World Religions /The key for peace

The main religions are Judaism,Islam,Christianity,Sikhism,Buddhism,Hinduism. Notice that three of these preach reincarnation. The other three dont. And here is where the bickering starts.

Really, when will people begin to realize they are arguing about nothing . There is no difference in all religions. I can say this because I have seen the link between all of them. As anyone else who has looked sincerly has found.

You see, the reality is, and many Jews , christians, and muslims will not enjoy hearing this, that reincarnation was in fact taught by christ , and the early hebrews took reincarnation for granted.

So you see, because Islam and christianity come from Judaism, we know that it was only the early followers,In Islam especially, who chose to denounce reincarnation as a doctrine.

But real Islam and christianity should in fact be preaching the doctrine of reincarnation. By not doing so they actually attack God.

Muslims love telling people how much punishment they will recieve if they do not admit to allah being the almighty, and christians also enjoy terrorizing in this way .

Imagine if god really were such an imbecile as to demand that in the short span of a persons life that they were to become perfect.

And if they did,nt he would punish them. Why also would god grant clemency to some and not to others if people had never lived before in a previous life?

Why would someone, if they have never lived before, and therfore have never done any wrong, be born into poverty, perhaps have no other escape except for prostitution, drugs, crime, be punished by god for leading a bad life, When he himself has allowed those circumstances to be permitted?

It is ridiculous! How dare anyone bring god down this way. who do they think they are. In fact they are mentally ill.

These mindsets were learned from somewhere. In other words, take that away, put reincarnation in its place, and no longer can people talk that way.
Therfore no longer can they all bicker about how one should live, what will happen to them when they die. These topics are the crux of all religions.

Because people would be striving to better themselves over many lifetimes rather than just a mad rush to perform silly false works of charity,and behave in an unreasonably pious way. Really, what a mess!

The other three religions have no problem with each other. They all essentially believe the same thing. Yes of course sikhs have had problems with hindus etc.

But the trouble Buddhism and hinduism and sikhism have had with other religions over the centuries is virtually non existant compared to the dire , foul situations the muslims christians and Jews have created.

It is the christians who normally bore everyone with how superior they are, in turn the muslims do the same saying christians are wrong, and many Jews just stay out of it thinking, ah, we are the chosen ones and better than all of them anyway.

What a mess! When will these deluded religious types realize once and for all that with this type of talk they only work for the dark side. Strengthening it, feeding it, until it in the end it may well be the end of us all.

What a terrible predicament. And I in the middle of it all feel bitter towards them for creating discord in my backyard, my planet, the place where i live. When I have no problem myself.

And I have no religion. I follow the way of God. I dont need books anymore to tell me what to do.

Who are they to say that they know god and he demands we be one religion or another? They are sick, sick individuals,bent on creating agony.

Although they will be the last to admit it, because of course to them they are carrying Gods word.

Well I would say that if God were such a tryant I would never follow such a brute.

Thankfully there are large numbers of individuals in the world today capable of stopping all this nonsense from unfolding. But education is the key. And we all must learn Patience and humility.

Something very different to false piety and wisdom. The normal display one sees from religious groups. How tiring it all is.

And I for one can spot it a mile away.

If you like I will go into greater detail about reincarnation, where we can see evidence of its teachings in the bible and torah, why it was taken out of Islam , Judaism and christianity.And why without it we will never ever find peace amongst religions.

I do not stand up with a universal panacea for all human difficulties in the form of a doctrine in reincarnation. All im saying is that one day, we should all be free of this mess, and the arguing. And understanding gods mind and reincarnation is one way to do that!

Iron Dog

Ah yes, “education.” If only we could have somehow hatched enough experts in ancient times, they could have saturated collective mankind with “education” and our problems would have been solved by now.

First of all, using reincarnation as this unifying idea amongst people implies that reincarnation occurs for all. But actually reincarnation is a relatively rare event only occurring in cases when something has been acquired in life stable enough to withstand the death process and return to another physical form. Such situations are not the usual. How can people be brought together on such a basis?

Secondly, you must take into consideration human nature itself and seriously consider if we want this “world peace”. I happen to agree with Dostoevski’s observation in the following quotation:

Third is the problem of my own health and security. This idea of reincarnation would be unacceptable to the secular forms of religions. The urge would be to educate me but even if I’m locked for a week in a room with three genuine bona fide experts two of which are cute females with nice legs and lips, knowing me, the education just won’t stick. So the problem comes how to handle those like myself who are uncooperative and not just content to personally suffer but have the audacity to talk to others about the deeper questions of life without the approval of these educators? What would you consider the most efficient way to dispose of those like myself revealing the loving necessity of our demise in the cause of world peace?

