Coronavirus Hoax

Before the fall of the Berlin Wall it seemed that the West would be stronger than communism. It seemed so! In reality, communism infiltrated the West more than the West infiltrated communism, so that one could assume that the West was weaker than communism. During the fall of the Berlin Wall it seemed that the West had defeated communism. It seemed so! What really happened could be seen a relatively short time later. Communism was about to defeat the West.

“The history of all society to date is the history of class struggles.” (Marx-Engels Works, Vol. 4, p. 462.)

“In place of the old bourgeois society with its classes and class antagonisms comes an association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.” (Marx-Engels Works, Vol. 4, p. 482.)

I think that is a little too simple. The way I see it -

Constitutional democracy was conquering the West but by using a cloak of faux democracy socialism conquered the constitutionalism (except for the US republic). Communism conquered imperial East through brute force. Because the West’s socialism was merely a shame democracy when China got invited into the game real-communism became the next step - playing out now.

But what does that look like?

Why did, for instance, Kissinger go to the Communist China on a secret mission in July 1971? In October 1971, the Communist China took over the Permanent Seat at the UN from the National China (Taiwan). Most likely, Mao promised Kissinger something in return. And there were more deals.

And no it doesn’t change ur DNA u weirdos. It doesn’t get into the nucleus of the cell to make contact with it. It just give instructions to protein making components that float around in the chloroplast or whatever.

If this was bullshit, everybody but the nuts on bitchute wouldn’t be explaining the same thing. There’d be conflicting reports between them.

I am nothing close to an expert on this topic but it looked to me that it was just a meeting to lay out the strategy for the final goal of globalism (which has apparently been going on since the very beginning thousands of years ago - all through developed secret nation-aginst-nation strategies, cabals, and alliances from atop - the manipulating hand of God - “Man”.

Apparently they arranged negotiations concerning when each party would do what so that the U.N. would become the world council and parliament. China was to play a very significant role due to its large population (to entice the crony capitalists) and its successful military form of communist control. They could not produce wealth but once given the inroads they could do the vampire thing that the Jews and Soviets were so well known for. It established what appears to be an alliance between the Chinese and the Jews. And that is what has been playing out from then til now.

I am still confused as to how the CCP and Israel expect to resolve their ultimate differences, but I’m sure they each have a plan.

But back more precisely to the topic - using diseases has been a part of this scenario since long before the world wars. I think they are only recently in a position to simply invent the necessary diseases to kill off the proper planned portion of the peasants (“gain of function research” and DNA altering viruses and vaccines).

I suspect Mr Trump merely triggered them into using COVID before their original plans. And he certainly blocked it from doing anywhere near the intended damage. 3 million dead only scratches the surface of the “third of the population” design. Obviously (for those observing) they are working on improving their effectiveness soon.

You only learn of the conflicts by looking for them and not by arguing about things you only hear from the propaganda point of view - “drinking the kool-aid”.

History shows us enough examples from the communist communities. In communist communities - examples: Soviet Union and its satellites, China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and other communist "people’s republics - everybody is “explaining the same thing”.

Everywhere the same thing. The same talk, the same fuss, the same acting, the same “explaining” … and so on. Everything the same.

This is communism: sameness (equality) of everything everywhere. No exception.

alrighty then


A lot of people don’t want to get covaxxed, including a lot of healthcare workers.

UTICA, N.Y. (WUTR-TV) — The COVID vaccine was developed much faster than previous vaccines, and despite research, many people don’t trust it just yet. Last month, Pew Research Center put out a survey and 39% of Americans said they would definitely or probably not, get the vaccine. The CDC shared a survey in November and only 63% of healthcare workers said they’d get the vaccine.

As an aside, I think far too many (than possible) people would be required to collaborate in order for a conspiracy of this scale to work, and continue working.

Everyone from the nurse at the hospital down the street to the CNN news anchors would have to be in on it.

I’d entertain that the virus is a real accident and it provided the opportunity to launch operation Bidendome in the western world (by whoever might launch such things).

Here’s the thing. Almost without exception, every theory that opposes the information made available by a general internet search, is published by someone who is a nutt. Like u don’t ever find moderate conspiracy theory anywhere. But my point is, there’s just too many people agreeing on a single theory that if turning out to be a conspiracy, would require an impossible amount of collaboration in order to work.

R y’all pickin up wut I’m puttin down?

I’ll tell you why it always ends up at aliens and secret cults and all that stuff. The natural intuition of the incredible difficulty involved in executing a conspiracy of such a scale, forces the imagination to account for it’s grand organization somehow… and the concept of the deepstate, the sophisticated secret society or otherworldly power, is formed in the mind as the source and cause of the design. And when that hamster gets ta runnin’ real good on that wheel, u start making connections where there are none and the design of the conspiracy continues getting more and more complex.

Only the heads of mainstream media and medicine would have to be in on it.
The virus may exist, and it may even be killing as many people as they say it’s killing, altho I have some doubts about the former and a lot of doubts about the latter.
It may have come from a wet market or been accidentally released from a lab.
All the heads of mainstream media and medicine have to do is exaggerate how many more people will die if we don’t expand the size of government, wear masks and take their vaccines, and the vast majority of people, including doctors, nurses and news anchors, will go along with it because, we have faith in the heads of mainstream media and medicine, in our ‘superiors’.
And whenever someone summons enough courage to question their models, they have a litany of excuses for why things didn’t turn out as dire as they projected.

