effects … well … it ain’t just allergies.

I’m not an antivaxxer… never have been.

Straw-manning much… carry on with the fallacy and you can stop talking to me. Got it!?

More argumentum ad ignorantiam… I think you need to read some-more books, summore…

Is this a philosophy-site or a political gag-site?

Don’t get rude to me… thanks!

Okay fine - I accept.

Now answer the question!
I’ve only asked twice.

Please cite the science which shows how vaccines (or “what’s in 'em”), can cause allergies.
Otherwise stop spreading bullshit disinformation.

Injecting stuff into your blood can be a problem.
I had a bad reaction to my third shot - but I’ve never had covid, and I’m glad of that since I am vulnerable.