Dilettantes and ILP

i dont eat filet mignon every day i eat different stuff all the time

Lol hahahahaha he pays taxes on drug deals.

It’s the single greatest thing I ever heard. It’s like a novel in itself.

Does he tip extra if the cook is black? What if the cook is White though, he’ll have to explain that. :-k

No you douche he pays less if at all. But he gets a pic and shares it on twitter.

Ah, our resident ex drug dealer has now gone legit by paying taxes on drug money with the new government legalizations.

Mr. Reasonable, how does it feel giving the government half your shit every month now? What’s that even like?

How does that make you feel?

I see, he fakes virtue signals getting a photo op with the black cook on Facebook bragging to all his female friends how woke he is so he can get laid and afterwards tips him $1.00 if anything at all. Yeah, that sounds about right, I can see it happening.

No, what he says is that evn when he is actively dealing, he voluntarily calculates how much he would owe in taxes and pays it.

It’s out of this world.

i would never, ever, ever have a facebook account. that is offensive.

pedro i said you can do that i didnt say i did do that

That’s the truth, that’s how it happens.

I already knew you had no integrity, but do you also have no spine?

Because you were making a big fuzz about paying taxes when you said that.

i post for entertainment purposes only

No, you are spinless.

i have a spine that bitch has 2 pinched nerves in it moral of the story dont wreck motorcycles

Remember when this thread was not just another one hijacked by the yak, yak, yak, social media crowd?

It must be in the hundreds by now.

Note to Only_Humean or Faust:

I won’t call you “serious philosophers” anymore if you’ll come back to moderate the philosophy forum.

Just this board.

K: given the very low level of philosophical content on this board, I am not surprise
they have gone their own way… hold your course even if the “social media” crowd
seems to hold serve…by sticking to your truth, regardless of how it is perceived,
it will show the “kids” how real philosophy is done… and maybe, just maybe,
one of them will even attempt to do some real philosophy… even if it is just
an another attempt to look smart or intelligent…or as Shakespeare put,

“Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
that struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
and then is heard no more, it is a tale
told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing”

hopefully, the kids can reach that level of discourse…


Dominoes et cum spirituo

K: the lord be with you?..

not sure…

and the correct response should be, Et cum spiritu tuo…
“and with your spirit”…


But PK, if you weren’t a dilettante yourself you would have gone back to your thread on pardons necessarily meaning guilt, seen the evidence that in fact this is not the case and made, heck, even a mild concession. Like, ‘ok, the issue is not so clear.’ Like an adult. Perhaps you’ll finally do it now. I doubt it. But I won’t know. Coward. Whatever noises you make for the gallery. I saw PK. No integrity. But you just keep talking down from on high.

Oh, did you get your ideas on vaccines from society or from yourself?

I love these false dichotomies and un-mutually-exclusive categories presented as opposed options.

I saw you. I watched you do these things. That won’t be undone by whatever sloppy reasoning you throw at this. I know you hid.

Take care.

K: I know you won’t understand this, but I will try…

as you get older, as I am probably 20 or 30 years older then you are…
you will understand this… as you grow older, the most important
factor is time…not money, not being right, not ego, not possessions,
the only thing that counts is time…
that is why, once I make my point, I walk away…

I have said what I needed to say in that particular thread…
I was done with the pardons thread… and I have no desire to revisit it…
I made my point and I moved on… I don’t have the time or energy to waste
on saying new things about something I have nothing more to speak about…

I am invested in saying only what I have to say and then I move on…

when I was younger, I would research the shit out of, well everything…
these days I don’t waste the time… I just don’t care enough to waste
my time or energy on research anymore…

when I have said what I need to say on a thread, I walk away…
I’m done…and that is something you do when you are old…
you make your point and then you are done…

notice I never return to old threads… I am done with them… I have
nothing I wish to say about them…and so I move on…

everything I do these days involved some calculations of how much time
I will spend on it… and if it looks like I am going to spend more then then
I want to, I simple walk away… I don’t have the time to waste anymore…
on stuff that doesn’t speak to me… that is why I walked away from Heidegger…
I wasn’t going to learn anything after reading half of his book… and so I was done…
it was a waste of my time… and I moved on to something else…

the first question I ask myself is, is this worth my time? and most of the time,
it isn’t worth my time…hence I walk away… you might call me a coward,
but hay, I don’t really care…I have bigger fish to fry then some kid
who hasn’t a clue… read me, don’t read me, I don’t care…

you aren’t worth my time…until, until you begin to ask the right
questions about existence and then, I shall engage with you…

but otherwise my decisions are dictated by how much time I wish to
put into something…which is something an old person gets, and you won’t get
for a couple of decades…