But, do they even have to exaggerate anything at all?
Let’s say we can save 50 thousand American lives by expanding gov and taking their meds, and let’s say they’re upfront with us about that, they don’t exaggerate it and say we’ll save 500 thousand or 5 million.
Is it worth it?
What about 5 thousand lives?
Who decides what’s worth it?
Do we trust them to be the arbiters of worth in addition to news and medicine?
Yes, I think most of us do, to a large extent.
And so perhaps they could get us to transfer a tremendous amount of wealth and power to them, not because they actually care about those 50 or 5 thousand lives, but solely because they’re greedy, and they can count on us to not count the cost, to ask ourselves, is it worth it?
They emotionally bully us into putting those 50 or 5 thousand lives above all other considerations.
They control the media and hold the purse strings, and with them they have the power to demonize and ruin the lives of anyone who dares challenge their medical or moral authority.
After all, they’re our betters, the successful people in life, who’re we pissants to challenge them on anything?

I think it is important to know what kind of people you are hanging around. One way to easily detect a really really stupid person -
She is jogging down the road alone on a sunny day - - with a mask on her face.

Over 6,000 Scientists Sign ‘Anti-Lockdown’ Petition Saying It’s Causing ‘Irreparable Damage’

[b]More than 6,000 scientists have signed an anti-lockdown petition saying that coronavirus policies are causing “irreparable damage.”

The petition, which is named the Great Barrington Declaration after the town in Massachusetts it was signed in, was written on October 4 and has signatures from at least 2,826 medical and public health scientists, 3,794 medical practitioners and over 60,000 members of the general public.

It was co-authored by Dr. Martin Kulldorff, a professor of medicine at Harvard; Dr. Sunetra Gupta, a professor at Oxford University; and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor at Stanford University Medical School.

“As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection,” the petition says in its opening line. “Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health.”

The petition adds, “Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.”

The petition goes on to talk about the goal of achieving herd immunity, which the authors believe will minimize the risk of infection to all, “including the vulnerable.”

“The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk,” the petition says. “We call this Focused Protection.”

The petition also discusses its approach for vulnerable people, noting that implementing measures to protect this group “should be the central aim of public health responses to COVID-19.”

The petition offers a number of examples of how to protect vulnerable people, such as recommending that nursing homes use staff with acquired immunity and delivering groceries and other essential goods to those who are retired.

“Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal,” the petition says.

It goes on to say that simple hygiene measures, such as handwashing and staying home when sick, can help achieve the goal of herd immunity, while also noting that young adults should work from home and advocating a full reopening of the economy.

“Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume,” the petition states. “People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.”[/b]

And the above is just one petition of many.
Some scientists do indeed reject parts of the prevailing narrative, some even reject it in its entirety.
It’s difficult to ascertain how many scientists reject it.
Arguably the vast majority of scientists who don’t publicly reject it either have faith in their ‘superiors’ or prefer to go along to get along, take the path of least resistance.
In the main, it’s the heads of media, medicine and state who decide where we’re headed as a whole, TPTB only need to get most of them on board, most of the subordinates will follow one way or another, arguably more out of faith, fear and getting paid than a critical concern for the public good, unless, there’s a massive grassroots backlash coming, let’s hope so.

FTMP, the MSM ignores or smears these dissident scientists, we’re discouraged from taking them into account, but why shouldn’t we?
Even if it’s only a minority of scientists, say 5% reject the official narrative, why should we believe in the official narrative 100%, when 5% reject it?
Why not believe in it 95%, and what if those 5% make far more compelling arguments?

But it’s difficult if not next to impossible to determine how many scientists who’ve thought about the narrative critically came to reject it, perhaps it’s over 50%.
We could compare petitions both against and for and polls to get a sense of where the scientific community as whole is at.

The further a scientist rises in rank, the more money is involved, and the more money is involved, the more potential for corruption.
We oughta take the whole of the scientific community into consideration and not just the ones who rose to the top appointed by big businessmen and bureaucrats, many of whom are corrupt.

Man is a faithful animal
As faith in the Gods tends to decline, most people will just end up having an equal amount of faith in something else.
In the 20th century, there were the competing faiths of conservatism, liberalism, fascism and Marxism.
Now I’m not saying conservatism and liberalism are all bad, but at the very least they require a certain amount of public vigilance to purge them of corruption, and public vigilance is often in short supply.
I believe the ‘philanthropists’ or social engineers rather are constructing a new faith for us out of bits and pieces of this and that, scientism on the one hand, and utopian socialism (a pre-Marxian form of socialism) and wokeness on the other.
This faith partly explains the behavior you describe above.
These people are drunk on the feeling of being loved and looked after by what they want to believe are incorruptible, infallible authority figures, be they medical or political.
They want to believe their masks, vaxxes and so on are 100% safe and affective.
They want to believe they’re part of something larger than themselves, that ‘we’re all in this together’.
It’s a status symbol, they’re saying to others; ‘I’m a believer, and I’m doing my part’.

It is also about fear, anxiety, angst, or more precisely: about the “business” with fear, anxiety, angst - in short: terror!

What happens when you are in such a situation (and without God, because more and more people of the Western World have become godless)? I think you have then two options:

1.) You face the fear, endure it or even fight it.
2.) You run away from the fear.
Since most people of the Western World have become particularly spoiled sissies, they choose to flee from fear (=> 2.). Any disturbance, no matter how tiny, should be over as quickly as possible:

“Corona pandemic? When will it end? What do I have to do for it to end? Wear a protective mouth-nose mask? Get vaccinated? Then it is over? Good, give me the stuff right this second!”