George Floyd II

Sure thing, here is a list of videos of white people committing racial violence against blacks and asians:

I know the examples are long on “both” sides …wait, what???

This represents how badly America-hating shills like smears and Sculptor are with basic facts:




It basically proves what I’ve considered for years now–the liberal-left is the half of the country that 1. hates America, 2. loves criminals, and 3. loves corruption.


lol ben shapiro

isnt it funny how u can never address points but only ad hominid fallacies?

u r a joke 2 philosophy, u must have been expelled from community college philosophy 101

The intention to murder can be ANYTIME before the event.
As soon as GF was removed from the car, Chauvin had made up his mind to kill.
Murder in the 2nd degree might imply that Chauvin only intented harm. That is absurd.

You should note that premeditation doesn’t have to be long-term. In most states, any planning to cause death anytime before the actual killing is enough for the killing to be premeditated.

He knew exactly what he was doing.
Second degree murder cannot be commited over nine minutes of strangulation.
2nd degree murder is just an easier and safer charge, that is legally less able of attracting an appeal. … /homicide/

nah i graduated from a real college. 2 out of 3 don’t. it was hard.

you should do some candace owens videos next she’s super credible too

i think u r jealous of ben shapiro cuz hes more jewish than u r

you really think that?


Ben Shapiro.
It’s easy to be a racist pro-apartheid prick when you are born with a golden spoon up your ass.
But even a complete cunt is not as stupid as the bigfatorangebabyman.

when u liberal lefts arent grifting on racial violence, all u can do is sling ad hominids to distract from the core truth, that u have no reason, rationality, or logic underneath your pedantry

Umm… dude. By the way…

That’s an ad hominem that you just posted.

Marjorie Taylor Greene. Trump’s attack dog believes in Jewish Space Lasers.
What is it about Republicanism that attracks tin-hatters?
Is there anyone in the Democrats like her?

Genuine question!

“What is it about Republicanism that attracks tin-hatters?”

It is the intuitive feeling of guilt in the conservative mind that’s the source of the paranoia. They know something is wrong and unworkable with this system of parasitism (capitalism), but being parasites themselves, they’d not want it to change. The result is the constant fear generated from knowing the left knows they know they (conservatives) are parasites. The conservative then expects for there to be conspiratorial forces working against them, and this is the paranoia they exhibit.

K: nope…now one might say that democrats are wrong, and that is legit,
but we aren’t crazy and we don’t hold to insane conspiracy theories…


What a perfect State-drone you are, swallowing State-media propaganda, and then calling those who doubt your Totaliarian-Communist mindset “insane”.

Do you wish you were a red-blooded American? I bet you do. Trump was right, you should admit it, MSM is the enemy of the people (real Americans).

K: insults and mindless babble…please feel free to define a “red blooded American?”


Like a Commie would ever understand.

Maybe you should return to the country you fled from? North Korea?