Difficilia quae pulchra

Nick, you are in quite a predicament are,nt you. To see how you will be dealt with read my thread on satanism. I dont need to do anything to you. You will do it to yourself.

Also , I believe you complicate your life by not wishing to be co-operative . You further complicate your life by entertaining ideas that are beyond the approach of the layman.

And as a guide for life this is always a big mistake. The biggest secrets are often the simpest ones. There is no need to complicate your argument with big words and fancy philosophical chat.

I wish you all the best, but Im afraid to say that if you actually believe what you think , then it will all be a matter of time before your demise. You cannot defy the force of the universe. Anyone who thinks they can is a bit odd.

Yes you may believe you have audacity, that you are the one who sees the truth. But then why are you here? I am here to help encourage, because I know things that may help others who have an interest in Religion and spiritual philosophy.

But you are here it seems because you are a bit lost. You want to talk, thats why you have joined a philosophy forum.

And still you have an attitude about you that is defiant. So why are you here if not to learn. To argue no doubt. Just to argue.

Nobody needs to take you by the hand and force you nick. If you will not co-operate in what the universe has planned then you will suffer the consequence.

Dont be as foolish to believe there is nothing greater than you in the universe. What arrogance. Change your attitude and perhaps I will talk to you on a different level but for now all I hear is someone who wants to argue and harass.

Hi Iron Dog,

I appreciate what you are saying, but you don’t support your views with examples. If you just make statements with no evidence to back it up, there is no basis for discussion.

Can you give examples of the similarities you see?


Hi Iron Dog,

It is certainly possible that reincarnation is our coming into being and our returning, but simply saying it does not make it so. We are free to see what we will, but your ‘truth’ does not necessarily impinge on any but yourself.


Hello Iron dog

Are you sure you’re not really “Iron Maiden”? :slight_smile:

I read the Satanist thread where you wrote:

Recently I’ve been having increasing trouble with a modern day phenomenon called “feminists”. It hadn’t occurred to me that their efforts may be the result of divine retribution. If true, that is indeed cruel and inhuman punishment.

I guess I’ll have to admit my failings. I don’t buy the right products, don’t express politically correct thought, don’t participate and cooperate with a mob and then think deeply as to why this is the case.

Yes life is simple: this is here and that is there so just follow the established patterns. Why ponder?

I wouldn’t go so far as to say one cannot defy forces in the universe but will agree that they can cause major discomfort.

Talk about being odd! Consider poor Jesus. He not only attempted to defy mother natures attachments but cultural axioms as well. Is it any wonder so many believed him so odd and disturbing that he must be strung up at all costs?

Yes I’m a bit lost and tend to be wary of those considered no longer lost that have become found and bona fide “experts” in reality.

Seeing naked emperors is not by definition the whole truth. I have noticed that those considering themselves experts usually for some reason believe anyone doubting them somehow consider themselves as experts.

This is really fascinating. You leave two alternatives: either learn from the experts or argue. You have no recognition of the human urge for understanding.

Oh oh, more woman trouble on the horizon.

Just because a person doesn’t agree to blindly swallow everything whole, it appears as though they consider themselves the greatest in the universe and unworthy for an expert to condescend to talk with. Sometimes I wonder if I should have given up drinking.

Iron Dog

Well, there it is. If God were the way that almost every theist on the planet says He is, you would never follow Him. But [i]fortunately[/i], the Creator of the Universe is exactly the way Iron Dog likes best. Well, that's certainly convenient, but one has to wonder what makes you so special.

Hi Uccisore,
Iron Dog wrote:

and you replied:

Are you saying that the theist view of God supports the idea that he is a tyrant or a brute? Iron Dog obviously thinks he is not, but you reply

Do you think that this is the best means to promote your style of faith?


