Wrong and Wrong

Maybe this belong in Philosophy, but it’s not very deep.

In English, “wrong” can mean factually incorrect, or morally unacceptable.

Is the same word used for both situations in many other languages?

puddles of oui oui on the floor…


Well… does it matter?

For instance, if there was a language:

which had ‘blah’ as the word for ‘factually wrong’ → “This question is blah… that question is blah, you fail the test”

which had ‘Meh’ as the word for ‘morally wrong’ → I know… I shouldm’h have stolen the chocolate bar, it was meh.

Translated into English… what has really changed? ‘Wrong’ works for both.

Just like say how… say the inuit (eskimo for all you [possibly] offensive americans :evilfun: ) have something like 12 different words for snow.


Terrific - it means awful or great, how should I differ them?

It can in Turkish - wrong = Yanlış

“Cevabiniz yanlışdır” - you’re answer is wrong.

“O çok yanlış bir harakettir” - that was the wrong thing to do.

“Ama, kim umrunda zaaten…?” - but, who cares…?