Rebellion and Free-Will

The game chooses you, or you couldn’t even play.

The choice is yours to play well, or lose by default because you cheated. To refuse to play is to play in bad faith.

beautiful (happy) are/will be those who, in seeking, find/gain/win/receive/unlock more

woeful (sad) are/will be those who, in keeping without sharing, lose/forget/reject/lock what they never really had

I never cheated.

You don’t seem to understand this iteration of existence.

I am special. I had to condemn everyone to make the choice to be with me bravery. Nobody was brave enough to pick me.

Existence is a comedian.

How funny is it to give the protector of all souls and infinite wisdom the task of getting sex?

It’s impossible. And existence laughs. What? Are you intuitive? Not.

I let you eat your food, I let you walk around, I let you think.

Existence is a comedian.

I deserve sex more than anyone in life.

You never knew the game.

I have a stake in the game too.

I’m sent to hell forever if I don’t get sex from being an honest man.

When I lose, you all lose. That was always the game.

I’m transparent with the cosmos, women always reject me.

I’m actually extremely good company. I can speak high and low at will.

This is just a little game of existence…. That the ultimate marriage material can’t get laid if anyone’s and everyone’s life depends on it.

I was chosen for this absurd game as the star of the show.

I will make an honest man of you when I see you in the flesh without anything between us.

Until then you’re just a golem with a precious ring.


The flesh. That’s funny. I guess I do still have flesh.

Let me check all the dimensions really quick.

Nope. You can’t get to me.

Honesty is different than telling the truth.

No new faces.

Till We Have Faces.


The ET’s do have a good sense of humor.

They joke about us…

Their joke is…

“They think with their meat”

Really funny when you think about it.

ET’s don’t talk to me anymore. Sometimes they’ll randomly appear and say two simple words… “hi Jason”

They know I don’t need them in the sense that others do.
“Hi Jason” speaks billions of words to me.

It lets me know they’re paying attention and that they come in peace.

I’ve met many shapeshifters in my life.

It’s a very hard skill to learn how to shapeshift and keep the mind intact. It takes trillions of years to master that skill.

I don’t have that skill.

Actually…. The hardest skill in the cosmos to master is the making of a heart source.

I know all these things which is why they visit me.
Little ol’ me sending a shockwave through all existence.

I don’t look like much…. But my vibrations are felt everywhere.

I take more delight in a higher intelligence simply saying hi to me from a different dimension then I do from hours of conversation by a human.

Greetings, Jasonling, I appear in peace.


  • Maryannling

(I have that power. I just … lack motivation to utilize it. Currently. But… I feel it building. That is not experienced without … conflict. Things are not always as they appear.)

Take me to your leader.

You’re not a trans dimensional being Ichthus.

Your thoughts are somewhat creative. Like the writers for television and movies.

But you’re not the real thing.

I deal with structural issues of the entire all of existence. I can spot a fake.

You’re getting your Ecmandu porn.

I’ll teach you more Ichthus.

The pinnacle of all power and work over time is constructing a heart source.

I have that power.

It’s not that I’m creating a new being…

That’s impossible.

I create the heart source and a being decided to step into it.

There’s so little you understand about existence Ichthus.

Your very username is about a person who speaks in codes.

What do you have to hide?

I’ll tell you something about Jesus.

He’s not the lord and savior.

He’s as ordinary as you and me.

People are confused about me.

They think I’m a prophet or messiah.

I know more than them, but I’m still just a bag of bones like everyone else.

There’s a responsibility to knowing more than others…

You’re suddenly a guide. And if you fuck up, everyone dies.

But when you have actual wisdom, you see the guide in everyone.

You see the guide in a child, in a retard, in your aversion people. You are a student of everything…

And strangely enough that makes you a leader.

Everyone is a leader.

Do not underestimate the skill of people. The moment you underestimate someone who’s worked forever on skills you can’t even comprehend, is the moment you’re not awake.

I see lorikeet do this everyday.

But I don’t underestimate lorikeet either.

Take me to everyone.

I am a messenger.

I have a message.

I am not the message.

But this message is for your leader/everyone.

This message is not the message.

It has to be demonstrated in code, not written in code.

Then everyone also demonstrates it to whoever missed it.

Soon, everyone gets the message.


Not everyone receives it very well.

If you won’t take me to everyone, your receiver must be broken.

Double post.

Rebellion without free-will, is fate…the status quo.
Not really a rebellion.

You can’t escape reality. You are still in reality when you lose touch.

Respectable boundaries do not rule out a woman wanting to be with the real you.

You just have to cross state and county and city boundaries — all fake ones!

Be a rebel.

I read your post before replacing it with the words “double post”.

I thought I double posted. I just managed to delete my original post. I’ll try to repost.

There is the mechanism.

Women need men to violate their boundaries in order the accept men sexually. Not all men who violate their boundaries are accepted.

Men need to violate a women’s boundaries to be sexually selected.

Because of the mechanism, this species will die.

I found a limit to my power by not being able to change the mechanism.

I’m actually an extremely powerful being. I can’t change the mechanism.

It’s impossible for me to have sex with a woman.

It’s perfectly possible for a false me to have sex with many women.

Because of this… the world will die.

Don’t mourn it.

This species was never meant to thrive and survive.

I’m already working on my escape plan.

To add to my post that already replied to that:

Why is it impossible? Logically or practically?

Which boundaries do you consider uncrossable? Are you 100% sure every woman has (or SHOULD have) that boundary?

Maybe you’re wrong.

You already know my argument.

In a sex dimorphic species women show markedly more discomfort for approach escalation and ornate behavior than men do from women using the same behaviors.

Men who adapt to not violate female boundaries are refused by women.

I don’t know why this law exists.

I do know it will destroy the species and is the root cause of all war and violence and torture and torment in the greater cosmos.

The human species is a mistake.

At first…. I thought I could reason with men and women alike and avert the disaster.

Women can’t be changed. They NEED to have their consent violated by a man in order to be with a man.

Men don’t change either. They NEED sex.

The only way men can get sex is to violate female boundaries.

This will cause the destruction of human life in this iteration.

I even went so far as to work on changing all of existence because of this problem.

My new solution is self contained hyperplacting marionette philosophic universes.

In the absence of god, that’s the only reality that works without contradiction.

If god were real, they’d just be hyperplayacting realities.

I’m so sorry. That requires too much decoding for me. I think that is because, if you just answered my questions simply, you would see your problem is all in your head. It is an ego defense against playing by rules you are uncomfortable with. Your problem is that you got comfortable with the wrong rules. You need to shake things up a bit. Violate your own boundaries that are illusory. Please start by answering my questions.