Thanks Bob

Well, first of all I'd say that the words 'tyrant' and 'brute' are imprecise, and used mostly as invective. Who knows how someone is using those words these days? For example, Iron Dog apparently considers any God who wants some degree of religious exclusivism from His creation a 'tyrant'.  If that's the definition I have to use, then [i]yes[/i],  many forms of theism including mine support the idea that God is a tyrant.  Is God a brute? Well, if 'brute' means 'behaving in ways that a someone living in the Western Hemisphere in the post-modern 21st Century will find distasteful", then yeah, I suppose God may well be a brute too. You're asking me to fiddle along with his tune, and that's the precise problem I have- Iron Dog has said that any God that's not exactly the way Iron Dog wants is a bad God. When I called him to task on this, you come along to ask me if I'm agreeing with him that my ideas of God are bad. Seems like you completely missed my point.  
 Does the mystical sagacious view of God support the idea that He is a sumbitch or a ne'er do well?

Is that what I’m out to do?

Bob, which similiarities are you talking about?

Hi Uccisore,

Sorry, you’ll have to use some language that an Englishman can understand (German would be OK too), but judging from statements in the Bible, it does seem that God is regarded as being pretty good and not a tyrant or brute:
God is love; God is greater; God is light; God is one; God is a consuming fire; God is able to raise up, even from the dead; God is righteous; God is able to make all grace abound unto you; God is faithful; God is not a God of confusion, but of peace; God is Spirit; God is true; the kingdom of God is within you.

Hi Iron Dog,
the similarities I mean are found at least in this statement:

The “link” …?


Well, then you see what I mean, I think. I can't respond to a question 'Is God a Tyrant', when the word 'Tyrant' was just used as an invective to evote an emotional response. Now, you and me, we could talk about that sort of thing, and I would agree that the people who wrote the Bible didn't consider God to be tyrannical and neither do I.  Of course, many modern people think that very thing, based on reading those same words, just someone considers tyrannical in a democratic country in 2005 is quite a bit different from what someone living in a Middle Eastern empire in 2005 bc would think.

When was the last time that the Middle East had an empire?


Yesterday. Never. What does that have to do with my point?

Sorry it took so long to reply Bob.

The similiarities I see in all religions are coming from what I see as their combined and shared history together. How one evolved from the other essentially.

This is like saying from man meeting woman comes husband and wife and then comes 7 of a family. The 7 of a family are people in their own rights.

But nonetheless remaind attached, and you would say that these 7 children are the genes of their parents. They owe their existance to their parents.In many ways they are in fact their parents.

Likewise I say that all christianity and Islam are, are the genes passed on by Judaism , symbolically speaking. And the reasons for why they are all essentially the same I will explain shortly.

Judaism in turn comes from the desert fathers. The esoteric and ancient line of thinkers from the east. Pre dating greek/roman/egyptian civilizations.

If we look we will see how close their philosophy is with ancient hinduism , which later produced buddhism, sikhism.

And their philosophy entails rebirth.

So you have in ancient times a philosophy starting amongst the asians and also amongst the other eastern peoples who are different to asians . And who themselves are divided up into several clans with different mentalities.

What you have is a situation where heaven has presented itself in different forms to suit the mentality of a people of a certain country.

This is deliberate. It is heavens intention that the world be full of interesting things, different peoples and cultures, different religions.

This way mankind can have a more interesting life. Imagine if we were all the same color and all believed exactly the same thing. Would,nt life be a bit dull?

Religion was never intended to be used as a vehicle for aggression, slavery and war. It was meant partly to display the beauty of difference.

Diversity is one of the things that makes life interesting.

So you see , only because some of the family cut their ties with the rest of us and said they want no part in the family , symbolically speaking, have we had all this bickering.

It was the Jews who twisted the law of moses after he died to suit their greedy economic ends, who killed christ because they had become just as bad as the romans.

Happy with a one life doctrine taken from the romans that enhanced the lives of the rich and unjust. The pharisees and the saducees , and most Jewish people of that time.

Why else would have they asked for a murderer to be released? When all Jeshua done was to say love each other, forgive,and god loves you etc. Bitter twisted people it takes to maul and kill one so pure and innocent.

Ask yourself how come the romans were so afraid of what a man could preach.

It was For the same reasons that the English king edward longshanks feared William wallace, white america feared Martin luther king and malcolm x, che guevara. Same reasons Hitler feared the influence of jazz music, and enoch powell the immigrants.

Even if Jeshua had been wrong, and was not the christ , surely he was not a real danger to anyone . Why would any sane person do that to someone?

Pure hate and disgust thats how. Politics, money and alike. This illustrates the power of evil in trying to eradicate Gods word and message.

