3/4. not much to start with, but i’m a musician in training
wiffle bat. can hold it off farther and might intimidate more than harm
out the ear. i already get ear wax coming out of it, and it would seem wrong to pee just over one’s mouth (Socrates held the belief that pooping out the bottom was a sign of God’s good design for man-- is this a godless world you’re proposing?)
finally, it might depend what the world is like in the future. if it is another godless world you’re proposing, and there is no chance of making it any more godly and loving, then, no
Now: (apparently form a drunk religion class) would you rather die or commit a mortal sin?
There’s more than one way to skin a cat, or don’t you have oral sex in Armenia?
Not having orgasms myself would be an immense drag, sure, but I’d live above it. There are so many ways of enjoying life that I know I could live without sex if that’s what life threw my way. I’d probably have to take up boxing…
Apparently I should become a teacher (according to my wizened relatives who have been advising me) - the inevitable profession for a poster at ILP, it seems…