waht the fuck do you all think of the word, “fuck?”

Is it offensive, or is it in everyone of your sentenses?

I think that it’s just a word and that people’s reactions to it are VERY funny.

I think “fuck” is an excellent exclamation. It has a very unique sexual connotation as well. I don’t understand the mental process for individual words becoming offensive to people. What would be worse to a mother out in public with her 6 year old child: screaming “AWW SEXUAL INTERCOURSE!!!” or “AWW FUCK!!”? I mean little kids are told not to say “shut up.” “Shut up” is quick, easy, and effective if you want someone to REALLY stop talking. Of course “shut up” is really a command, compaired to “fuck” which is simply and exclamation of irritation.

“Fuck you” is an interesting command. What exactly is it referring too? If I say it to you, does that mean that I want to “fuck you”, or am I really just wishing that you get fucked, or am I telling you to fuck yourself? Or is it really not supposed to be said TO someone, but more just in reference to someone?

If I say “fuck you” whats the next line in the conversation supposed to be? “Ok”? “No thank you”? Saying fuck you pretty much ends the conversation right there; like a kid saying “no YOU are stupid times infinity!!!” What can the other kid say? Nothing because you cant get any higher than infinity, so basicaly he’s “fucked”.

Thats another good use of the word. Saying that something is “fucked” is a great way to quickly illustrate the magnitude of an inconvenience. “Whoa your car is upside down in a ditch. That thing is fucked.” “You got all Fs on your report card? You’re fucked.” “You forgot to get an anniversary gift for your wife? You’re fucked because now you will not get fucked.”

But “fuck” I think is best employed when exclaiming your own personal disdain.

You miss a shot: “FUCK!”
You lose your job: “FUCK!”
Your mother in law is coming to town: “FUCK!”
Your baby puked on your suite right before you were leaving for work: “FUCK!”
You get a flat tire: “FUCK!”
People keep negating your arguments on much more eloquently than you can present them: “FUCK!!”
You bought 1000 lottery tickets and not a single one is a winner: “FUCK!”
Your wife is unexpectedly pregnant: “FUCK!”
With triplets: “FUCK!!!”

Try expressing your irritation to these things using “darn” or “dang it” or “frick” or “crap” or “aww poo” or “tartar sauce.” Not as effective right? Right.

Now i’m not saying that expressing your frustration in such a way is right or whatever. But if you must vocalize irritation, do it so people know just how pissed off and annoyed you are.

Another one is “what the fuck?”

I hate it when people go “what-the-fuck?? Wow that doesn’t make any sense to ask that question.” Neither does “what the hell” or “what the heck.”

“-the fuck” should be considered a valid suffix.

Get over here please. => Get the fuck over here please.
What is that? => What the fuck is that?
Who is that? => Who the fuck is that?

See? It allows you to put a 180 spin on the urgency of the command or question.

My whole case for using “fuck” as opposed to “hell” “shit” or “damn” in conversation is because it is so useful, and it takes less energy to say. When you meditate you are supposed to have mantra. A common one is to utter “ohm” over and over again. “Ohm” is supposedly the most efficiently uttered syllable in all language. You could also say “mmm” because that would not require you to open your mouth (it all has to do with focusing energy on your mind, while still keeping a mantra).

So as far as I can tell “fuck” is the easiest to say of all the lesser-favored words. Think about it, you don’t even need lips to say it. Just a slight drop of the jaw really.

So how can one be offended by such a versicle word?

*** *** … _word_fuck
“It’s the one magical word”


Actually, you kinda need your bottom lip to fully utter said word.

Sorta kinda… You can do it through gritted teeth if you try hard enough. Its not exact but it sounds a lot like it. If you do it fast enough it wont sound like “suck”.

sounding ‘a lot like’ doesn’t quite strike me as full utterance.

fuck the fuckers who fucking fuck with fuck.

no, this isn’t a blanket condemnation of the german air corps circa 1917…


Thank you Imp.

That was funny.

What happened to acme?

I think it’s not a bad word, it’s just another word. Because of the connotations associated with it as they conflict with Christianity, though, I choose not to use it only as an image thing. I have nothing against it though.

it collapsed…


I say ‘Holy fuck’ or ‘For fuck’s sake’ a lot.

‘Don’t be a fuck’

One of my favorites is ‘frig’ and swear word combos. So like ‘He’s such a friggin shithead’ or ‘Frig… this fucking sucks’


It collapsed? Was the coyote behind it?

I swear; that friggin’ coyote with its failed acme products.



I have to replace ‘fuck’ with ‘fug’ when in polite company. I find it works just as well, i.e. still offends the prudish.