In other words, the early Jews were like many muslims and christians today who still think along the same lines as those people of 3000 years ago. Barbaric it is.

Again It was the christians who decided to take out the doctrine of rebirth from the teachings of christ at the council of nicea. So as to make it easier for people to fear the church.

If you believe you only live once, and the church is god on earth, then you better do as they say or you will go to hell. And you only have the small matter of 60-80 years to become as perfect as christ. And only one shot at it.

Ridiculous! quite ridiculous.

Then the muslims came along and thought, quite rightly, these Jews and christians know nothing.

We need a clean slate thought mohammed. Lets completely change Mosaic /hebraic doctrine and personalize it to suit the arab mind. And into the bargain Islamifying everyone.

“We are right, so lets set about making everyone else agree”

That is why Most muslims are very masculine, unyeilding, and wont listen depite the fact they say Islam is a religion of peace. It is not as we know it.

It is a religion which breeds hatred for Gods real intentions.

Christianity is no better.
And Nobody talks about the church of st john. Thats because John too preached reincarnation. The church of st peter is the one that has massacred and persecuted down through the ages.
Not the church of John.

Church of st peter will have nothing to do with astrology, tarot, magic,reincarnation. It has attacked those who talked about it calling them witches. Thankfully it cant do that anymore.

Christians too have turned their back on christ ironically. Because he did teach about reincarnation. It is so obvious that one calls into question the actual sanity of christians who largely deny it.

When we see the link between the early desert fathers , hermes trigmesturus philosophy of ancient egypt and hinduism, we begin to see gods mind at work. They are all kindred spirits saying the same thing.

Only slightly it will differ depending on the age folk live in, and their mentality. Organized religion is the beast. And it is beastly because it has tried to destroy gods purpose.

Many Religious people without knowing it have contibuted to the slow and bloody progress of a kingdom of heaven on earth.

And all because they cannot agree on the fundamentals. That god is merciful, there is no hell other than the one we ourselves create, and that in order to perfect ourselves heaven has granted we live time after time to make it easier.

So as to have free will to progress or regress. It is our choice. This is the majesty of heaven in allowing us freedom.

Freedom some religions have tried to make us believe we dont have. Wicked they are.

One philosophy, many cultures , many religions. One philosophy lived the way we understand best as individuals, but nonetheless one philosophy. Built on sound knowledge. All of us in general agreement. Unifying. Holding peace together. This is what I say.

Hi Iron Dog,

I was away today myself, that is what is good about discussion on a forum - you can come and go when it suits you.

Having read through what you have written, you seem to have gathered from many sources, but you have oversimplified many of the facts. I think the gist of what you are saying is probably true, that most religions have had some influence on each other, and probably began back at the point when mankind began to expand.

What is problematic about oversimplification, is the fact that assumptions are made without due enquiry and study. For example, saying “the Jews” killed Jesus is defamation of Jews generally and in fact it is what has caused untold pain and suffering in the course of time.

Secondly, if what we are dealing with is in fact scripture that has been edited, it is possibly the agenda of the editor that has been promoted, and almost certainly not the original agenda of Jesus himself - and therefore should be subject to scrutiny. That was the reason why the Aramaic translation is interesting, because it showed that middle eastern thought was thriving in the sayings of Christ.

All in all, I think there are many things you have said that are worth following up, but you must try to avoid generalisations and incorporating prejudices. Try to understand that nobody is bad for bad’s sake, but because he believes that he is using a legitimate method of promoting what is good or necessary for the good of all.


Indeed , I suppose I do make a habit of expecting people to understand. Naturally I have nothing against Jews.

Or anyone else. Because I dont normally feel hate, I usually expect others will not. But as you say there will be some who would take what I said out of context.

All in all what I mean is only that it is a fact that the Jews killed Christ. I know hitler jumped on that idea and used it to his advantage.

But I certainly dont think that way. But your right, we need to be safe, safe for the sake of the gullible and impressionable.

Hello F(r)iends,

Dynamite was intended, I hear, to make mining more simple… it still does not take away from the fact that it is explosive… just like religion. Religion is simply a tool man uses: for good or bad.

You propose that everyone give up their philosophy based on the “observations” you have made. Do you think that millions (even billions) will give up their beliefs and/or philosophy because it is as easy as discarding their notion of reincarnation?

Suddenly there will be peace between religions… yup.
