Can dogs think phenominally?

This may go the heart of your question as to the meaning of ‘phenomenal thinking’

Literally thinking descibes.

And such may be literally mean, having ‘thoughts’ which have maximal attachment to sensational causes. But such does not delimit what human thinking conscribes within reasonable bounds of apprehension.

Dreams may be connected within such bounded areas, where at times vocal sensational attributes may accompany visual content. In extremely needed boundary situations, delusions of hearing voices can also be included within, but maybe stemming from different zones of apprehension

Here is a current description of the difference
“Papineau compares the situation to the use–mention distinction: Phenomenal concepts directly use the experiences to which they refer, while physical descriptions merely mention them.”

me no says:

In the case of dogs. they cannot experience the distinction. but that does not disqualify them of being conscious of it, and that mode of thinking can also qualify as thought. That they can learn some directives is proof of this

I’m not sure we are getting there.
From the surfing I have done in psychology articles, the closest meaning I can get to is “the use of concepts”.
Rather than approach their experience as a direct physically embodied cognition, “phenomenal thinking” (PhT) is the means by which the world of experienced is categorised for reflexion.
Though I can bring evidence to bear that my dog knows words in English, that illicite predictable responses, it’s not so easy to follow that through to PhT.
For example “cat&rats”, puts my dog on high alert and she will scan the surrounding area for signs of small animals.
“Pig’s Ear” will send her into a frenzy of excitement at the prospect of getting her favourite deep fried treat.

But many of these “concepts” if I may call them that require a keen context, though some are adaptable.
“Cats&rats " when outiside will get her scanning the area, looking to the grass, the bushes, the undergrowth.
But when she in at home the same “cats&rats” will get her checking what’s on TV, or looking out of the window.
She’s definitely looking into the future in some sense; anticipating an encounter with a furry creature.
Can we conclude that this is PhT?
You could choose to see this as some sort of Pavlovian response, but I think the whole notion of a “conditioned response” is a mean minded and unimaginitively reductive interpretation of bell ringing salivation.
So what is the dog doing when the bell rings? He is thinking about food and anticipating the food with his imagination!! Pavlov seems to delete the dog’s brain, and proposes a direct causal link between a ringing bell and the salivation” I call BS.

My feeling is that the dog is the same as a human and that the difference is one of degree, and not a difference in kind.

Yes, agreed however however the closest concept that nears my comprehension of a man-dog, is approachable from a reverse evolutionary fictional tale , as described by Orwell’s treatment in say: 'The Island of Dr. moreau.

That has more conviction than Pavlovian learning, for the simple reason that if learning through a redundant content of cues, seems entirely to amass far more resiliant staying power, (hence the will to reinforce it) than the slights of energy that tend to restructure\devolve them.

The allegory of animal like creatures in the artist Freud, seems counter to psychoanalysis of his predecessor, totally exhibiting the genetic/memetic puzzle.

Dogs and people.

Just a curious happening in the neighberhood. How would handle it?

The other day, this good looking blonde, older but still swelte, who usually smiles and is friendly, comes out with her frisky miniature poodle to check the mail. I used to know her name but forgot.

So her dog barks at me, she doesen’t know me, so i go " hi baby’ .

The woman pretends not to hear, maybe I think she thought perhaps i was addressing her and not the pup.

I am afraid she may think I was making an improper pass, because she has shined me off since.

Just another thing to set my mind worrying

I wish somehow the dog could let her know.

I am reluctant to knock on her door and explain, and her husband may not appreciate me slipping a note under the door.

Dear reader ( now that Abby is gone), what should I do? Or just wait…for the winter freeze…

Not that Los Angeles neighbors are anything but perfunctory. I even thought of explaining that i call all dogs baby., which i do, but would that not further exesparate the situation.

THought you forgot her name?
WHo’s Abby?
Why would you care that a married woman is not looking at you?
If I were you I’d mind my own business if I were living in LA again; might find a bullet in your head.

My advice… DO nothing, but if you see the dig again, make sure you call it “baby” again, and make sure you are not looking at the woman’s tits, but into the eyes of the dog.

I agree with Sculptor… it’s sound advice. Why care what your neighbour thinks?

Thanks MagsJ and Sculptor. Your advice is helpful, but does not eliminate the way I feel.

Incidentally ‘Abbey’ was a syndicated newspaper columnist, featured as "Dear Abbey’ for decades, and people used to write to get for advice.

The fact is , as you may know Sculptor, having once lived in the city of angels, it has lost it’s small town athmosphere, and even transplanted New-Yorkers comment on how it bears increasing resemblance to the big apple day by day.

So, the fragile relationships a new guy in town managed to construct, can be voided by a wrong look or comment.

My family is trying not to fall back into. an Adams
family type notice, whereas all have to go through this type of initial presumption.

So I take Sculptors suggestion to heart. and seek out the opportunity to obviously talk to and about the dog, and only if the unnamed bombshell is facing toward me, and hopefully out of sight of dear hubby.

Thanks again guys.


…the way you feel about the situation or the blonde?

After having experienced a misunderstanding or two, from neighbours, I went back to keeping to myself… save for the neighbours on either side and across from me, whom I ensure to keep at a comfortable un-overfamiliar distance.

Both. The situation is more pressing, and the misunderstanding of that situation may wrest with the blonde

She is no dummy like people think of Marylin Monroe PR Diana Does ; not to suppose their act fooled anybody but the then current bobby-soxers, however , at this point, really, London is not comperable with Los Angeles

People simply can not go around pretending to sideline the situation.

See, MagsJ , how phenominally naive or better described -stupid i can get.

On rereading my prior post, how degrading and possibly fictitious the way it can be misread.

If that’s the cased i regret when my vampire comes out in full force.

Maybe the bombshell thought about it along the same lines. Maybe i’m conducive by some kind of inner inauthenticity to speak in terms of the 'is-ought world of experience.

The question may be asked is prior to the possible phenomenal think in of the dog, need a phenomenal duplicity of man’s (mine) and others’ be included ?

In fact , men could be phenominally stupid before that being attributed to dogs. But that may be stretching it to show gaps in their snarls.

“Misread” is spin which focuses the fault away from yourself to the reader.
You’d do better being less of a windbag, and saying what you mean.

It does not matter where you live. You can get that small town experience whereso ever you may be.
It all depends on your scope, your reach and your choice of friends. But mostly your willingness to explore.

I give you the following tip: You should have a gay callboy come and have sex with him at your big window at the moment when the said woman comes with her dog and can see you.

I hope I could help you with this.

“Shhhhhh, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”


Not with her big marine and his son , just out ( of basic from camp pendleton ) leaving dog poop all over my front yard.

Wasn’t that helpful for you?

Or you put a muscular workman on your roof and keep calling out to him: “High”. And when the said woman passes by again, she knows that she is not meant.

But it’s likely the best that you just forget about the “hi” thing.

What do you think?

How many dogs are underdogs?

The dogs shown in the following film are not underdogs at all.


Really. Maybe You and every postman who tries to bait the dogs on their route to peacefully pass mail, bring bones of signs of understanding of dog psychology, wherein they know little about whitmanesque digital acceptance, nor of Catholic dogma, forcing gay priests and straight ones from geniflecting with anyone but Jesus.

Who has been commented obtrusively to love his beloved disciple apostle, John.

Does anyone nowedays think about wether Christ read or was at all familiar with Plato’s ladder of love?

At any rate this is post Stonewall for at least 50 years, and only scattered vestiges remain among those who still bark for a reinvented America.–48?feature=share