Women, Fat and Food:

Man went off-topic much!

…also fallacious. =;

Start another thread, or get back on-topic.

Can be? Like… what kind of problem? The only shots I ever have gotten had to do with vaccines, getting blood drawn, or getting an IV put in at the hospital during childbirth (twice). Or colonoscopy or endoscopy or whatever the crap it was (back when I had tummy issues which MIRACULOUSLY :wink: resolved after I put distance between myself and a toxic relationship. And I already mentioned this procedure to Arc the Angel:
ilovephilosophy.com/viewtopic.p … 1#p2849381

Right. Informed people don’t get jabbed and don’t jab their children.

“You can bring a horse to water…”

What about a lethal injection - a little problematic.
Impure heroin?
For example?
Egg protein for those that might have an allergy?
Use your imagination.
A needle through the skin is not something nature expects and so we have little defence against such things.

Those, including pain, or addiction triggers (which I only have for smoking nicotine…which I still haven’t smoked even nicfree Nirdosh since I think end of 2019…) (correction: quit nic end of 2020, beginning of 2021, quit even nicfree Nirdosh summer 2021) are not reasons to avoid good jabs.

Hm. I wonder if that’s why my “seasonal allergies” all but disappeared? Prolly affected other stuff, too.

I’m going to go with ‘Aleve’ …as in alleviate.

Heal the gut, to heal the heart, to eventually heal the mind… sure it’s a process, but it’s sure worth waiting for.

Sometimes it works backwards. Dayum that pizza was gooooooood. Yes, I splurged.

But I’ll be good again. Defined by me. Cuz I dunno blablaba.

It was straight pepperoni. Not even garlic sauce. Not dead yet.

I wasn’t talking about anyone in particular, but in generalities… I ain’t the pizza-police. :wink:

Aleve has got to stand for alleviate… that was my main inquiry, all along.

no, it doesn’t work backwards… that’s just the pharma industry trying to make their yearly billion-pound/dollar profit off us you all.

I meant I corrected cognitive distortions, ordered my emotions, and gave myself permission to indulge, cuz… my gut is no longer bothered by external bullhonkey.

yeah alleviate makes sense. it works. but again, I only take it when nothing else works.

You fucking brought it up. slag!

Getting a bit personal there, aren’t you fella.

My romantic life has been most uneventful, but you seem to think you know more about it than Igo on.

…you’re like the jealous husband, I never had… or is it my politics, you dislike.

This whole thread & men in general (based on experiences, not essential maleness…maybe, what do I know?) make me want to get fat(ter) on purpose as a sort of forcefield or armor.

But. I have opposing forces which prevent it. Crikey.

Anyway. I suppose I’m fat enough.

Keep plonking, Sculptor. It lets me know I’m where I need to be. You’re like my north star.

I ain’t bothered by Sculptor none… but something’s bothering Sculptor.

Interesting choice of ‘word’ though… considering Sculptor doesn’t know me, to be able to use such a word towards me. Charming. :icon-rolleyes:

No one is slag. He doesn’t feel whole & has stuff to work through so he is at peace with himself instead of lashing out when the dissonance is triggered.

Tourette’s, no doubt… that’s a legit dissonance, right there.

…or in [a] character, maybe?




Spot the wrong item in the trolly.

…whatever wrong item Sculptor put in it.