What happens when we mix the Nietzschean Will To Power with Prophesy? Something interesting occurs.
And that interesting thing is the realization of idealization. First we start with ideals, with goals. “I want to go eat a donut this afternoon.” But events do not just transpire out of thin air. People, men, Mankind, decides that He will change the world, and impose His will. So what He does is…drives to Dunkin Donuts, buys a donut with His money, and eats the donut. But he had to use His WTP to achieve His ideal.
His ideal was manifest into reality, by his Will To Power.
But buying a donut is an easier ideal to realize. What are some more difficult ideals? Maybe lifting 500 pounds, is a difficult feat of strength for you. This requires more WTP to realize this ideal. How about having sex with lots of women, and becoming a “Casa Nova”? That may also require great feats of seduction. So different ideals require more WTP. Let’s call this energy. If you have lots of energy, then you can realize many ideals.
Maybe a man becomes exception, becomes Postchristian and Posthuman, and can both lift 500 pounds, invent spaceships, and seduce 200 women, all within one month. Why? Because he is powerful. He has a strong WTP.
I’m going to add a little quick point real quick. People with weak WTP, which is about 6billion humans on Earth, hate people with strong willpower. People hate men with strong WTP, because they’re jealous of it. It’s like a woman becoming jealous of another woman’s beauty. But as beauty is innate in women, so too WTP maybe innate in men. A man with a strong WTP is self-confident, and, absolutely powerful. He has value, in life. He has Purpose and Meaning, while those without WTP probably do not have any purpose or meaning.
People with weak WTP die off very quickly, and are types first to become extinct in a natural disaster or war. People with stronger WTP are more resilient and able to survive and adapt, under any threatening circumstance or condition.
But let’s get back to the point here. Let’s talk about HIGHER ideals. In fact, let’s talk about the HIGHEST ideals, which most people falsely and ignorantly believe are “impossible”, like immortality, omniscience, and omnipotency. Many morons and idiots in the world thought that mankind “flying” would be impossible forever. Many morons and idiots, I will call these “naysayers” and “heretical disbelievers” and “atheists”, thought that Christopher Columbus couldn’t find His way to the new world. But He did. He proved them all wrong.
Men with strong WTP, like Christopher Columbus, proved morons as what they are, morons and idiots. He made fools out of these foolish unbelievers. They doubted His abilities…His WTP, and they were embarrassed. Because people who believe that things are “impossible”, like “Oh it’s impossible to live forever!”, are exactly what I said, they’re morons. They’re stupid.
Because you have limits. You believe in the impossible. Your “human knowledge” is small, tiny even. You don’t have vision or imagination. You don’t have WTP. You certainly don’t have strong WTP.
The strongest types of WTP, like Christopher Columbus, or Saint Thomas Aquinas, prove to the world that mankind (not women or children), is special. Within the concept of “MAN”, there exists the strongest willpower, WTP, that proves everybody simply wrong. And this aspect of mankind can no longer become denied. There are no more “impossibilities”.
What is religious “Prophesy”? All you atheists, agnostics, jews, christians, and nietzscheans…listen to what I’m saying, or instead, read what I’m writing here. What is Prophesy? It is Will to Power. A Man idealizes the world, and has “bigger” ideals than everybody else, and He realizes them. And this is what we have called “prophesy” for so long.
Prophesies are just challenges. Religious people make challenges, for other strong, noble types, like…rebuild the Temple Mount in a day. But is this so difficult to achieve? NO. Not to a Postchristian, Posthuman man with a strong willpower. He can do it because He can do anything. He can achieve anything. He’s not a coward and weakling, like you humans. He doesn’t have limitations or biases, like you humans.
He has IMAGINATION and the ABILITY to achieve all His ideals. He’s not weak. This is your mistake. You believe that because YOU are weak, that so is He. This is the lie and falsity. Just because YOU were not Christopher Columbus, and many things are impossible for YOU, doesn’t mean that YOUR limits apply to me or my kind. Because they don’t.
All prophesies can become realized. It’s easy…to those who are strong. Nietzscheans ought to understand and accept this straight away. What was the message of Zarathustra? What is the message of Prophesy?
Why does Man create Ideals, and then, Realize them? Why do you want a donut this afternoon, a small ideal, and then you go and eat it? You realize your ideal.
Now, apply this “realizing the donut” to greater and greater ideals. Do you really believe that religious prophesies are “impossible”? To you, they probably are impossible. But, to those with the strongest wills, real men, real individuals, MANKIND, Him, these are easy to accomplish. They’re not difficult at all.
The stronger your WTP, the more powerful your ideals, and the more capable you are of proving all impossibilities possible.
To men like myself, nothing is actually “impossible” at all. NOTHING. IS. IMPOSSIBLE. Accept it.