

blood, guts, & trauma

cfs.ku.dk/staff/zahavi-publicat … Takes.pdf/

turns on faucet

inserts glass under the flowing stream

listens to the watery filling noise approach the apex

turns off faucet

thirstily chugs the cool, clean, clear water…GULP…GULP…GULP…GULP

flicks Adam’s apple & runs away

fills another glass

stomps toward your direction

Kitchen sink hose or garden hose? Kitchen is faster. Go away, lol.


For reals.

holds glass of water above your head

water level creeps to the edge of the glass, ready to cascade over

holds the glass still

The glass, barely half full from the stomping, begins to implode in the pattern of a fractal. It shatters, water and glass fall on your head. We explode. The end.

janitor enters the room with rolling mop and bucket, full of bleach water

he grabs a sponge, dips it in the bleach water, and begins cleaning the blood splatter off the walls

Now I feel guilt.

I do agree with that, but really need to stand under it, unreservedly and without any doubt

can’t for the life of me leave it alone, to the point of masichismically living a tolerant ignorance.

To be ignorant is to be ignored.

Oh let live and live.

With All the evidence, yet , and the one tat betrayed him, loved, and yet written to occur? How in the world can any other be expected to unloved the familiar familial.

No way

So put up or xxxx up. Sorry but logical consistency does shed splatters of red upon walls. bleaches for gamers, and where he is or maybe changed into something more convenient like green.

Whether you do whether you do it for evil or good, He can turn it back to good. My stupidity was already factored in. So. Pop the popcorn and enjoy the show.

No way if anything but stupid but where has complements gotten anywhere but to a whisp near to friekush wonders how.

Strength lies in the talent 4 cut stills, with the hope of replacing anew impression.

Warning: some like it hot, but others , they go for the Cool,

Ok. I think?? lol

I dunno, but

Percipio ergo sum.(however ironic that is for one to imply that)

SoS 2:15

Please be good.

Whostempus’e afraid of the repo man?

tempus fugit, mallus maleficarum *


⸘Who is VPresicely‽

Eph 6:12, Matt 10:28, Ps 16:10
