Wuhan China ended their Lockdown 7 months ago


Bring back McCarthyism.

I’m sorry you are upset with Trump for making a deal with China in June last year.
How does this relate to your theory about the pandemic being a scam?

Biden has not contacted China in 2020.
It was Trump that was making deals with China in June.

Trump got help from Russia in 2016, and help from China in 2020.

What do you not understand about this?

Pathetic arguments,

The Trump US-China Trade Embargo stopped hundreds of billions of dollars being lost to China. Biden will remove the embargo once he gets his $1 billion Equity deal that he has made through Hunter, literally selling-out the US Presidential office to foreign powers for personal gain, and the loss of everybody else in the US.


You do not know what you are talking about.
Trump has already ended the embargo.
Try and keep up with the facts.
You are just looking stupid.

The Communist China Party is gearing up for Round Two of biological attacks.

Since their first intentional attack is successful, and they can release whatever they like anywhere, the next virus will be much more devastating and deadly.

And, because of shills like you, they plan to get away with it. After all, with your Communist Apologetics, and traitors like you, who can stop them?

China’s biggest victory is the election of Trump whose total lack of attention allowed the virus to spread, and Trump was the man that did the big deal with China.

If they can “realease it anywhere” then WHY THE FUCK did they release it in Wuhan?

You are such a stooooooooooooooooooooooopid cunt

For 4 possible reasons or perhaps a combination -

  • Plausible deniability - it must have come from one of our many bats or food markets
  • Their intent (perhaps successful) was to pass it to an American - but happened to have also infected themselves.
  • The CCP wanted for and arranged for an “accident” that the weapons researches didn’t know about.
  • Disguise for sake of those ignorants who might think - “WHY THE FUCK would they release it in Wuhan”.

Obsrvr beats me to the punch lately.

Plausible deniability, plus they control the Source. They control ground-zero. Foreign investigators were never allowed to investigate. China literally, financially owns WHO. WHO does whatever CCP instructs. You’ll never get “the truth” out of them. But I’m certain our Central Intelligence knows that it was intentional.

This was not an accident.

So the real question is – how are domestic terrorists, shills, and traitors doing their handiwork and propaganda for free?

Why does Sculptor apologize on behalf of the CCP and their literal-war maneuvers against us?

How does the Democratic party apologize for this intentional bio-attack?

The last question is easier to answer. Dems worked in cahoots with CCP, to remove Trump. Because Trump stood against China (implementing the $1 trillion trade embargo) and against the Dems. So the two are working hand-in-hand, the latter betraying the US Constitution, which we see with the removal of Free Speech.

Can average people and citizens question Covid on youtube? Or won’t they be banned? That’s right, Sculptor, admit to it. Admit that you will be banned for questioning Covid on youtube and other public platforms, even the medical professionals, scientists, doctors, and real authorities who judged early on that this was all a big SCAM. The death rate was a lie early on. The deaths were pushed, rewritten from regular flu-season deaths. And those with underlying conditions, were also falsely labeled Covid deaths, intentionally inflating the mortality rate.

Furthermore, data and info has been publicly restricted.

According to the propaganda, they renamed it to “Active Covid Cases” as soon as it was determined (4 months in) that the death rate was too low to sufficiently influence the population. So they switched the propaganda to “constantly spiking active cases”, which was/is a ruse. Now they need “new strains” to keep the fear-mongering going.

But you’re simple-minded fool, sucking down Kool Aid.

Don’t ever talk down to me, child. Because you are a child, to me. I’m probably 20 years younger than you too.

Release in the US. Then deny it. Why would any one pick on China?

Not everyone is as stupid as you. I shit I lost the vial of covid in the fish maket. damn!!

Or, more likely, it as as the entire fucking world, except a few morons with tin-hats, think it is.

He’s your sock puppet.

Your birth was.

If you want to ask a shill working for CHina, ask Trump who signed a bog deal with them in June - or did that pass you by?

Sorry it’s tto late for my. Trump has already done that.

But you’re simple-minded fool, sucking down Kool Aid.

If, a psychological basis be found for the meta-fractures within individuals intrinsic psyche, then the absolute need arises now, for the so called ’ identity politics’ around which the basic tenets of the Constitution are measured by to extend this to social- psychologucal-political/economic perimeters.

But this goes back to democratically contrived attempts to revitilize the defense of Capital, before, it’s ultimate test we are currently I living through.

This duplicity originates with China, yes, but long before that with Hungary’s ‘gulash-communiam’.and , even before that with Poland’s defiance.

The Chinese are short on ideology, but long on imitation as a short cutted way through the history of finding objectives, transcending the visually obvious failure of Soviet 5 year plans’ .

The mix dies not alley the suspicion that the continuum within the trajectory of synthetic material can not phenomenally reduce without a breakup into three continua, that dialectically should have held together at least as the popular front’s optical appraisal of it.

The Internationale of former days can not be forged to the desires of the internationale corporate views.

At this present time, both parties are singularly united in essence, but optically way behind such an effort.


Is this clip from before or after this?

Dr. Drew Pinsky apologizes for coronavirus comments: ‘I got it wrong’

usatoday.com/story/entertai … 960027001/

They are not censored.

Social media platforms are privately owned, and have no obligation to offer a platform to ANYONE.

As you ought to know the right to deny service is at the behest of the service provider.

If they don’t like it - they can go elsewhere.

That is America.

False, and you are spewing more lies, as per usual.

There are Federal Election Laws. When any politicians uses social media, and social media hosts them, then they are beholden to these Election Laws, which means giving equal-opportunity to both sides, to not favoring one side or opinion over another, and providing equal air time. To break these laws, is Election Interference, as it is to manipulate information and search-engines to favor one side over another. Furthermore, censoring and banning the POTUS from an admitted “public platform” as “social media”, is fully intended within the First Amendment, because social media is the public sphere. Corporations do not have more power than Congress, never intended. So your point is invalid, and your judgment is infantile.

Two things.

  1. These clowns are not running for office.
  2. The election’s over and YOU lost
    Get over it! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Two things:

  1. You’re a Communist Shill.
  2. You have a very low IQ, address me as “Superior”, you pathetic goon.


Trump is a commie shill

You are a stupid c*nt. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: