your proudest accomplishment

Come on guys…
Don’t be modest.
Tell me what it is about yourself that you’re most proud of. I know alot of you will ignore this because of low self esteem, or because of feelings of inadquacy. I hope that doesn’t ruin the fun. I know some of you have families, or PhDs, or have done something you never thought you’d get to do. I wanna know about it! So post up! If this thread dies in 2 days I’ll be very dissappointed in you all.

This Post.

I thank you and goodnight.

I’ll be here all weekend.

( =D> Crowd goes wild! =D> )

More seriously, I’m quite proud that despite being rather crap at my job I’m in line for a promotion. Where’s the justice? I’ll tell you where it’s not… the Co-op


I’m proud that I was able to write Dionysian Nation.

I think this thread says alot about this forum. Everyone here is so afraid of being attacked that they can’t even talk about themselves. I’ve never met so many people who called themselves thinkers that never had an original thought in their lives. Everyone needs to stop hiding behind quotes and old worn out philosophical ideas and grow some balls.
I’m really dissappointed.

Be the example of your ideal. You offer nothing on this thread but a question and a threat, and now insults. Do you honestly think this is a good way to get people to respond?

I had sex repeatedly with a ex- eastern European model who was one of my ex-girlfriends.

Best days of my life really.

( Contemplates time travel.)

I have done one cool, genuinely new thing in my life: wrote a math paper that solved an open problem in combinatorics. It has the names of like 6 other people on it, but the essential idea was mine. It got published in a moderately prestigious journal thanks to the prof who wrote up my solution for publication and added some generalizations.

I’m currently a PhD student in math and hopefully I will come up with some more cool ideas before they cut off my funding. I’ve got a few years, no pressure ^_^;;

Second proudest achievement: I played a Chopin ballade for my entire high school as a sort of valedictory address when I graduated… I think people enjoyed it more than another speech :slight_smile:

also, Smears: I have no idea who you are. I concur with SIATD and hope that you reply to your own question.

Not being Scott Mears.

Not being too arrogant to answer this question.

And being able to ride a bike.

Oh yeah and I can make a good fire.

Oh I see, you gotta answer the question, just in an extremely modest fashion.

Ok, I can brush my teeth and breathe.

Let me just anticipate any future clever answers here:

I am adept at basic bodily functions and survival skills. I have various clever ways of procuring food and shelter which involve waving strips of paper and plastic in people’s faces. My education is at least of a third grade level. And I can tie my shoes, although it takes me slightly longer than most people.

You know scotts to gay to be takin seriously. Of course we all like cheerful people, but honestly, I don’t see honesty in this post. But possibly because I am a bit of a pessmist.

I really think Scott wants to see if were like him and total losers who haven’t done anything with our lives. At least thats the vibe I picked up on the last post about why philosophers were so lame. Scott is not an objective outsider, he’s very much in the world of ILP now. And even though philosophers have alot of time on their hands, we do accomplish.

Personally I come here to discuss serious topics, and learn. If I wanted to go to chat room I’d go to chat room, and I have friends. If you could scott, remove the undertones in your writing to seem more sincere, I may just answer the question and be a little vain; even though I don’t see my accomplishments as anything great. The philosophical question would be what accomplishment is great and worth even discussing? Almost all accomplishments are equal objectively.

Which is why I guess being able to make a fire is a sound answer, congrats. I just hope that was your intention and you’re not half retarded no offense.

Me too, disappointed to the last.

But unless you consider this to be your finest achievement in life then you are pigeon holing yourself with your own rule.

Oh, and I don’t know if this is my PROUDEST moment but a moment I am surely proud of is when I got one of my profs to admit that some Star Trek episodes where better than Babylon 5 in general (I am a big Trekkie and he is a HUGE B5er).

I’ve sucessfully been acquited of 2 criminal cases both with public defenders and I’ve argued my way out of at least 20 traffic tickets. I’ve been driving for a long time and alot of those tickets are from motorcycles which I ride pretty well. I’ve been doing that for about 15 years. I was expelled from high school and am in my last semester of college, (all of which I’ve paid for). I’ve had two different jobs in the philosophy department there. And I won a lawsuit against an insurance company once even though I was telling a bunch of lies.

It worked. :smiley:

Proudest moment of my life, well I could say while giving birth I refrained from killing the most arrogant nurse in the world. I think that was a true accomplishment of restraint. Cuz I really, really, really wanted to strangle the b,female. Tell me I am not relaxing, give me lectures while my body has every pain possible and every degree of pain.

But , that is not the proudest moment. Saving peoples lives is on the list. but no, thats not the proudest.

Helping kids is there too but still not the proudest.

It was having coffee with my dad early morning at our family reunion, we two were the only ones up. Our conversation was great as usual, we talked and argued at length and then he told me he was always so proud of me. He kissed my cheek and hugged me. I was so proud at that moment and I still feel the warmth and love from it. Dad is never one for emotions or untruths. Being a Sgt. in the military most of his life, he never could do those things. So when Dad does say something like that. It is a true thing. That is my shining moment. The unexpected warmth and love of my Dad being proud of me and telling me. He always said it when we were kids but, I never thought about him still being proud after all these years.

What, 4 proper responses, only after I responded to your response?

I wouldn’t call that ‘total’…

My post has been edited for accuracy.

I kicked a 42 yard field goal in 11th grade!

That’s a hell of a kick!!