Pedro's Corner (Part 1)

apology accepted

You will notice that that is Miles’s pre-hippy era.

…decent ; )

Here’s one where you can hear the actual lyrits.

pedro is one of the few examples of someone in the world that i think is cool even though he doesn’t really like me

It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s just that you’re a fat fucking gringo.

The world is not about real circumstances with real people with real problems, but about you and your need to feel righteous.

It’s ok for a woman to think in terms of emotions, and also why they probably shouldn’t vote, but what is your excuse for doing it? Advocating high taxes to fund a police that prosecutes your drug dealing that you will never pay because you make your money drug dealing. Just one example. Reason is not how you arrive at your position, but emotion. It makes you feel you are a ‘good guy.’

A tour or two in the army might give you some real perspective, see how the world actually is outside your privileged boundaries. And then you might not have such a big mouth.

DISCLAIMER: This doesn’t mean women can’t reason. Just that it is OK for them not to. You try it with the hormonal volatility of a life-giving body. They can, but you can’t blame them if they don’t, and that is reason enough to consider, you know, not letting them vote and stuff.

i had to stop selling drugs in 2015 when i was charged with trafficking.

also, you think i crave a feeling of righteousness?

I just wanted to get that off my chest. I didn’t want you to go through life thinking I dislike you on some personal level.

it was really stressing me out

did you see my videos from the desert?

You came here
You sucked my dick
And you brought a nigga back to life
I thank you

Your feathers
I still see them
Laying on my bed
All white

You would like to stay
I know that
Your two droplet eyes
Are in love

But your wings
Are starting to get restless
You are preparing for your flight
And you’re scared

Take with you my blessings
I am in tight with the gods
Keep me in your wetness
And think of me while soaring the sky

I know that the breeze
As soon as it hits your face
Will make you feel better
And your wings fall in love with the clouds

That ass of yours
Is more than amazing
Marble and ocean
All rolled into one

Thank you again
From the bottom of my heart
The cities I conquer
Will all owe you one

That is ridiculous.

which part?

look at these crazy switchbacks.


I will probably take my time. That is obscenely beautiful.

Psychoanalysis of communism:

Communists are right. But not in the way they think.

The masters, the people who directed society and had power, had slaves and servants and employees, in England finally took such a leap forward in the economics of material and mechanical wealth that the old traditions, the cultural heritage, if you will, became unnecessary. What they did, of course, was the opposite of what communists accuse them of. But communists, representing the employed class, were angry. They were angry for the same reason a child of a nuveau rich couple might be angry: a perceived poverty of spirit. Not that the masters exerted too much control, but too little. That they no longer cared. That they were arrogant enough to think that meeting and exceeding their material needs beyond the wildest dreams of any previous state of humanity was all they owed their children. It is a perceived sense of alienation, of cultural orphanage. What communism represents is not any kind of logical or rational thought, but a lashing out, the servant class seeking to punish the master class. The same way the aforementioned children of the nuveau rich couple lashes out and punishes precisely by accusing their parents of being cheap, of failing them materially, economically, financially, of exerting too much control, not giving them enough money, enough freedom, providing them penuiary conditions of life. The vengeance is in accusing them of failing precisely where they succeeded, not only succeeded, but made their life about succeeding at. What they denounce most is what they crave most: control, direction, discipline. Why else would a movement purporting to stand against bondage and poverty produce two ‘solutions’ that involve a greater degree of bondage and enforced poverty, indeed making a virtue of poverty, than anything that has existed before (including formal slavery)? We refer, of course, to communism (including its ‘anarchism’ variants) and fascism (including nazism). And they are right. In giving these conditions of unimaginable wealth, the masters of what we now know as the industrial revolution, but which we could as easily call the banking revolution, destroyed an invaluable inheritance that they were custodians of.

The failing, it must be admitted, is not of the communists that lashed out blindly, they who have no tradition, no intellectual recourse to make sense of their feelings, but of those who were content to make humanity obscenely rich, and renounced their responsibilities as custodians of hundreds of thousands of years of tradition.

To be fair, others were less of a weakling about it and invented rap and shit like that.

thats deep man but im not out here advocating that we eat the rich. i think though that there has to be some social mobility for everyone or else humanity becomes complacent and shit. so when too many people feel like they cant move they’re gonna try and move and if there’s too many of them then it’s a problem.

nature is all about everyone trying to eat. no one starves willingly or for ideological reasons. war is constant at some level and to some degree in some place. you get more thieves and killers with a hungrier population. that’s not me that’s just how shit is. if i were in the 1% i would be keeping a close eye on how many people were hungry and how mad they were about it.