Would you rather.............

Everyone knows thouse rediculous “would you rather” scenarios we come up with while drunk of cheap booze or boredom.

For Guys. “would you rather lose you’re middle, ring and pinkie fingers on you’re non dominant hand, or 3/4 you’re penis size”

“in a fight with a bear would you rather be armed with a ping pong paddle with a thumbtack in it or a wiffle bat”

“would you rather poop out you’re ear or pee out you’re nose?”

and on a serious note.

“if you could would you desire to be born again under ANY CONDITION any where else in the world”

if you have more post em’

3/4. not much to start with, but i’m a musician in training

wiffle bat. can hold it off farther and might intimidate more than harm

out the ear. i already get ear wax coming out of it, and it would seem wrong to pee just over one’s mouth (Socrates held the belief that pooping out the bottom was a sign of God’s good design for man-- is this a godless world you’re proposing?)

finally, it might depend what the world is like in the future. if it is another godless world you’re proposing, and there is no chance of making it any more godly and loving, then, no

Now: (apparently form a drunk religion class) would you rather die or commit a mortal sin?

I’d take the 3/4 too, I need to write more than I need to masturbate. If I don’t masturbate I just get a bit distracted, if I don’t write I go mad…

Man… I’d take the fingers. I hunt and peck sort of anyways.

3/4 is alot… I don’t think I’d be write anything cause I’d be thinking ‘fuck… my dick is gone’

Paddle with a thumbtack… cause you could separate them for 2 weapons, maybe like throw the tack down and hope the bear steps on it.

I think I’d take the nose pee too… cause if you didn’t wipe up all good people would be like 'Man… that guy’s got a shit ear… and it stinks"

you’d smell the pee…

but you’d hear the scraping of the shit

This demonstrates precisely why I’m the superior writer…



how about…

never be able to orgasim you’re self or never being able to bring a woman(or partner) to orgasim

There’s more than one way to skin a cat, or don’t you have oral sex in Armenia?

Not having orgasms myself would be an immense drag, sure, but I’d live above it. There are so many ways of enjoying life that I know I could live without sex if that’s what life threw my way. I’d probably have to take up boxing…

Apparently I should become a teacher (according to my wizened relatives who have been advising me) - the inevitable profession for a poster at ILP, it seems…

you didnt really answer it…

Dude, the fingers! All the way. ‘Non-dominant’ seals it.

lol … Frankly, I’d take my chances without either. For the sake of not dismissing the question, I’ll take the bat.

Ear. No question.

I like being alive. Yes, any condition.

You are more Nietzschean than I thought…