Your NSA....

The thing I’m curious about is how agencies accountable to no one other than their own morality can exist in shadow, in a supposed democracy. I mean to me the concept of a democracy in today’s world is simply absurd when you have agencies with limitless resources at their fingers operating on priorities set half a century ago, which are clearly not in your countries best interest, as your country is a laugh-stock shitshow right now. Despite what sort of diesel-brained inanity Imp pumps out of his mouth into this board.

These days (especially) the onice is on you to prove you still live in a democracy, and I guarantee you cannot very easily.

So what do we do? Cry like babies and complain as I do? Well, perhaps, but it’s integral to simply keep talking about it. No matter what kind of thought-control they try and force on us --physical, energetic, or conceptual-- so long as we reserve our right to be critical in the first place, that is most of the battle right there.

the united states is not and never has been a democracy.

it is and always has been a constitutional republic.




Thanks for the ban and that huge gun picture!

What percentage of people would you say are aware of that in the US? Do you think it’s because they

A) Like to be uninformed
B) Are manufactured by the gov’t to -be- uninformed.
C) Listen to a President who continually refers to the US as a democracy
D) Other…


the limits of my language are the limits of my world -Wittgenstein
