Take your bets on which country will instigate world war III in the coming years.
Step right up! Place your bets! Place your bets right here!
Explain your opinion on the subject too that is if you care to
I chose the United States for obvious reasons.
Failing manufacturing, commercial, financial, and industrial economy.
What is left of it’s economy is largely one that thrives on war and conflict when it concerns imperialistic aggression with others.
It’s over expanded itself where it doesn’t have enough petroleum to sustain itself overtime where the only logical conclusion is to get it elsewhere through territorial expansion.
I voted for the US, not because of the I hate the US sentiment, but because I think they have the military strength and the political causes most likely to promote a situation.
Half the middle east in flames, world economy flatlined, no hope, no goal… only a long hard struggle between the forces of war and the forces of denial. We’re all in one of the camps, there’s no turning back. OVER THE TRENCHES!
Israel is geographically too close to Iran, and its reputation in world politics is not too flattering right now, meaning that other countries would not be as willing to take its side. Also, jews, in general, don’t take direct risks like that. That’s not their usual MO. That’s why the whole incident that happened a month ago or so where they threatened to attack Iran was nothing more than a provocation. That way, if someone loses their cool, they themselves, can come out from the ordeal with clean hands and clear conscience. So, it’s a bluff.
Also, regarding Saudi-Iranian relations-yes, there is definitely an plan at work to sabotage it.
[Here’s a video that addresses this: youtube.com/watch?v=eOTNlYPbxxw]
My guess is that the plan right now is to isolate Iran, so than when things go down it will be easier to take it. Whoever it is, I don’t think it’s going to be Israel (likely US, on their behalf if you will, and only when the timing is right)
Provocation without a demonstration of strength looks like a bluff after a while. If Iran can project commando units into Iraq and Lebanon, I am sure Israel and Iran have already tangled a few times. The American congress has repeatedly mentioned soldiers dying in Iraq in 2007 without mentioning the when and where of it… means they are letting Iran know they know, but it’s so bad what happened they can’t release more information than point it back at the Qods commander.
Isreali special operations have never been shy about going international pluck and counter-terrorism operations anywhere- be it europe, south america, or the middle east. Iran just lost a missle silo. Syria’s opposition is being sustained and coordinated by someone, while syria keeps sending human wave mob’s against Israeli positions (which is a little fucked up considering the Syrians are all civilians and clearly don’t know how to navigate those mindfields leading up the the fence… much less take point and do proper troop moving procedures and trench clearing with proper overwatch positions and mortars in support.
This being said- I think Iran has much more to fear from Georgian and Armenian Mercenaries, and Sunni Taliban using Iran as a base for afganistan in the longterm, as well as it’s own internal strife and government splinters operating in a loose coalition. Iran also has the issue of limited number of Ayatollah that can legitimize the Iranian Islamic Republic- if they don’t have these perfect examples of the islamic man to lead the just, there is technically no Islamic republic, only a republic and lesser Imams attacking at one another’s throat. Iran is suffering what Tang dynasty china suffered from having too few many ‘noble families’ to select from for marriage alliances and state service… in Iran’s case they are stuck with a increasingly limited and elite seminary institution, and too few men to step up to it with universal appeal- especially given the secular backlash from moderate islamist (a lot of people don’t realize secular doesn’t mean your atheist- the US is a secular state, but it’s also the most religious society on earth).
It would be TOO easy for the secular government to call in western trained, US equipped Georgian troops into Iran to put down the seminaries for a quick operation. Russia will be stumped what to do- as a incursion wouldn’t make sense, as supporting the islamist in the long term would backfire in russia itself as it has it’s own islamic independent movements to support. Georgia can make a quick oil buck (again) and strengthen it’s defense position. It’s a safe deal for the Iranian secular government as it’s net to impossible for georgia to establish a meaningful foothold within Iran beyond limited operations, and it’s not likely to side with Isreali forces as it shares a border with turkish, arab, and azeri populations and doesn’t need that headache. It’s the most logical step for Iran to take in a lightening fast civil war to suppress the theocracy.
Yeah, but how many Iranians are Masturbating to internet porn now? It’s ultimately a losing battle in Iran- Qom has no power to stop www.xvideos.com once the youth learn about Proxy servers and could services. In the end, it’s all over for them. America just has to make sure they don’t get nuclear strike capabilities until then. Keep jerking it you brave, young youths of Iran. Show the way to a better future.
haha i just had this convo the other day kinda with my friends
i think Isreal also, preemptive striking
i don’t think it’s in the political interest of the united states to continue its close ties with Isreal if this were to happen… i think the US pres sees that, but won’t say it openly until it happens overtly (i’m convinced ww3 has already commenced via the internet, with all of the world’s power players involved, and all targeting each-other )
but congress is another story
AIPAC is the biggest lobbying group in the US
IMO its a lot of why US and Isreal are so close today
US doesn’t need to worry though about itself… worst case for US is mutually assured destruction of its aggressors…gotta love the US strategy of distributing its military bases globally haha… its like ‘we can send a bomb to anywhere in the world from anywhere in the world’ haha