What are you guy’s thoughts on the possibility of a World War resulting from this sept. 11 issue?
Personally, I think Bush is really pushing for a war (as America tends to) and it looks likely that there will be one. However, I can’t forsee very many countries backing America, and I imagine many will actually oppose it’s act of sheer tyranny. Will that not be like America playing a role similier to Germany did in the world war previous?
This is, of course, sheer speculation on my part. Any thoughts?
not a chance of ww3 everyone seen the devistation of nukes and that is the only result of a major war nowadays (ww2 proportions) so as the cold war showd america will probably keep bombing countries who keep fighting back and no one else par russia really has enough nukes to cause a problem. I think the only thing that could start off a world war is if an extremist took control of russia. All it needs is one screwed up individual in a desperate country and bang were all dead…
well that was a happy post im off to have an icecream to cheer myself up
Ed forgive me for being harsh on you But i view your ideas as out of date.
Your thinking (in my oppinion) is cold warrish. The cold war was inbetween the big nations, now we are fighting man to man. With statements like america’s “You are either with us or against us” statement on terrorism which basically under the bush doctorine state that any state that harbors terrorism is the enemy of the US and upon the first news of a terrorist strike the US will First strike.
Now with countries such as NK with nukes and IRAN with enough people to make me want to hide and IRAQ having enough chemical weapons that are unacounted for (source: american goverment statements)
With all this in mind i am led to belive that ww is not questionable but predicatable.
thats the thing irag have squat all they pose absouloutly no threat to dam america and im just saying russia who have the second most nukes in the world and enough to destroy the planet 2 times over jus need once screwed up arsehole to take power and badda bing not saying its gonna happen any time soon but if the country goes into reccession or the economy fails then there ya go
exactly. if they have these weapons and wanted to use them, we would all be dead already. if they have these weapons and dont want to use them, then they are no threat to us.
one screwed up arsehole eh? i know this guy george whos REAL into genocide, im sure hed volunteer to kill innocent people.
haha true so both sides have arseholes one with a large nuclear arsenal the other whos about to be attacked and then extradited or somthing and poses no threat to the outside world
It doesn’t even take nukes to makes a mess of the civilised world which we live in. The mere threat of Iraq having wmd’s has been enough to bring the UN into ill repair. One nuke is enough to ruin the secured lives in which we live. The thing that really scares me is that we are suddenly finding out about the way the six permanent members of the “security” council seem to be pulling arms deals left right and centre behind each others backs. For example its rumoured that the Ukraine sold two of the most hi-tech radar equipment in the world on the sly to Iraq. Now that’s bad enough but supposedly they used China as an intermediatory, and naturally enough the US wasnt too happy. If there is this much happening that we see imagine what might be happening that we cant see.
I know this is a old post but a lot of the view’s hear are rather western orientated. September 11th was a massive event, know doubt there and as the USA is the world’s new roman empire, a direct attack on its soil since independence will ruffle a lot of feathers. USA had to hit back at bin laden, as the public was in a state of panic; now the view from Muslim’s is that of a religious war, and you can’t blame them-that is how they are educated.
Looking at the history of powerful western nation’s we seem to see our self’s as elite, and always truthful, good and fighting for democracy( democracy as in been the sheep to the Shepard). The fact is though were not! (Its a one sided view)
A black power spokesmen once quoted “that the pinnacle of western man was Alexander great, who got down on his knees and cried like a baby as there was know one left to kill.†I don’t agree but I can see his point; we are looking after our own interests, that’s the way I see it, and perhaps if the gulf countries were the hyper power and we had more oil then could possibly use they would do the same, if not worst.
Slade7 quote
Definitely, but the US has to now take a neo- right look at none western orientated nations, if it didn’t it would still be leaving Europe to it. Look at the mess it is making over Iraq, ok it was like Agincourt by the size of victory but the Iraqs will continue to kill Americans as Americas are killing Iraqs; iran and Saudi Arabia are next on the cards so the iraqs wont go down easy or the muslim state is gone. Now from a muslim point of view the USA has supplied Israel with weapons to kill muslims; ( as American jews need to protect there mother land ) and the US is everywhere in the gulf region treating muslims as Europeans treated blacks in Africa;(ok not as bad, but that’s only because WW2 was such a terrible war, with so many excuses to kill everywhere in the world by every type of national conflict).- the only weapons that the gulf countrys have(if they still do) is ones given to them, by guess who- western nation’s or the old soviet. The country that is easily blamed is China as anonomous and lovin it did, as we western nations (including the USA, wouldn’t dream of taking China on). China the communists is the fastest growing power in the world and though the US is the worlds police force China is the worlds army; WW3 from my point of view could really only be started by a need to dominate, and this is the perfect right/left wing class. India/Pakistan could fuel it with hate over religion in Tibet and there borders;- along with N.Korea and if the US continues to supply Taiwan with arms, it will only fuel hate.
Ed seems to see the old Soviet still in a powerful place, but it only has nuclear weapons now( no real military force compared to a frightened and insecure US ): and its more the other way round, id be more bothered if a crazy American gets in the leadership in times of trouble; remember America is the only nation to use nuclear weapons on another nation- know wonder people are frightened of the US as it was more likely to start the nuclear war then the Soviets. Ok they were going to put weapons on Cuba, but America already had them in Turkey and Europe. The cold war is going on now, but it not Russian communism anymore its more Chinese.
For first time though the world is ran by one nation, giving the world a global language of communication, and it’s a richer world- but does consumption of things we don’t need, and the way we are told only the history in a view to promote others, better than say “barbarism� Ok its savage, but a lot more fun.